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Not even worth a response especially after your post in another thread about aluminum

whats wrong with that response? do you think that ball would have went anywhere with a wood bat? got a whole thread of people telling him about bat lag and many faults.. and you come down on me for an aluminum bat comment? get real!
I got several problems with this whole thread and I hope I don't make anyone mad with what I am about to put.

First - Where do you find the balance between listening to the high school coach versus the coach you pay to get help from? Especially when the teaching conflicts with each other? I truly believe a coach has to find a system that works for him and teach it widescale (it's easier for one coach to teach 30 guys one way than it is for one coach to learn 30 different ways) but still be flixible to make adjustments for each kid. In this case the high school coach is not flexible and seems to be in a competition with the private coach. Honestly what I do is look at guys swings for about a week and see what they do after I teach them the basics. Then I work off what they do to help improve them. What if the private coach teaches something totally different? How are you able to coexist here?

Second - several threads (other than this one) it seems the general attitude is that high school coaches are not as good as the private ones - maybe I am just being too sensitive over this. You read people talking about how high school coaches play favorites and such. I think high school coaches deserve more respect. I don't know I am probably just being a baby on this one.

Third - I honestly have no clue when you people talk about rotational and linear swings. Could someone post examples of each one on here?

Thanks for letting me vent.
in general HS coaches ARE NOT as good as private coaches..why? most are math teachers drivers ed teachers etc.The other COACHES make there living in baseball..HOW many HS coaches REALLY know the swing??

sure they deserve respect..If they are honest and are STILL students of the GAME..some become arrogant and dont care to learn anymore

rotational or linear?
you are probably better off not knowing
Did you post something?

Or are you just being a
Your normal don't have a clue, just want to aggrevate fellow posters
Just was wondering what your little pea brain was thinking?
Well what were you thinking?
Oh I get it, you don't have an answer. Your clueless.
Come on contribute?
Are keep your mouth shut.
Nothing chaps my a$$ more then a person that hides and has nothing to do but put posters down for no good reason.
Trust me if you want to get in a P******match on the hsbbw.
I'll be your huckleberry

wogdoggy, I have to ask. On the Illinois forum you talk about your son pitching freshman year and throwing 130 pitches in a game. On this site you say your son had the second fastest bat speed in the school as a Sophmore but was cut. Then in this section you say the coaches pick the teams freshman year and that is what they stay with for all four years. So what is it, if he was on freshaman year why wasn't he on for all four as you say? I have never seen anyone cut for too much batspeed.
Last edited by 2bagger
Let's see....

In 38 years the high school existed before me the baseball team had only won three district titles....I have three myself in seven years.

In 38 years of baseball the school had NEVER been to the regional championship game....I have one regional runner up with 8 sophomores starting.

In 38 years of baseball the school had NEVER been ranked in the state.....I have had my teams as high as 15th in the state (KY does not have a class system so that means we were ranked 15th out of EVERY school in the state).

In 38 years of baseball the school had only sent 5 kids to play college ball....I have sent 3 to JUCO programs (One being Indian Hills in Iowa - look it up because they are good), one went to a NCAA D-I, another to a NCAA D-II school and three to NAIA schools. None of those guys had a private / professional coach - they all came through my system as freshmen to senior.

In 38 years of baseball the school usually would play a 15 game schedule....In my 7 years we usually play the maximum amount of games - when we don't it is because we get rained out and cannot find dates to make up the ones we lost.

Last season my team played against 5 kids who got drafted by MLB teams. One was a pitcher who ended up signing with Oklahoma State. We knocked him out of the game by the 4th inning. A scout came up to me after the game and said my guys probably cost him a round or two.

Last season out of my regular 9 starters everyone of them had at least one homerun and our team total was 23 homeruns.

The best teams in our region would not schedule our high school and now we are facing their number one pitchers.

Before I was hired at this high school the field was in a local park and it was a dump. Now it is still at the local park but it is the only field at the park that can actually be played on now. Still have some work to do but it's getting there.

in general HS coaches ARE NOT as good as private coaches..why? most are math teachers drivers ed teachers etc.The other COACHES make there living in baseball..HOW many HS coaches REALLY know the swing??

And how can you back this up? What kind of statistical information can you provide that shows this is true? My staff consists of myself who played college ball (teaches social studies), my freshman coach who played D--I baseball (who teaches science), my pitching coach who played on the Expos AAA club (who owns his own concrete business) and my JV coach who played on several select teams in high school and college (who works for a bank). Now if you are using playing experience as a factor in being qualified to coach baseball - please explain to me how my staff and I are not as good as a "professional" coach. By the way we go to clinics, order books and videos, talk to college coaches (when our kids are being recruited) about how we can get better and various other things to help us grow as coaches. Granted we pick and choose what we believe will benefit us from the stuff that cannot - isn't that what someone said this kid needs to do (pick the ring out from the elephant stuff).

rotational or linear?
you are probably better off not knowing

In all the clinics and other media my staff and I use to learn I have yet to hear either of those terms to describe the swing. Now I have heard and seen clinicians use the "major league swing" and we use that swing to try and teach to my guys.

sure they deserve respect..If they are honest and are STILL students of the GAME..some become arrogant and dont care to learn anymore

Thank you but then again the same could be said for the "professional" coach. Some of my guys have went to the private coach route and one of two things happen 1) the ones who are really not that good end coming back worse because they are doing stuff that makes no sense - the Sammy Sosa double foot tap. I am not joking a kid who did not play that much for me because he was so late on pitches went to a private coach. He came back with the Sammy Sosa double foot tap - which made him slower at the plate. Good investment there. 2) A few of my better players went to the same private coach (in my area they have to drive 40 minutes to get to the only one around) and did improve slightly but stopped getting good instruction once they refused to transfer another high school in the area of the private coach. Good ethics there.

Now let me ask you what your qualifications are wogdoggy and chameleon? Are you parents or high school coaches or private coaches? Just tell me what makes you qualified to make the assumption that high school coaches are not as good.

By the way you can't lump high school coaches and private coaches into the same general categories. There are some great high school coaches while there are some that are terrible. There are some great private coaches while there are some terrible ones. Just because you pay great prices for great instruction doesn't mean you are getting great value for your money.
Originally posted by coach2709:
There are some great high school coaches while there are some that are terrible. There are some great private coaches while there are some terrible ones. Just because you pay great prices for great instruction doesn't mean you are getting great value for your money.

I'll give an AMEN! to this quote.
Posted March 20, 2007 08:19 AM Hide Post
wogdoggy, I have to ask. On the Illinois forum you talk about your son pitching freshman year and throwing 130 pitches in a game. On this site you say your son had the second fastest bat speed in the school as a Sophmore but was cut. Then in this section you say the coaches pick the teams freshman year and that is what they stay with for all four years. So what is it, if he was on freshaman year why wasn't he on for all four as you say? I have never seen anyone cut for too much batspeed.

we retooled his swing all summer..bought steve e video and his bottom half and batspeed improved dramatically.there were two teams as freshman as with most schools.his improvement happened after last year.we have a cage in the yard and he took 1000s of swings this year.the hitting instructor I took him to works with many kids at that school and rated his batspeed comparable to some of the better seniors.
The problem is my boy did not have the greatest year last season.ember him comming up with bases loaded and popping up..I knew right then he would have problems this year.Lets face the facts can you see how far any kid can hit a ball in a cage in february? can you see if any kids bat can challenge the outfielders..They needed extra catchers and boy IS NOT a great fielder.but he would take 1000 fly balls every two days to improve just like he practiced his hitting..

IF he hit the ball harder than anyone else in the cage and had a great tryout it wouldnt matter.Its tough proving yourself with 10 pitches in a cage after a poor season last year..

personally I understand the coach needed the second SS or catcher thats life!

But I can also say there are alot of favortism and politics going on as well..some kids make the team cause there brothers played 4 years..some make it because of many reasons..I cant believe some of the talent the coach let go this year,,not my kid but varsity talent as well..

here you have a very large school in the middle of the dupage valley but can never ever get to the top EVER..why is that? Is there that much more talent 1 school district away? Or is it something else..why do some schools always dominate and others always underachieve? why do some schools dominate in wrestling or basketball and other schools comes down to coaching in my opinion

TEACH your kids a position other than pitching..Obviously it doesnt matter what kina of stick you carry. unless your in the American league..He'll be back next year!
And how can you back this up? What kind of statistical information can you provide that shows this is true? My staff consists of myself who played college ball (teaches social studies), my freshman coach who played D--I baseball (who teaches science), my pitching coach who played on the Expos AAA club (who owns his own concrete business) and my JV coach who played on several select teams in high school and college (who works for a bank). Now if you are using playing experience as a factor in being qualified to coach baseball - please explain to me how my staff and I are not as good as a "professional" coach. By the way we go to clinics, order books and videos, talk to college coaches (when our kids are being recruited) about how we can get better and various other things to help us grow as coaches. Granted we pick and choose what we believe will benefit us from the stuff that cannot - isn't that what someone said this kid needs to do (pick the ring out from the elephant stuff).

see you are STILL students of the game..
I've skimmed this post a few times and I'm just going to make a comment in FAVOR of hs coaches. Yes, there are some hitting instructors that do a great job. But what they don't do is this:
*They don't throw BP every nite to 15 plus guys (some whom they know will never be able to play one inning of varsity ball, but hey they are on the team so they get their cuts)
*They don't monitor all kinds of crazy stuff going on in schools to help your kid grow into the best young adult he can
*They don't take calls from part-time job employers and help them get summer jobs
*They don't write scholarship application letters (lots and lots of letters)
* They don't organize jv, frosh, varsity PROGRAMS (not just one aspect of the game); order supplies, work the field, be a liason between city and school baseball items
* They don't get fired if the high school team falls on hard times
* They do cash your checks though
Last edited by trojan-skipper
coach2709 ,loved your response. Was the young man your squad faced ,that is now at OKState,from Owensboro?
If so, keep doing your great job at your location. If the young man is who I think it is,he has done a respectable job here. ERA 3.86, 4 app. 1 start, 1-0, 9.1IP, 10H only 1 extra base hit and it was a 2B and a decent BB/K ratio with 3BB and 7K. He is continuing to learn. If I remember correctly he was drafted in the 34th round by Baltimore.
I'm sure there are great HS coaches but I have been living in our town for 20 years and have NEVER heard one positive thing about theis Coach..not from the parents or not even ONE ex player..people actually seem to roll their eyes when his name gets mentioned..and to my knowledge he has NEVER wrote one letter for any kid. the program ALWAYS underachieves..YES there are FANTASTIC HS coaches too.And I would bet with your passion YOU are one of them!
Trojan Skipper I will give you an amen and a little change in the offering plate for that post. Well put.

Coach O that young man is from Owensboro and after re - reading my post I TRULY hope it was not taken as a criticism of his talent. I can see where some might take it that way but I didn't mean it. I wanted to show that my guys can hit although I have no idea what rotational and linear are. From what little I was around him he seemed to be a class act and carried his team deep into the state playoffs. I considered it an honor to face him and he pitched well that game - we just hit the ball well.

wogdoggy - not to start a fight on here but when you say your hitting coach said your son had one of the best bat speeds or whatever...did he say that before or after he cashed your check you gave him? I'm sorry but I have a hard time believing someone like that - if you hear something you don't want to hear you may stop going to him. May not be the case but could be.

When you are selling a product (videos, books, private lessons) you have to sound like your stuff is the best and you use big fancy words - linear / rotational swings. Parents eat that stuff up because if it is a big word then it must be worth it.

When you are selling a program (high school team) you have to use words like tradition, excellence, history, family etc... - you have to put the individual to the side and accept the TEAM.

Maybe your high school coach is terrible - they do exist. Maybe you are upset that your son just got cut and is looking for someone to blame. We will never know.
Maybe your high school coach is terrible - they do exist. Maybe you are upset that your son just got cut and is looking for someone to blame. We will never know.

The coach IS terrible and like I said they needed another cather or shortstop and that was their needs ,understandable, BUt the school consistently fails year after year in the baseball program yet excels in other sports..does this mean there are just NO good baseball players? Or something else..Like i said i have never heard one good thing about this guy.X players parents dad had to beg the guy to write his kid a letter after 4 years..
With all do respect, could we please for the sake of the rest of us keep this post on track. If TR and Wogdoggy feel it necessary to bash and insult each other, then by all means go at it,..but please do it behind private doors via: pm's.

It would be a shame for this post, who so many have a vested interest in, to get locked.

Thank you.
Very sincerely yours,
The Princess of Punctuation and Prude-ness.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Coach2709, I did not take it as any kind of criticism of his talent. I do not think that anyone else who has ever been in a competitive mode did either.
I think that you just exhibited a very good competitive spirit and I want to commend you on a truly worthy display of character, self discipline and sportsmanship. You would be one of the truly worthy opponents.
Good luck to you and your staff.
One thing that has not been mentioned. When I hear that "so and so" great player got cut from the squad at tryouts or is sitting the bench. The HS coach is usually a teacher and sometimes a football or other coach. A teacher has to put up with some of these same kids during the day. If the kid isn't as great as the parent thinks and is border line, if I was the coach - why would I want to have to put up with him for 3 hours practice if he gives me grief during the school day; or gave me grief when I coached him in football; or this other kid played football and looks as good as your kid at tryouts and he was a help/wasn't a pain when I coached him in football. Many people miss this aspect of HS coaching and think also that the HS coach does nothing else in life (like grade papers and prepare lessons for class the next day). The HS coaches are people too.
Oh and they might like to say Hi to the wife and kids sometime.
I used to join in the banter about coaches, but I've seen stuff over the years that tells me I was very wrong.
As far as hitting: Many I have seen at the HS level would do better to forget the "professional style" of instruction and go back in time and read and digest a simple letter written by someone named Ty Cobb. I hear he hit the ball once in a while. Many kids can have great swings/mechanics/bat speed and have just a small problem - getting the bat head on the ball!

Tim Robertson
Heck Tim,

There’s a lot of seemingly inexplicable reasons things happen in everyday life, not just on athletic fields. And many times, not all, but many times, when explained, those things become perfectly clear.

The example you gave about the player and teacher is not just one that you pulled out of a hat either. I know that because I’ve seen it more than once, and what happened was at least rationalized, if not justified. I leave it to the philosophers to figure out if its right or wrong, but there is something else that has to be taken into consideration other than just the facts as they were given.

If things were as you suggested, then its at least reasonable that the coach share his thoughts with the player and/or his/her parents if they ask. If not, what’s he accomplished? If the goal is truly to help kids grow and teach them life’s lessons, surely one of those lessons should be that you’re judged on the whole of your actions, not just what’s readily apparent.

Why not give the reasons and thus give the kid the opportunity to modify his/her behavior? Anything less seems to me to be cowardly and intellectually dishonest.
this post is going crazy !!!
its real simple i gotta try to do what the hitting coach says and let my stick show for itself in a game . the oak a's scout says that if i never hit another ball i still gotta a job at my catcher i feel preaty confident . i got rated a 6.5 @ perfect game and i was on my death bed sick as a dog with a 102 fever !!! i'll show em next time .......
and to answer the doubters my hitting instructor is my aau coach and he does all that you say a real h/s coach does . he plans around are school and local ball makes us keep up the grades and sets us up for college ball . our h/s coach does the same thing so i have a real good shot at seeing this to the next level , .thus the reason for the post. i dont want one assistant coach with single minded approach to sidetrack what i have here . great grades ,good coaches and parents that support me .thanks for the advise those that were interested season starts this week !!!!!
Perhaps the wisest post so far,..has come from one of our youngest, who actually started this thread, 4 pages back.

this post is going crazy !!!

Sorry JimSmith#15,....sometimes us adults get a little wrapped around the axil a tad weeee bit too tight. We are a passionate bunch and I do believe our intentions are good.

You sound like you know what you need to do now, so if in someway, our hashing things out brought you to this conclusion, then perhaps in our own way, we have helped.
I'd like to hope so, anyways.

It is because of the young players like yourself that most of us are here. We want to help.

Best of luck this season!!!
Go do whatcha gotta do,..and show em' what ya got!!

~ a Mom from Kansas ~
Last edited by shortstopmom

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