In last Sunday's Boston Globe there was an article on severe school budget cuts for sports and activities (plays, yearbook, etc.). Some schools have cut the budget all together. It's on the booster clubs and parents to fund high school sports. At one high school it was $650 to play baseball and almost $1,000 for football. Another school charges $350 per sport.
A high school baseball season is usually twenty-something games. An average travel baseball team can play twenty games in five tournaments. With fourteen players on a team with a $500 (per tournament) registration fee, a kid can play five tournaments/twenty games for about $175 plus the cost of an inexpensive uniform and some miscellanous fees (insurance, etc.). Parents will have to start making choices. If I had to choose between school and travel for financial reasons I'd rather my son have something to do in the summer. He would play travel. However, it would be a great loss to not represent the high school.
Here's another aspect represented as a threat by these budget cuts. How many parents are going to put up the fee for their kid to sit on the bench? How many kids won't try a sport due to the costs? How many kids will have to choose one sport?
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