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From the Dallas Morning News

Houston St. Pius X 4, Bishop Lynch 2:
Houston St. Pius X scratched out four runs on seven hits to edge out Bishop Lynch.

John Gebhard scored one run and drove in another for Bishop Lynch (28-6).

"The St. Pius pitchers did their job," Bishop Lynch coach Paul Ahearne said. "Our guys unfortunately were on the other end of it."

Bishop Lynch 2 7 2
Hou. St. Pius X 4 7 1

Individual Pitching / Hitting
3B--BL: Preston Beck 1.
2B--BL: John Twichell 1. STP: Dustin DeJohn 1.
WP-- Stevens
LP--Preston Beck

Congrats to St. Pius those guys were ready to play. They scored a big upset and got hot at the right time. Pitchers threw strikes and made things happen at the plate. They manufactured runs and took advantage of the Friars mistakes.

Friars left 10 runners on base and walked 5 players. Also had 2 balks. The Friars were OUT COACHED and made some uncharacteristic mistakes in the field.

Congrats to Martin, Beck, Gebhard, and Twitchell for making the all- tourney team. These four players as well as Hauser will continue their careers at the next level.
You have to do the small things to win. Coach has to know nothing was gonna be hit out of that ballpark with both the 3 and 4 guys on base and the wind blowing hard in from left. Moving runners into scoring position is baseball 101 you have to avoid the double play. The whole park knew a bunt was coming even the first and third basemen were in front of the cut of the grass waiting for the bunt.

You have to give your team the best chance to win and know all the current situations. So what if they hit a lot of homers all season long that is the past. On that day they weren't and were struggling just to put the ball in play. You coach game by game, situation by situation. That is why the coach is their. Sure leaving runners on isn't his fault, but not trying something new is.

Baseball is a game of percentages and with runners on second and third and one out your chances are much better of scoring. I just feel bad for the kids, they were not given the best chance to at least try to tie or win. Sure they might have not scored but they would have had a better chance.

All that said: St. Pius played a great game and did the small things to win. They got hot and beat two good teams. Their pitchers came up big in tough situations.

I'm just glad that the Lynch had an opportunity to be in the post-season and play in the final.
The players represented their school all season long with class and respect in the classroom as well as on the field. Their were no off the field issues or suspensions. The Seniors will be missed, they did a lot for Lynch's program and made this year a fun one.

I can't help myself I must respond to your posts. I was a high school coach, and this is a perfect example of why I left the profession. I don't know Mr. Ahearne but I can definately relate. I can only assume you are a parent of one of the players at BL, and that you haven't expressed your distain for the coaching, anywhere, but under absolute anonymity. This is classic, from your posts I gather that BL played in the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP game, and that their record was 28-6. Hmm, yep, sounds to me like this coach must go. He obviously doesn't know the game, how in the world did he get the job? Absolutely, the "book of coaching" says to bunt there, but if the kid hits a 3 run home run, all of a sudden this thread is about how brilliant this guy is. It's ok to live vicariously sometimes, if your child is the athlete you never were, but come on man don't post stuff like this about coaches that (and I'm assuming here)you don't have enough of "Deez" to voice in person!! Glad I got out!!
Last edited by RealityBites
Glad to see you would have bunted as well. I never said the guy should be fired. All I said was the coach for St. Pius made better decisions to allow his team to win on that day. I was just explaining the situation for those who were not able to attend the game in Belton.

Lynch had a ton of talent and a great senior class. I wish all of them the best of luck. I hope next years team makes it to state and can follow what a great group did for BL this year.

Congrats to St. Pius again for winning they did a great job. The game is over and done with can't wait for next year. Glad everyone has a moved on to bigger and better things. I all for living the American Dream especially in this economy. Now I'm off to the doctor to see how I can enhance my DEEZ and maybe hit up MANNY to see how I can become a better ballplayer.
Congrats to ALC, Coach Isom and his guys. Great job.

And congrats to BL, too. I know it's disappointing to lose in the finals, but winning and losing is a team effort. The coach is the driver of the vehicle, so he always deserves some credit and some blame, but to have sour grapes against Coach Ahearne after the season he helped put together at BL is, in my opinion, misguided and unfortunate for the person/people with the sour grapes.

The folks whining about BL's coach are demonstrating a COMPLETE LACK OF CLASS. You've probably never had to put it on the line and have always second guessed things from way back in the middle of the crowd.

I wasn't at the game but I know that Paul Ahearne has been around the game his entire life so bunting in that situation is not a new idea to him. I don't know who was up or what that batter did their prior ABs but I'll bet that Coach Ahearne did.

Also, considering that 2/3 of BL's starting line-up batted over .400 for the entire season ---- I'd say that alters normal averages.

I know this for a fact --- Coach Ahearne cares about all of his players and puts in a tremendous amount of effort to make them better baseball players. One game or one call doesn't diminish that one bit. There aren't many coaches who put in the effort he does. You can't get much better and you sure as heck could get a lot worse.

All that said, I'm sure it won't stop the "We won" but "You lost" types of responses out there ---- probably from people who've never risked more than putting money in a vending machine.
Originally posted by dadofones:
Congrats to coach Johnny Isom and Argyle Liberty Christian. TAPPS 4A State Champs. An extremely well coached team, and Coach Isom is one of the classiest guys you'll ever meet.

Johnny Isom? Texas Weslyan?

Wow, now there is a blast from the past.

If it's the same Johnny Isom I knew, he was one of the most talented ballplayers I saw through college.

Although, I did take him deep. Wink
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
Originally posted by SWAC:
Don't believe in giving up outs to advance a runner.


There are 30+ Big League managers and thousands of professional and college guys that would disagree with you.

Stick to GMing Steinbrother.

C'mon now, the season hasn't even started and the coach and 'front office' are in disagreement. Love it KG, and can't wait to see you sac bunt with SWAC in the dugout!

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