This past 2009 baseball season we lost one of our senior players, our catcher, in a horrible one-car accident. He was my son's best friend, but he had MANY close friends. We had three games left in the season, and we had to play them. The grief was overwhelming.
Calls, emails and text messages began to flood in from other teams around the district offering their condolences. My son and his friend had already committed to play college football. The coach of that team attended the visitation and left a team cap with the flowers. The last two baseball teams we played actually had our catcher's number on the back of their helmets. It took my breath away when I saw that and realized what it was. All of these acts of kindness were very comforting to us all.
Now baseball season is here again. It's amazing how the smell of the grass and dirt and hearing the crack of the bat brings back memories. Memories that are now bittersweet. I know a lot of you have lost athletes. My heart goes out to you with a new understanding now. You coaches - you become parents to these kids. Loosing one has to be devastating, but you have to go on because you have the rest of the boys on the team depending on you.
My question is this:
What should we do to support a team who has lost an athlete? What is proper, but meaningful, etiquette during this time? And what advice do you have to those players who must go on?
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