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Just want to say THANK YOU to all for the HSBB website. I've been a "guest" since 2002 when I discovered the site by searching the web. The first thing I did was to Print the Recruiting Timeline, twice, one for me and one for son. This site has been a blessing to our family, full of great information, experiences and humor. Through the years we have read every article posted, many of them several times. This site has been invaluable to us in the recruiting process. To be able to come and glean pertinent information through the high school years, to learn about reasonable expectations, reinforce the importance of academics, how to market player, exposure, recruiting process both college and professional, realistic scholarships, finding the right "fit", sharing joy in others success has all been a tremendous help. We have used the advice offered in the timeline, articles and postings on the message board and want to come forward and say THANK YOU! Our little boy with big league dreams is a 6'4" senior RHP who will be signing a NLI with a D1 school in a couple of weeks. I don't know where else we could have turned to for such candid, valuable information and help. Thank you for sharing.

This is my first time ever posting anything in a public format. I felt it was about time for me to stop being a "guest" after so many years of reading everyones posts and give credit where credit it due. I wonder if there is anyone else out there like me who has been a "guest/ghost" for a long time? It's almost Halloween, maybe other ghosts will get up the nerve to join in and post?
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Tiger Paw Mom,

You have a PM, really just saying a personal thank you. I'm still feeling a little shy in public.

Yes, I've noticed that recruiting is a "hot" topic. It certainly is for our family and this site definitely helped us with not feeling too overwhelmed. Often this site was the only place to turn to with questions and to gain insite into the process.

Thank you EH,

I'm not so sure about having more knowledge, just ask any of my three teenage sons! They certainly have a way of keeping one grounded. (wait shouldn't that be the other way around)
However, I do hope to continue to learn from others experiences and am greatful to all who have shared.
That's so cool! Cool And so well put.

We have all said this before but at some point it becomes our duty to help the next group.

You are obviously a parent with excellent perspective, that and your obvious communications skills, will make you a huge asset to all as you begin to post, share your families experiences, and help the "next generation" thought high school and the recruting process.

But not too much celebration now. Welcome aboard, You're soon to be with those of us figuring out the college game. So much more to learn so little time....

Cool 44
These posts are always my favorite….

Please don’t be shy or a stranger, post your ideas and comments to next generation of NLI signers. Bullwinkle just yesterday was talking to a Dad of an 11 year old who had just made the jump from little league to travel ball. It was easy too see the enthusiasm in his eyes……I talked to him about HS Baseball web, Perfect Game, Team One and in our area Baseball Resource. I reminded him to enjoy the game and the thrill of watching his son achieve his dreams…one step at a time…..

SL: Congratulations to your big RHP on his next step. Please enjoy his senior year in High School, next year is a big change …for him and for you…..treasure each day you have left.

To one and all…..give back to the next generation of ball players and their parents, each of us were at one point a deer moose in the headlight and overwhelmed, let them ask the questions, then answer them with respect and dignity.

If you can’t, then just make them chuckle.
Last edited by Bullwinkle
Welcome Still Learning! Smile Great post and terrific that you have decided to join the members and "pay it forward" by sharing your experiences with the next generation of recruits!
each of us were at one point a deer in the headlight
Bullwinkle ... shouldn't that be Moose in the headlight!

Just a reminder ... Be kind to our new members when they first post on the message board! Smile
Last edited by RHP05Parent
Still Learning,

Welcome, and what a great first post! I love your idea about other "guests/ghosts" coming out for Halloween!

Since you have been a faithful reader, you probably have noticed another tradition around here: Parents whose sons have made it through the HS years, sticking around to share their college experiences. Hope you will do that too!
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Originally posted by MN-Mom:
Still Learning,

Welcome, and what a great first post! I love your idea about other "guests/ghosts" coming out for Halloween!

Since you have been a faithful reader, you probably have noticed another tradition around here: Parents whose sons have made it through the HS years, sticking around to share their college experiences. Hope you will do that too!
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin


And we have some parents sticking around to share PRO experiences!
I have learned a lot from them! Big Grin
Last edited by TPM
TPM: Moose hunting is a criminal activity if you ask me…Use your remote and try something new.

Mrs. Bullwinkle having watched “Dancing with the Stars” has forced the Bull into dancing lessons during the off-season…Bullwinkle can tango, foxtrot and quickstep with wild abandon! While the Cha-cha is my favorite, Mrs. Bullwinkle favors the rumba……Maybe you can get Mr. TigerPawMom into lessons; maybe we can start “Dancing with the Off Season HS Websters””.

While a great idea, I have a feeling that TR would win the disco dance-off. TR can bump like it’s nobody’s business!
Last edited by Bullwinkle

Penne ala Vodka - with Moose (instead of chorizo sausage)

3 tablespoons of butter
1/2 onion minced
Cook about 5 minutes - medium heat

Then add a couple cloves of garlic - (shaved with a razor blade very very thin.)

Cook until it colors and garlic melts.

Add one 28 ounce can of peeled plum tomatoes (liquefied in food processor) - 1/2 cup vodka - and 1/2 cup of red pepper flakes

Simmer 10 minutes

Then stir in heavy cream. (3/4 cup)

Heat through - a few minutes then add 1 tablespoon fresh basil - and salt and black pepper to taste.

Meanwhile - prepare penne.

Finally - add one whole moose to sauce.

Simmer 5 minutes.

Mix penne in sauce.


Last edited by itsinthegame


"Mozzerella Moosalino"

Get some good Mozzerella.
Thinly slice some tomato - and a moose.


Mix - 1/4 cup olive oil - 3 tablespoons spicy dijon mustard. Let it sit for about 5 minutes - then add balsamic vinegar - about 3-5 tablespoons to oil and mustard and mix until completely blended.

Put tomato slice - then moose slice - over mozzerella slice.

Pour dressing over mozzerella, tomato and moose.


Last edited by itsinthegame
Adult beverages and moose meat

Go together like the World Series and the Mets….only on rare occasions, and only when stars align in perfect harmony….

(Breaking into song)
ebony and irovy
living together in harmony
Side by side on my piano keyboard
Oh Lord, why don't we ?

Its….I’ll take it straight up, shaken not stirred, with one olive…and a side of TR son’s Shea Stadium Grass clippings.

Bullwinkle is hungry…..see you all tomorrow.
Last edited by Bullwinkle
Mrs. Bullwinkle having watched “Dancing with the Stars” has forced the Bull into dancing lessons during the off-season

Kevin Costner's, Making a new Sequol.

Called " Dance's with Moose's ".

It start's out with Costner Going to Battle with a dog sled.
And end's up, were he's living with an Inuit Family On the Tundra.
And Then he Befriend's a Young Bull Moose.
Everything's fine, Till one hard winter.
The Inuit Running out of supply's and seal Blubber.
Looked at the Young Bull Moose's, With evil intent in there heart.
There began an epic Journey of Adventure and Survival.
Were Costner and the Young Bull Moose's
Faced with Unsurmountable pain and heartache.
To find a place were a Man and a Moose's could live in Harmony.
If not on my Piano than were??
I think the moose went into hiding? Either that or he had to go to dance lessons since the game was rained out last night!

Didn't he used to be on TV in the show called "Nothern Exposure" that was filmed in Alaska? My kids called it the "Moose" show and would walk around the house with their thumbs against their heads like antlers and say MOOOOOOOOSE at the start of the show when it showed the moose walking around town. Of course that was his favorite part of the show since he was only 2 years old!
Last edited by Still Learning
I've never been gun-shy about posting; a few years back, I mentioned to a lady lawyer friend, "I see you're expecting". She wasn't. Ever since then, I've known I could never stick my foot in my mouth any worse than that, so what the heck...

Congratulations to your family! Warning: it feels weird when it's done, but as you can tell, you just transition into a whole other set of questions about college ball.

Last edited by hokieone
Still Learning:

Thanks for taking the plunge into our public pool known as the're out of the dressing room and onto the pool deck...dabbling your toe in the's fine...jump on in!

I'm with Bullwinkle wading in the junior pool learning some ungulate tendencies. It's amazing how many towels and pool toys can be hung on his enormous rack of antlers...looks like a beachside vendor's pushcart!

It may be open season on moose...but not pushcarts! Hear that its?
Got Wood - Thanks for the welcome. Seems like while you were here, I was responding to your comments at "Introduction" at the same time.

So far the water seems fine. I just don't want to wind up in the deep end, way over my head and moose paddling trying to get a grip on the edge of the pool.

This party something else has been fun, thanks for showing up. You never now how these things will turn out when you send the invitations!
Last edited by Still Learning
Originally posted by Bordeaux:
Congratulations and welcome!! Am I the only one thinking, "I wonder if he is coming to pitch for OUR team?"

Yeah, me too! OUR team.

StillLearning - I hadn't really looked at this thread before this morning...but CONGRATULATIONS! Given your now very experienced background we expect to see your wisdom around he a lot from here on out.

Let us know where he signed when you're ready.
Last edited by justbaseball
Originally posted by Still Learning:
I'm kinda fond of Chocolate Moose personally!

Apparently StillLearning learns VERY quickly! And as far as your "swimming in the deep end" me, you'll know when you're in over your head. Luckily there are many kind and generous forumers willing help you back to safety.

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