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As I have been reading this, I thought I would ask the question. Why would any of these players be in mid season shape? I understand if you have had an injury or play another sport. I just thought the travel guys would be in shape ready to go at this point in time. HS tryouts are a couple of weeks away, most travel programs I thought have off season workouts and I assume most players at this level are working with their own coaches one on one a few times a week along with your own throwing programs combining long and short pens and long toss so I would think the arms would look great. Timing might be an issue for hitters but I thought they just hit off coaches, so it's not like someone is trying to throw your timing off. As far as the testing and looking at body types I guess you could just send them vertical, 60 time, shuttle ht and wt and leave it at that. Am I reading that the travel programs are not doing as much as I hear about at this level? I always felt that the winter was for development so by Feb I would think they are ready to go. Am I missing something here as somteime I am a little slow on the uptake. Thanks

You are making some great points, IMO. I agree with you 100% that it is both wrong and maybe ignorant for someone to ask a player to max out so he can "show him something" at this point of the year. I must also add that the person in charge of running this show should have told all the players in advance that the number one priority is for no one to hurt themselves and to only do what they're feeling comfortable with. I was not there, so I don't want to imply that the players weren't told this in advance.

2bagger, I also agree with your post. We aren't very far off from HS tryouts and, speaking only for those players that I know, they have been working out all offseason (except for the wrestlers and basketball players) and they seemed to be in terrific baseball shape.
Last edited by itsrosy
Amazing the amount of people that come out to defend their precious program when it gets called into question. I'm glad others, even some who have been banned from this site, can plainly see this. Issues I brought up were common sense things even my kid in high school could understand.
You know, he had a tryout with two very fine programs a year ago, one of them is the one in question, he made a very good educated decision. He took pro baseball experience and what those coaches could offer. Sorry your guys program doesn't offer that. Those are just the facts, sorry if it rubs you the wrong way, that isn't my problem. That is the reason my son didn't get an invite to your guys showcase this or last year. No complaining. Again, just the facts. But what do I know? I'm from Wisconsin, I've been ODing on cow manure for too long.

You obviously know who I am, if you want to discuss this or anything else let me know I never have or never will hide behind a screen name. Some of you have no integrity and are not believable whatsoever.

Bring on the spin Doctors!

Does your son's absence from any of the 1,000s of lists of the hundreds of companies/universities conducting "showcases" have any real affect on them receiving a college scholarship?

Did the absence from any of these lists influence playing time in HS or their ability to make all of the various post season awards?

Are these the last showcases for this year and so, you're out of luck if your son didn't go to one of these?

Are these showcases and others more prominent or equal to only held in Illinois?

Are these promoters of said showcases holding a gun up to these parents and/or making any threats to force them to pay any amount of money while also guaranteeing these players college scholorships and or professional contracts?

Last edited by CoachB25
I'm asking that we not refer to and/or make this a discussion on any group of people or individuals "banned from this site." Rather, let's attempt to create a dialoge that all will benefit from. Please help in doing so.

Seedthrower and others all make some valid points for both stances. However, I think we give these people a lot more credit for lists and showcases than deserved. I just posted in another thread that, as parents, we need to focus on what we can control. If we do that, our kids will be happy in the long run.
Seedthrower, Obviously you have an axe to grind and a lot of anger towards a particular organization, thats you right of free speech. I just asked an honest question. You stated a year ago your son was being recruited by EVERY major University. I have not seen a post. Sorry if I missed it, age will do that to you. Where did he finally commit to? Just curious...
HH, I can pm you if you want, it really isn't pertinant to this thread. But we are very excited on HIS choice and the opportunity that he will be given as a freshman, if that is the way he in fact goes. Because of his performance in Jupiter in the fall against a nationally respected program (East Cobb) and the way he came out prepared Sunday and performed, things have gotten real interesting.

Don't take it personally that I didn't answer your question on here. I posed some questions to PBR the other day that went without a response either. I surely won't be the one to stick my nose in the air and think I'm too good to answer someone's questions. I'll answer your question in a pm if that is what you would like. So just pm me. BTW, no axe to grind here and definitely no anger, this is baseball for crying out loud. It gets tiresome when people and their cronies try to snow people on something that just isn't true. (Super 60) Maybe that name is refering to a new highway going through Lake Forrest or something? Come to think of it, this thread has become tiresome.
Originally posted by SeedThrower:
(Super 60) Maybe that name is refering to a new highway going through Lake Forrest or something?


Personally speaking, when I see any title of any event I have to view it in terms of a sales pitch. Kinda like watching wrestling. Thus, I don't have any problem with people calling any of these whatever. Again, the parents decide what is best for their kids. Forgive me if I don't expect some of these events to have a similar analogy to that picture of a (substitute any fast food item) on the drive through menu and the reality of what that sandwhich looks like when I get home. Then again, sometimes I get more than I paid for!!!

I'm sure that those that have run these events have the best of intentions and have stated so here.
SeedThrower, That was a good one on Super 60. Do not understand your hang up on this. Your organization Cangelosi/Orioles runs a Elite 90 Fall ball league. No TT players on the rosters,there are probably no players from TT worthy of the Top 90 ranking. Hard to beleive seeing as the Orioles have never beaten TT. But what a money maker for your organization. $875 per player for Fall ball. $875 x 90 = $78,000? Nice.. Good for them.. For a Fall Ball league? I will quit my boring job right now for that kind of scratch. Your complaining about $35 for per for Super 60. I could attend 25 Super 60's for that, if my math is correct. My son played for TT in the past, not trying to hide anything. Nothing but the most positive experience, always attracts top talent, can't be all that bad? Never heard any complaints from other parents. As a matter of fact some of your ex players left you to go to TT, they were very happy with the move. Seems like you try to build your self esteem by tearing down other organizations. Very surprised your son picked that University, must be disappointing to you. Oh well best of luck to you.
Last edited by itsrosy
OK HH, you have baited me one more time. I understand that you don't understand what my hangup is because you obviously can't read simple words and most assuredly can't read between the lines. I never insinuated that anyone from around here was sticking it to kids and parents for $500. As a matter of fact, I believe I gave kudos to PBR for doing a showcase for little to no cost. Heck, I agree that $35 is a great deal! I'm sure most that have been on the showcase circuit know who I am talking about. So please learn how to read and comprehend before coming on here and slamming me for something you don't understand or go find your glasses. Is there anyone else here that thinks I was slamming PBR for over charging at a showcase? I thought it was put into simple terms that a third grader just learning to read could understand. But I'm from Wisconsin, remember?

And as far as my son's decision on what college he wanted to go to, again, I put it into simple words for specifically you to understand "we are very excited" No disappointment whatsoever with the opportunity he is getting from SIU.

I believe that you would quit your job for $78,000. Because with your reading and comprehension level you probably currently have a job at Burger King. With all due respect to people who work at Burger King.
Any other questions that you need spelled out for you? ABC, 123. CAT, 2+2=4

Don't worry Coach, HH doesn't understand the opportunity my son is getting at SIU.
Fellows, it is that time of the year and it seems to happen every year, where the good people on this site tend to take a bite out of each other. What we all need is some warmer weather and some good old baseball games to attend. It will happen, but not near quick enough!

Seed best of luck to your son at SIU. Coach Callahan is a good man.
SeedThrower, you make some very good points. (You have a PM)

Last edited by itsrosy
Originally posted by Corky9999:
Seed best of luck to your son at SIU. Coach Callahan is a good man.

Boy do I second that. Callahan is a 100% straight up guy, great character. I wouldn't hesitate for a second to put my son in his hands.

His new pitching coach, Tim Dixon sure brings a nice resume to the table too.
Let me go on the record right now as stating that if I had a son, I'd like for him to play for Coach Callahan. If fact, I've told Coach Callahan that one of my goals is to get some of my players down there in his program. I believe him to be a great baseball person and someone that I can talk to without having to worry about bs. Also, the RPI rating for that conference is Pretty Darn Good!
Last edited by CoachB25
Didn't realize that company was banned from this website. I won't mention that site in any further posts. I have agreed and disagreed with that specific company on many things they have said. Tuzi, the only ego I have is my own. Feel free to PM me and tell me who you are? Atleast this discussion didn't end up with a disagreement on politics. I don't know SeedThrower but I thought he was attacked harshly when given his opinion in this thread. I think Corky said it best, the snow needs to go away and spring needs to get here soon.
Holy Moly,

Take one vacation a year and you miss all the fun!!

Coach B , hit it on the head about Cal, he demands his kids to be productive people. He Coached in the Cape when he was first starting out with one of my former coaches.

All this is ****... Every last bit of it.

I am not going to get into a ****ing contest here and I easily could tell some truths. What I will say is I look forward to Pratice this Sunday with my guys and I can't wait untill Summer and Fall. I envy the HS and College coaches who get rid of the itch early..
I just wanted to say thanks to all that wished my son well on his choice of going to SIU. It is very much appreciated and we are humbled by that. You are all right, Coach Cal is a great person, which to me will be very important in my son's development. Coach Dixon is a great guy too and very excited to work with Nick.

I also would like to apologize to a certain organization that I referred to as charging too much for their showcases. They have to do what they have to do because they are a business with many employees and bills to pay. They are a top notch organization that really do want to see kids succeed and do a nice job at their showcases and even better at their tournaments.

Tuzi, I just wanted to set the record straight in regards to the AFLAC. Nick and Flanagan were both invited to AFLAC Perfect Game showcase. Not actually AFLACers, but 2nd teamers so to speak. Still a great experience for both of them and really good talent participated in the event.

Finally, I really do hope that everyone can just get along for the kids sake and we can set good examples for them. Coaches should take the lead on this and if a coach acts the fool out on the diamond you can be rest assured the kids will follow. Same goes with the coach that keeps his cool and shows restraint. Coaches that act like idiots and don't respect the game, umpires or the opponent have no business coaching and should be weeded out, just like a kid who doesn't perform is weeded out. I still do believe that if you truly took the top 100 players from the area and brought them together for one showcase you might see a representative from EVERY major league team show up for an event like that. And not just associate scouts, you might draw in some crosscheckers and maybe even some actual decision makers. But it is up to the adults to take the lead on this. I agree with some saying that this might be a little early in the year for a showcase of this magnitude, but it obviously would have to be put on in February. The kids invited to this proposed event would be actual prospects and SHOULD be in baseball shape anyway. I mean this is what these kids do, this is what they will be going to college or be drafted for, because they are baseball players not just kids who play baseball. I mean these kids are battling others from Florida, Texas and California for those coveted draft spots or scholarships. If you don't believe that, you are only kidding yourself. Again, thanks to PCA and PBR for keeping the costs of the showcases to a minimum, it is very much appreciated from the parents. We'll all be spending that money this summer. If the adults can't get together and put on a showcase like I have proposed, watch out! There is someone out there who just might try to do exactly what I proposed and none of us want to see that.
Just a question. If you know who the top 100 players are in Illinois, why do you need a showcase? They have already been evaluated and are in the top 100.
The bottom line is ALL lists by nature are controversial. There will be disagreement because lists like this are subjective in nature. There are always a few "can't miss" talents that stand out, but most don't fit in that category. That is why they need exposure and showcases. Bottom line, if you know for sure who the top guys are, the job is over.

The evaluations are made by the pro scouts, and although scouts will continue to see their players of interest throughout the spring, this type of event helps them prioritize, or even reveal new players who weren't on their must-see list.

For example, I'm sure 6-4, 210 RHP Kyle Ayers from Oswego will have some more scouts at his games this spring after he was sitting 89-90.

Most of the guys at the event were already known prospects. However, I'm pretty sure that most of the players will not have another opportunity to perform in front of 20-plus pro scouts and supervisors on one day (except if they're Bowden-like).

Other pitchers who looked very good include, but are not limited to, Cody Scarpetta, Nick Chmielewski, Austin Wright, Edwardsville's Dominic Patterozzi, Tyler Newsome, Jack Edwards, Chris Chojnowski, junior Kyle Hunter, Paul Duncan, Brian Stroud - to name a few (many others looked good as well).

Butch Biela showed off his arm strength (90 from OF); Elliot Soto (SS), Cam McConnell (C) were also very impressive. Junior position guys who really shined were OF Luis Diaz and OF Nick Martini.

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