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Regular european (national) professional league games are usually a big snooze.

Having said that, I enjoy watching world class players paying european football, in the REALLY BIG games. (I watch 5/6 games a year on tv.)

The World Cup, Champions League and top teams in the Premier League and Spanish League display impressive speed, skill, teamwork and endurance.

(In a close game, at the world class level, midfielders will run 7-8 miles per game.... roughly twice the distance of an NBA player in twice the time.)

Originally posted by trojan-skipper:
Nope. it doesn't bother me a bit. I don't watch much, but i don't watch NASCAR or ladies hoops eithe3r.

If they build it I trust you will not be coming...right skipper?


From the website...

h a l f b a k e r y
You gonna finish that?

S0CCER ON NASCAR INFIELD...think of the ratings!

NASCAR fans do not watch s0ccer matches. S0ccer fans do not watch NASCAR races. These are the immutable truths of televised sporting event viewership. One sport involves high-performance machines racing at incredible speeds around an asphalt track, while the other is a game of precise ball control on a grass patch.

Together, these two seemingly opposite sports account for an immense audience, attracting nearly everyone on the hillbilly-to-hooligan continuum. S0ccer stadiums can easily accompany 50,000 fans, while NASCAR tracks, at 2.5 miles in length, can house even more.

To combine the Daytona 500 and the World Cup, simultaneously, on one enormous stage, would attract an audience so unimaginably huge that the global economy would feel an electric surge. Beer companies could suddenly find whole new markets.

Thus, I propose we erect goalposts at the centre of the track infield and play a match of s0ccer while the stock cars circle about. The revenue generated from this event would be well worth the blatant disregard for safety. As an added bonus, fans of one sport may gain a new found respect for those of the other.

Or it might erupt into a massive drunken brawl. Either way it would be good headlines.

Cuit_au_Four, Jul 03 200

Last edited by gotwood4sale
My son played s****r for 5 years before it became too difficult to play both baseball and s****r. I wish they were at separate times of the year so he could still play both. I knew nothing about s****r before he started playing.

A good quality youth or high school game is fun for me to watch. It is a tough physical game. So far the collisions I have seen him endure at homeplate as a catcher have not been near as scary as the collisions he endured as a goalkeeper.
I'm no big fan of "foreign football". But every once in a while there is a great play; saw an awesome save on SportCenter's Top 10 today. But for me, the real action is too little. A nil nil contest would probably bore me to tears if I had to sit through the entire 90+ minutes. I suppose that those FF fans say the same about a great pitchers duel.

You can't please everybody.
Last edited by infidel_08
Personally I like the game for the real young kids as they are all involved to some degree.

Funny story regarding the game of socker----one night I am in my favorite restaurant having dinner when the HS socker coach comes to the table to say "thanx" and wants to buy me a drink--I say why?---turns out he spoke with my son that day--the team needed a goalie and my son accepted his invite ( I had not been home yet so I had no idea---he helped them to the Sectionals and it was a fun fall for all concerned

I played in college just under a thousand years ago. Believe it or not... University of Montana.

#2 Ski Team in America at the time, with full scholarsips for guys from Norway, Italy, Germany, Austria. How did they get ready for the ski season? Futbol. In 1972 we were #23 in the Nation. I was one of two Americans on the team. 5 languages being spoken at any given time...

Today, a number of these guys (all went home after grad school) are my best friends in life. One is President of Ford Europe, another was Editor in Chief of Reader's Digest Europe. Great memories of Aquivit and Kirschvasser.

Both sons played all the way through HS and both were Olympic Development Team in California. Thought for sure they would go the Futbol route, but baseball was always their dream.

And the dream lives on.

Navy currently up 4-2 over Central CT State. cadKID#2 is 1 for 2 on the day with a 2RBI double in the first. 76F in Annapolis... wish I was there rather than watching Gametracker...

Go Navy!



Last edited by AcademyDad
It is not the game that I dislike, it is everything that comes with it. Such as:

-mothers yelling "nice kick"
-the moto of the major national organization "everyone plays" (how socialist is that)
-having a mother at a baseball meeting tell everyone that baseball should be more like S0ccer, games are an hour long and everyone is equal on the field.
-self-appointed parents that run teams as social organizations.

My favorite was a t-shirt that I saw one time. It was the evolution of sport (based upon the evolution of man poster we have all see). It showed man evolving from apes, then evolving through S0ccer using only their feet to Baseball, using hands feet and bats. Fully evolved!
Last edited by ILVBB
Originally posted by ILVBB:
It is not the game that I dislike, it is everything that comes with it. Such as:

-mothers yelling "nice kick"
-the moto of the major national organization "everyone plays" (how socialist is that)
-having a mother at a baseball meeting tell everyone that baseball should be more like S0ccer, games are an hour long and everyone is equal on the field.
-self-appointed parents that run teams as social organizations.

Not to mention. They clog up the fields and for the most part the fans and players are pigs. Did you ever check out a field after a s****r contest. Usually it's trashed with water bottles and everything else participants and fans do not feel obligated in picking up.
Socker might be a great game, I just don't like it all that much. I'd much rather watch a Lumberjack contest. Besides all one has to do is watch the replays in socker. Some of those kicks when they jump up in the air and kick it back over their heads are amazing. The USA women winning the gold was the best socker game I ever saw, but I only watched the last 5 minutes or so. Something about that girl ripping her jersey off was different. BTW, some of the best baseball prospects play high school socker! I'm Ok with socker so long as it doesn't interfer with baseball.
I can't hate anything that doesn't have a negative impact on me. My son plays varsity s****r. I enjoy the games. He's a goalie which can make it exciting. I don't have the desire to go out of my way to attend a college or pro game. The only thing that's ever bothered me about s****r is the lack of respect the visiting travel s****r teams would have for the baseball field. There's a sign that says, "Absolutely no sports other than baseball are to be played on this field." Every weekend at my son's s****r games there would be teams doing pregame on the baseball field.
The only thing that's ever bothered me about s****r is the lack of respect the visiting travel s****r teams would have for the baseball field. There's a sign that says, "Absolutely no sports other than baseball are to be played on this field." Every weekend at my son's s****r games there would be teams doing pregame on the baseball field.

Sounds like a management problem to me. If they aren't provided with anywhere else to warm up, then they are going to go for the open field. From the sounds of it, your own s****r coach and your administrators disrespect the baseball field too.
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
The only thing that's ever bothered me about s****r is the lack of respect the visiting travel s****r teams would have for the baseball field. There's a sign that says, "Absolutely no sports other than baseball are to be played on this field." Every weekend at my son's s****r games there would be teams doing pregame on the baseball field.

Sounds like a management problem to me. If they aren't provided with anywhere else to warm up, then they are going to go for the open field. From the sounds of it, your own s****r coach and your administrators disrespect the baseball field too.
It's a township complex. There are three s****r fields, two baseball fields, two batting cages, a softball field, three basketball courts, four tennis courts, playground, picnic area, concession stand and an open air concert area. There's plenty of room for a normal warmup along the fringes of the complex. There's no place to practice long kicks. But there's time for it in pregame on the field.
Last edited by RJM
One of sons roomates is a D-1 s****r player.
We went to watch him play. Mens S****r at the collegiate level is incredibly exciting to watch.
They are so fast, so athletic and skilled. Highly competitive, players from all over the world.
Both mine played competively until high school.
Best conditioning for basketball, then baseball - fall, winter, spring.

I persoanlly don't watch it on TV until World Cup comes around. But in person I enjoy it very much.
I watch a lot of indoor s****r while my son is doing his baseball workouts during the winter. From toddlers to adults. Many of the adult games involve foreign born men who obviously grew up with a passion for the game. I am always amazed what they can do with their feet.

It is a decent way to kill a couple of hours when no one else is around to talk baseball with.

As for professional games on TV, I can last about 15-30 minutes watching the foot skills then I get bored.
Mention of the indoor game reminded me of how popular that game was in Kansas City during the late 1980s.

For a decade, after the Kansas City Kings and Scouts (NHL) bailed, the Kansas City Comets were the hottest winter ticket in town.

Comets popularity peaked during the 1983/84 season when they averaged nearly 16,000 per game at Kemper Arena.

Playing with rebounds off the boards, the game was hyper-fast and great fun to watch. An average score was something like 23-17.
Last edited by HaverDad
Hockey without the sticks and thuggery.

Yeah, but what I always laugh at, is when a European player goes down after being fouled. It's like the Academy Awards... you think they'll never walk again. Then they carry them off on a stretcher, spray some stuff (the cadKIDs always called it European Miracle Spray) on the injured appendage, and seconds later they are back in running 120%. I think that is the #1 most annoying thing about the game today. Oh... and the overturning and burning of cars in the streets tends to make me a little crazy too... Gotta' love those hooligans from Liverpool and Slough.


Last edited by AcademyDad
Yeah, but what I always laugh at, is when a European player goes down after being fouled. It's like the Academy Awards... you think they'll never walk again. Then they carry them off on a stretcher, spray some stuff (the cadKIDs always called it European Miracle Spray) on the injured appendage, and seconds later they are back in running 120%. I think that is the #1 most annoying thing about the game today. Oh... and the overturning and burning of cars in the streets tends to make me a little crazy too.

But those cars lay on their tops for a little while, smoking hot, then sprayed with water, and seconds later they tip right back up and drive away.
My son is a very good s****r player. He has speed, quickness, power, smarts, controls the ball very well and he is a lefty (kicks left, bats/throws right), but he hates s****r. I never made him play year round. If anything he had far more exposure to baseball. He would tease the high school s****r coach with his skills and then blow him off. I had the coach approach him and me with promises of varsity as a freshman and a sophomore. I told the coach it was up to my son. I mentioned it again to him when he transferred to a school that had more of his old friends on the squad, he passed again.
Yeah, but what I always laugh at, is when a European player goes down after being fouled. It's like the Academy Awards... you think they'll never walk again. Then they carry them off on a stretcher, spray some stuff (the cadKIDs always called it European Miracle Spray) on the injured appendage, and seconds later they are back in running 120%. I think that is the #1 most annoying thing about the game today. Oh... and the overturning and burning of cars in the streets tends to make me a little crazy too... Gotta' love those hooligans from Liverpool and Slough.


I think if you would watch a high school s****r game you might not feel this way. In high school about the only way to get a red card is to cuss at the ref other then that you can half kill a player with no card. High school s****r is way more physical then baseball. In high school baseball if you don't slide or you collide with the catcher you are ejected. In s****r I've seen players half kill each other on hard slide tackles (my son was very good at this). They play a 90 minute game where pretty much anything goes and they beat the **** out of each other. In baseball my son tore his ucl and had to get Tommy John surgery. In s****r he broke his leg, broke his wrist and fractured one of the pedicles in his spine. After his rehab for his elbow surgery we tried to talk him out of playing s****r his senior year,but left it up to him. He decided he wanted one more year with his friends. Needless to say he's recovering from a deep bone bruise that up to a week ago we thought was a miniscus tear in his knee. Sorry for the long post but anybody that thinks high school s****r is a sissy sport has never stepped foot on a s****r field with two good teams.

Not to mention it really gets you in shape.

You mean never stepped on a s****r field with Scottish players. You could be lying on the field in a pool of blood with a part of your tibia sticking out and they'll tell you if you're going to continue to lie there and cry like a baby, they're going to call your mum to come pick you up.
Last edited by MTS

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