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So older son comes out of immigration into the arrivals area and the first thing we notice is that, despite being continents apart when they bought them, he and his brother are wearing the same sweater! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, that was rich. He talked non-stop on the 2-hour drive home (supposed to be 45 min but traffic stank bigtime), very happy, looks great, just a surge of joy throughout the house to have him back! Before going home, we stopped by the base Taco Bell for a homecoming feast, by which time both had removed their sweaters.

Please share your holiday homecoming stories as your boys (and girls!) return from school.
"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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Your homecoming for your son is the most special on this site.He is so far away, and you dont get to see him much.I remeber last Thanksgiving when he was a little down and some of us sent emails and he was so polite to answer each of us.he is a nice kid.
I hope your family has an awesome Christmas and visit with you son. God Bless, and stay safe.
Last edited by fanofgame
I agree, what a nice holiday homecoming story - and the matching sweaters, so funny!

Have a wonderful time visiting with your son, Krak. Isn't it fun to see the brothers together after they've been apart for a while? It seems like they look at each other differently, act a little more grown up in the light of their separate adventures... hope that made sense; I saw it with my two sons.

Who else has sons and daughters coming home soon?

Last edited by MN-Mom
Great stuff..Hope you guys enjoy your precious time with your children.

I was thinking about the empty nest this weekend and glad that we have some discussion about this here as well. Only have one so was just thinking too much ahead. Looking forward to spending more time this Holiday season preparing for this coming season! Have to enjoy every minute until it's time to decide where he wants to go.

Happy Holidays everyone and Have a great incoming 2011 as well! Glad to have my little family this time of the year.
Last edited by Ryanrod23
Well, I didn't get a big homecoming, as he lives at home. We did enjoy last weekend as a family in Tallahassee watching his older sister graduate.

He finished his last final yesterday, and as we were driving home together from the gym tonight, he says "You know, I keep thinking that I have some homework left to do, but my classes are over, its wierd."

So starting tomorrow, its off to the cages -- I told him I can't pitch very well anymore (never could), but he says "that's ok, you can soft toss...I just need to get my cuts in." I haven't been in the cage with him in at least three years, so this will be an adventure. I have been working out for the last month trying to get in Dad shape - we'll see.
Son came home last Friday. Although he was just home for Thanksgiving, it's great having him home for for a month. Although when he's not sleeping or working out he's usually out with his hometown boys.

He brought a present to my wife and I though. He had the biggest suitcase he brought to school filled with dirty laundry. He hadn't washed clothes in two weeks since he was coming home soon. (What logic). When we opened the suitcase the whole room stunk until all three loads of wash were finished.

The suitcase has been in the garage airing out and I heard the bomb sniffing dog that happened to sniff that suitcase called out sick the next day. Eek
Well I survived the batting cage - decided the arm couldn't pitch overhand anymore, so decided a lot of tee work and underhand work. Good to be back in there with him no matter what I can provide. The talking back and forth can never be better than with your son working on his game.

It is now different than the last time I was in the cages with him, I used to be able to either look down to him or straight in his eyes. Not anymore, he has 3-4 inches on me now. The relationship has not changed so much. I still say good job, nice inside swing, etc. He still thinks dad is cool enough to be seen with in public, which is all that matters.
Last edited by Backstop-17
Son is on the road as I write.
Finished his last class this morning.
I mean his last class for his degree, will graduate in the Spring. Yeh.
Started out Driving at 10am this morning from SoCal.
2 of them will drive straight up to Washington, Puget Sound region.
Should be here sometime after midnight, probably 3am.
Can't wait, Been along time for us to be away from him, since we moved back to the NW from No. California last Feb.

He will probably sleep allday Friday, But plan on taking him out atleast 1 day this weekend for some deer hunting.

Enjoy the Holidays my HSBBW friends.

BOO HOO!!! After practically counting down the hours until our son came through the door, he's stuck at school. Some kind of silliness of cancelled classes due to the weather. Cancelled classes translate to cancelled finals. Sure hope it warms up enough tomorrow for him to take his last final and head west to his family who is anxiously awaiting his arrival. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy a wonderful holiday season with friends and family near.
My son has been home since Thanksgiving. In the meantime he has had his wisdom teeth pulled WITH complications. He has caught up with the training program set forth by his coaches but it was hairy there for a while "Mom, how much is this supposed to hurt??? And for how long?" Dentist told him he took more pain than anyone he's ever seen!. That's what makes a catcher I guess.

Other than that, it has been a joy and blessing to have him here, and the house will be quieter again after he leaves. My daughter who is graduating from Purdue is here for a little while too. If anyone knows of any Washington DC jobs for May that an agriculture economics/polisci/sociology/international marketing major would fit well in, please let us know.
Hope all our families are enjoying the holidays and some well-deserved respite from the daily grind.
Last edited by mikamom
My son is home for the 2nd time since August as he is 8 hours away. As expected, he wanted to see his HS friends, sleep, workout, and chill. We went over his grades and he did very, very well first semester with all the adjustments, distance, engineering course load, workouts and baseball practices. He did manage to barely squeeze in a social life.

Everybody on HSBBWeb told us how hard it is to be a freshmen athlete, and they weren't kidding. I re-read some of those older posts and they were spot-on. We're extremely proud of his school work and his progress on the baseball field. I can't wait to see his opening Spring series in early March at Virginia (only 90 min away) from our house. We'll have him around the house until mid-January, and then it is back to college life. In the mean time, he has a workout routine and schedule the coaches gave him. I'm not quite sure where we can start tossing the ball around in the snow, but we'll figure something out. Grandparents will be dropping by soon, and I'm sure they will be asking a lot of questions because they haven't seen him for 5 months.

He has grown a lot in the last 5 months. More independent, more understanding of situations. He wants to discuss summer engineering internships, and we didn't have to suggest it. Progress!

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