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I was going to start a thread about this, but wasn't sure where to put it since the Showcase Forum is nationwide. It just seems that there are a million showcases and showcase teams out there and you can spend a fortune with little or no results if you are not careful.

But I think it would be good to have some input on this subject.

It would be good to break it down geographically. North east, Mid Atlantic, Florida, etc.

Maybe some input from some people on how to organize.

I would start with the following criteria:
1- If you run a showcase please do not sell your program here. I think you should just observe,

2-When identfying a camp list some of the pro's and cons (low cost pro only D-3 schools etc...)

3-How much exposure number and quality of schools.

4-Did the showcase help your son make contact with his college?

5-Who should attend certain showcases? A high D-1 prospect vs. a low D-3 prospect.

6-Showcase vs. "Joe former MLB player" camp

I look forward to everyones opinions.

Obviously Perfect game has a number of fans here, it be nice to see which of their showcases get the better feedback.

The same goes for TeamOne.

Its the local regionals ones that to me are truly interesting are they worth the $ or a waste
Batnballs: My son is in the 11th as well and this is his first showcase tournie with PG. I found an underclass one in CA (where I live) in january for him to go to.
Keep posting, it really does work, I was able to get someone that works for PG to contact me with an invite and phone # so he could answer my questions on the showcase scene. Good luck to you and your son!
Question on the PG State Showcases. I understand that these are to get your son on the radar and hope for a invite Showcase down the road. The question I have is do any colleges go to these? Or are these just for PG to evaluate your son. My son is very interested in going to one in Dec. But it will be a six hour drive and am wondering is it worth the expense?

Also I have never see anyone mention the Southern Maryland camps. We know of alot of kids that have found schools after attending these. It is local to us and we will be doing this one in January. They always have tons of schools that show up to these. Anyone else attended these and had success?
After viewing those preview clips from PG Staff and Scouting Directors in, would lean toward PG showcases even though many others are excellent as well. If the board will allow me, I would like to splain why in all sincerity.

Some would say it really doesn't matter as long as player is put in front of the right people.
As Jerry Ford states in new movie, "the rest is up to the player". That sums it up no matter what showcase the player is displaying talent and skills. Just seems like PG events have really gained much attention in baseball scouting arenas since inception and PG has honest people that come across as sincere and give it to ya straight without sugar-coating. I feel this is the "only" way to establish trust and respect from MLB baseball professionals. It is obvious that is the case with relationship PG and MLB has developed through many hours of unselfish dedication by all involved. When viewing the clips on preview section of PG release, ShowcaseTheMovie, it is more than apparent that those individuals love baseball and are not in it for the money but more to keep baseball alive through these storms of late.

I think we should all do what those thousands of people did in that Kevin Costner movie when driving to that game, not knowing why, can't splain it, but just go up and buy tickets for the game. PG could be one of the last great chances baseball has to overcome recent bad publicity and we need to contribute and keep this great team of baseball people going to bat for every other baseball person who depends on the dreams and participation to just wake up every day and have something to look forward to and a reason to live. This might sound extreme but I know many of you will agree to some extent if not totally because profit margins of great organizations like this are much tighter than one may think and nobody is getting material rich in this business, just trying to keep it going by helping others.

Been wanting to get on with PG and Jerry ever since hearing about it and investigating exactly what it is that they do. Believe in PG so much and know could never get rich if hired but would be doing what I love and helping others with their future and lives at the same time. David Rawnsley, if you read this, still interested to this day and live in ideal location, central Florida.

Furthermore, probably the main reason I believe in PG is because I realize what a difference it could have made in my own career by attending just one of Mr. Ford's PG Showcases in front of so many "powers that be" at one time.


PG-Kinda ironic isn't it??? Iowa-Cornfield
Field of Dreams-Build it and they will come.
Last edited by Shepster
The Proof has been at the games so far this spring in the difference PG makes chat

Been to several games with PG players this week who participated in showcase events and Shep is here to testify to the fact, I have never seen so many MLB scouts in one place at one time in my life of 43 years even though games I've attended were all high profile players.

Looked like a large herd of cattle of MLB scouts all spread out all over the place around bullpen watching TOP RHP warm-up before game. Even more impressive was the multitude of MLB scouts that no man could count standing behind backstop with stalkers in the air with professional Hall of Fame baseball player/consultants still arriving late. Wished I would have brought my digicam to that game but will have the next time he pitches.

Another game I attended the very next day had a multitude of MLB scouts almost as many as day before. It was unbelievable and can be attributed to exposure provided by PG up in Iowa. I'm serious as can be and just want to give credit where credit is due Jerry because your organization does make a huge difference in the lives of these prospects and their families.

WOW!!!!!!!SHEP BELIEVES!!!!!!!
Last edited by Shepster

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