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Following is all I could get on their Columbia Spectator website. Again, my friend who will remain nameless, told me a few minutes ago, that they could get as many as a million hits this morning. I noticed that there were over 200 comments in the first half hour... couldn't get to them as their server is probably a bit busy...


Ahmadinejad to Speak on Campus
By Melissa Repko, Joy Resmovits, Laura Schreiber and Tom Faure| Sep 19
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accepted an offer to speak next week at Columbia’s World Leaders Forum, the University announced Wednesday.


Again, I ask the question... what are they thinking?


What a blithering idiot to ask about WMD's.

Saddam USED WMD's in his war against Iran.

Saddam USED WMD"s in his genocide against the Kurds.

Even the UN recognized that Saddam had WMD's as well as a program for producing and developing them.

Perhaps you will recall that the UN was even part of a program helping destroy the Iraqi WMD's.

Before the second Iraq war, even the UN inspection team had members who believed Saddam still had WMD's stored.

The British intelligence service, to this day, still maintains that Saddam was procuring yellowcake (uranium ore).

Do a web search. You will find a video of virtually every Democratic party leader (from Hillary to Kerry to Reid) stating that they believed Iraq had WMD's and they supported military action. Of course now that they are up for election and seeking votes from the lobotomist left wingers, they sing a different tune.

Our forces have found artillery shells with WMD warheads.

Our forces found the WMD research labs.

Our foces captured the Iraqi scientists working on their WMD program, and they have admitted to doing so.

Saddam's own generals thought that WMD's would be used when we got close to Bagdad. Iraqi troops had chemical suits deployed.

During the first Gulf war, Saddam sent military aircraft into Iran to avoid their being destroyed. It is not unlikely that Saddam sent WMD materials into Syria. Syria just recently experienced failure of a WMD (sarin) bearing missile that killed both Iranian "advisers" and Syrian troops.

Iraq has a big desert. Our forces found an entire jet figher buried in the sand. Who is to say what else is buried, yet to be discovered?

How can anyone have such a hate for President Bush that they can be in so complete denial...
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