We live in a world today that has convinced everybody that there is some obligation to second guess everything that occurs in the sporting world. The people that cuss and criticize Skip Bayless, Dale Hansen and Randy Galloway are the same people that created them. It is everyone's "right" to be a victim of bad coaching that cost little Johnny or my favorite team the opportunity to fill his or my insecurity.
It is an absolute joke. Most of those that critique never put on a jock strap or had to make a split second decision about whether to send a runner. What makes you an expert if you have no experience? Some how we have convinced ourselves that the world needs our expertise on every coaching move or Armageddon begins immediately. Coaches can't win and that is why they do not listen to parents in regards to their profession.
Saturday, I just got through watching a great series between Keller and Colleyville. I just gave my son a big hug as I watched him attempt to not let me see the tears. I turned to my wife as a mother from Colleyville walked by and she said this to me. "We were counting on you guys to beat us, we hate our coach." My wife and I looked at each other in amazement. Coach McDougal is taking this team 4 rounds deep, won last week with a walking MASH unit and there are unhappy people with his performance. You have got to be freaking kidding me. It is a thankless job. It was all I could do not to blow her out right there.
Now I do not know Coach Stinson. I have seen them play a handful of games. Would I make the same moves he makes? Maybe, maybe not. I couldn't understand why Coach English took Green out of the game against FM, but it would be extremely arrogant for me to think I know his team or his players better than him.
My point is this. It takes no talent to sit around and second guess what a losing coach did or didn't do. It is also not insightful because it is after the fact. So what is the benefit? Does it make a person feel better to degrade another? Does it make a person feel like they know the game more than a supposed baseball guy? Is it a privelege that I missed in the Bill of Rights?
If your son loses a game, it is not the coach, it is not the umpires, it is not the weather, it is BASEBALL. You can help your son by supporting him through the adversity. Learning to deal with adversity is the greatest life lesson in baseball. Making excuses for and with him does not help him learn to be a man. It teaches him how to be a victim. How successful will that allow him to become?
If it is your goal to make your son into a tremendous victim, then keep it up. Congratulations, you will be successful.
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