I (I mean we) often stress the importance of the team player. I (I mean we) talk of the unselfish player that becomes an integral part of a well oiled machine that works in unison for a common cause. The victory.
What makes a team player? Is it a personality trait? Is it a learned thing? I see players exchanging high fives and congratulatory gestures and sense a sincere bond between players. Baseball needs it and I like to watch it!
But. . . . . I know I am not a team player and I don’t know why. I’m not a selfish person but I have always enjoyed the one on one format much more than the team concept for competition. As I look back over my life I realize I was not a team player. I have played the game of nine ball from the time the pool hall opened until it closed. I was undefeated as an amateur boxer. I used to race motocross and autocross. I can hunt and fish every day of the week. It’s me against whatever . . . . . Again, is this just a personal preference, greed, self-centeredness or what? What are your thoughts?
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