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Last comment boomer since you mentioned bat, or speed. When I watched biela has great bat speed, very good foot speed, a cannon for an arm, can read a ball in the of for first step quickness, great baseball instincts both in the field and on the bases, and is very coachable. McMurray has great batspeed, great footspeed, good arm, very good baserunning, great instinct all the way around and maybe the toughest player I ever coached against. Biela is not small and is very strong, McMurray is kind of small but is very strong and very tough. I'll mentin the small part to Ekstein next time I see him. But yes I do understand what you are saying, but then don't make these games out to be that big of a deal.
I was using Eckstein in reference to the too small comment in regards to McMurray, as I think the decision we were talking about was political more than size. As far as Eckstein I see what you mean about his "worst fielder" comment as his fielding percentage is 987 whiles cedeno's is 959 and Uribe's is 980 not including the one uribe threw away tonight thst made contreras pitch to 3 or 4 more batters and gave Kc a run. I realize that Ecksteins arm is not the best but the play that comes to mind is when he was starting at ss lat year in the all star game and the first ply was a backhand in the whole that realizing his arm strength threw a one hopper to the 1b right on the part of the infield grass that you would teach them to throw it if they had questionable arm strength, not that I pay attention to details like that. Sorry I didn't see the play against the cubs as it was a beautiful sunday and I was out working with a few kids on their game. Once again I don't care about Eckstein however I do care about the players that I feel were judged incorrectly at the area code games. Sorry been I won't bother to look up all the ss in the major leagues as this isn't that important to me.
Great job DGS. As a high school baseball
website, those who follow the teams should be
keeping a close eye on this squad. The juniors lost two games in two years, a sectional win last year in regular season and now a final four in the summer tournament. Wonderlich (sp)
is one of the best in the state and Riegler
is emerging as one of the best catcher around.
Pitching.....check the teams season and tournaments ERA. One could make an argument that the game against LT could have been approached a little differently. "Fridays senior starter" pretty fresh and ready to go. Parents were confused..what do we know. Kinda surprised that the play of DGS was not mentioned on the site. That is said, in no way taking nothing away from LT win and eventual championship.

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