I was going over my Parent's Meeting Handout but decided to take a break. I want it to be very informative but also say what needs to be said. In taking a break, I read another site and on that site a Father discussed the damage he has done to his child's high school career. Very poigniant for what I wanted to say although I would hope that a situation between a parent and myself would never affect the child's playing time if they are better than another. At one point where the Dad set up a meeting to talk to the Head Coach, he was told, "The damage is done." Thus the heading.
When parents sit in the stands or talk out loud criticizing the coach, I've always wondered what their point is. For instance, I can think of a parent once who would scream from the stand instructions to his child to shoot and criticize choices in plays I called during basketball games. It didn't endear that parent to me. It did affect the child. When I noticed (or thought that I noticed because this started getting personal!) that his child took shots out of the offense, that child hit the bench. Upon having a meeting with that parent, he denied participating in any of these actions. I showed him film with his voice shoulting instructions to his child. Even with that evidence, he denied it.
In our parent's meeting, I intend to address these issues and I would say that they are on the increase. We've never had so many parents show up for practices at the lower levels in all sports as we do now. The "clicks" can be readily identified with regards to which sports programs these young children play for. We've never had so many kids have so many "experts" involved in their training including both private coaches and parents. I don't like the trend of everyone's an "expert."
I say this not to be critical of parents. I'm blessed to have some of the best parents any coach could ask for. Instead, I post this to give parents something to think about. Certainly, I hope that your actions don't result in a statement from your head coach that, "The damage is already done!"
Take care!
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