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I don't care if you "sugar coat" or not. I don't even know what point you are trying to make.

First of all, player rankings and team rankings are pure subjective choices that are, nonetheless, compiled by doing lots of research. I do not believe that PBR throws darts at a wall to come up with their choices. It has been pointed out that coaches provide input on their squads and their conferences, the PBR staff gets out and sees more games than anyone else on this board and attends showcases like the Silver and Black and others. Are you saying that you would abandon this methodology soley in favor of sitting back and comparing stats? If you've read the magazine it should be obvious that examining stats also fits into their equation in determining who fits where. But, it is only one of the areas that are studied. There is a very valid reason that PBR received the Illinois High School Baseball Coaches Media Man of the Year Award this weekend. It is because the coaches themselves recognize the work being done on behalf of the players and the added attention it brings to HS baseball throughout the state.

Secondly, with regards to your statement that "some things are very obvious!!!", I suggest you direct your displeasure directly with the Editor of the magazine. You can contact Sean at I am sure he would enjoy speaking with you.
Last edited by itsrosy
I agree with Philosopher. Believe it or not, some players ARE overrated, some are underrated and gasp, some good ones are not rated at all. Can you believe that there are some varsity baseball coaches who are members of the Illinois High School Baseball Coaches Association but do not participate other than for their team to participate in the summer league? Membership being a requirement to play in the summer league...

They don't attend meetings, they don't nominate their players, and they don't even KNOW about crucial showcases or even travel teams that may have excellent players who feed into their program. And worse, they don't care. Their's are the players who fly under everyone's radar. How can the Prep Baseball Report rank these players if they don't know about them? You may say that you don't know about them because "they are not good enough to attract attention." But they are good, and they do exist. What about these kids?

If these kids are lucky enough to have parents who "know the ropes," then they will rightfully play at the next level. Otherwise, many good, solid players will unfortunately fall by the wayside.

Congratulations to everyone listed in The Truth. Your path to the next level should be secure.

I sincerely wish "Good Luck" to those players who are not listed, but should be...your path is more difficult...hopefully, you will get the opportunity to play after high school.
Last edited by play baseball

Let me clarify my point so you won't get more angry, or defensive!

I have followed this website for about 5 years. I enjoyed the communication amongst the various people on this website. I felt compelled to start and stimulate the communication that these boards were known for when BeenthereIL, TAR, dirtybird, Boomer, playhard, rz1, lewis, Rawlings, etc., etc., etc., posted there thoughts, even before you became a member.

I will be the first to acknowledge the "fantastic" job that PBR has done to bring to light the outstanding high school talent that we have in Illinois. I won't believe evrything I read though, because what I stated previously is true in many cases......some talent is overrated and underrated, and players have fallen under the 'radar screen'. Yes, PBR does spend, I'm sure, a tremendous amount of time traveling around to baseball games looking at the players.

"FastballDad, lineshot, Mykla, and Mike F" have a pretty good idea of the point I have tried to make, and "play baseball" grasped the message as well. The whole process is not perfect, I think we all know that, but maybe some fine tuning needs to be made. Sure, many coaches won't contribute, some will inflate statistics, others, who knows. I did bring this subject up, or respond to it to create problems for you, me, or anyone else. There is favoritism out there, and we should take what is printed with a 'grain of salt'.

Hopefully these players will succeed at the next level and not get forgotten about like many players have in the recent past. Like those players, this message thread, me, you and others will also be forgotten about.

I applaud PBR for their work in bringing coverage to Illinois.

I'm not looking to be angry or defensive. It was one of my New Years resolutions, along with loosing weight. You and playbaseball make some valid points and we agree on far more than we disagree. For the good players who just kind of fall between the cracks, they are casualties of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Showcase opportunities can help them, if they or their parents are aware of what is available.

No, the process is not perfect but just the fact that there is now a dialogue taking place, and that a magazine, in it's own way, can help spread the word is good progress and HS baseball is the beneficiary.
My opinion is this, The truth prep baseball report ranks many players and teams. A lot of the players that they rank are some of the best players in the state and deserve to be high on the list. But its simple, The truth is sponsered by FULL PACKAGE ATHLETICS. Top Tier is also sponsered by FULL PACKAGE therefore if u play for Top Tier u will be on the list of "the best" players in the state according to "The Truth". I'm not saying that Top Tier does not have some of the best players in the state (they do) but that is the reality.
Next weekend Full Package holds a showcase called the super 60. It is an invite only showcase. Most of the players who will be there are from Top Tier regardless of how good they are or not. In my opinion this does not make this showcase the "super 60" although many of the best players in the state will be there. -this is just another example of how things work.
I agree with Philosopher.

Thanks, you did understand my point! The players that usually fall between the cracks are the ones that don't know about showcases and college camps, or just don't have the money to attend. These are some of the players, along with the political casualties, that don't get the exposure necessary to play in college, or maybe beyond. Thanks!


Go look at the player rankings from Baseball America, where do a lot of players seem to come from?
Try - East Cobb Teams, Florida Bombers, Chet Lemon’s juice, Dallas Mustangs, Nor Cal, Trombly Bulldogs, Midland Redskins, etc…

These teams hand selected players that they feel have extremely advanced tool sets.

We recruited our players that we feel are the best in their class. If they happen to be ranked in whatever publication or get invited to a National Perfect Game Showcase or the Super 60 showcase, etc…so be it.

I am sure “The Super 60” has players that deservedly should be there and they play for many good teams. To think that they all play for Top Tier (I wish they did) is ignorant.

Players and parents need to get rid of the “little man syndrome’ and not worry about their ranking, work on becoming a better player. Improve your 60 time, velocity, bat speed, pop-time, etc…

As Philosopher stated, some players do fall between the cracks, we will know more about these players as the season begins, the cream will rise to the top and we will try to recruit those players too.

Goose, why don’t you make your statement to the several college coaches and major league scouts that will be attending this showcase. I am sure you would do whatever it would take to be one of those players that were invited. I was at the last two annual events and I have not seen any winter showcase that had this much talent in the state of Illinois.

Last edited by 34/33
I actually read this drivel tonight right here on this thread; Quoting Goose:

"Most of the players who will be there are from Top Tier regardless of how good they are or not".

This is America and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but comments like this are not based upon fact or reality. Things may not be the way you'd like them to be for you personally, but it is wrong to make disparaging remarks about any other players that did make the cut.
Last edited by itsrosy
I'm not faulting the players who will be at the super 60. Congrats to them. I was just using that paticular showcase as an example to show how sometimes "player rankings" are influenced by other things than the actual players talent.
33/34- "Players and parents need to get rid of the “little man syndrome’ and not worry about their ranking". This is easy to say when u are on the inside looking out. If u r a player and u truly believe that u are better than some of the players who will be attending the "super 60" or u are better than some of the players ranked on The Truth than u have to raise a few questions. At least understand where I am coming from.
Rosy- "but it is wrong to make disparaging remarks about any other players that did make the cut". There is no cut. The bottom line is that Full Package looks better when all of their players are represented at the showcase. Yes, some maybe even most of their players should and deserve to be at the showcase but "The Truth" is still not completly accurate and overates and underates alot of players.

Last years Top Tier 18u team was not announced until March 2004 (2 months after the Super 60 Showcase). You need to do your homework. Maybe, you are under the radar screen. But, making blanket statments without knowledge is very dangerous. This is a maturity issue that most HS players experience. Hopefully, you will have a great season and be put on someone's list and then you will be on the inside. PM me and keep me posted. Good luck
Goose....I can understand where you are coming from. Any time there is a connection as you described there is going to be speculation about the integrety of the process. Think of it from TT's perspective for a minute. Their goal is to have as many of the top players as they can get, so it follows that the team would have many of those top-ranked players on it.

Another thing to understand is that The PBR would stand to lose credibility if kids they don't rank very high turn out to be better than those they do. My guess is that if they are spending money to put out the mag, they want to stay in business.

I'm on record as to my belief that the process is difficult and there is room for argument on the player rankings....but any manipulation in the PBR on behalf of TT would definitely jeopardize the integrity of the magazine....and I don't think that is what they want to do.

Good news for those ignored or not given the respect they feel they have coming: There are many avenues to get exposure, other media (maybe the new Illinois HS Baseball site)and above and beyond that your own personal performance. Motivate yourself from this and be better than you have to be to get on the list, if it means that much to you.
33/34 and FBD- I totally understand how the process works. A large part of the system is a busneiss and I can repsect that. I am not being ignorant or immature. I just thought that it was important to raise the question about the credibility of those rankings. I did not mean to damage myself, the magazine, or anybody involved in the process of making the rankings. Besides, as u guys probably have realized by now every once in a while I just like to start a little controversy. I really just wanted to support Philsopher and Play baseball and offer an alternative view to that of ItsRosy and 34/33. I believe that this makes for more and better conversation and gives me something to look forward to when I got on the web site.
What can I say I guess I'm just the straw that stirs the drink.
No harm intended. "The Truth" is mostly accurate in its player rankings and "The Super 60" does an excellent job of bringing the best players in the state together.
My point is that these two things just are not the be all and end all of Illinois High School Baseball.
Enough writing for tonight I got to get to bed.
Last edited by Goose
There are about 20 kids on Top Tier and about 7,000 other kids who play varsity high school baseball ...

In response to Top Tier players getting preferential treatment in the magazine, my response to that is: 1. I consider the integrity of the magazine the most important thing to longterm success, so i'm not going to let a player ruin that. 2.) Usually the players who play on Top Tier are very good and have a track record of success. 3.) There are players who I miss. Either I have never seen them play or their HS coach has not sent information on him. This weekend, in fact, I learned about two juniors from Troy-Triad who are big prospects. That happens. There are excellent players in every crease in the state. Some are uncovered, many are not. I try my best to be as accurate as possible. Obviously it is not an exact science, but I get a lot of input from high school coaches all over the state, pro scouts and college coaches.

**deleted by moderator**
Last edited by Chill

The one point that is indisputable is that much of your evaulation is based on what you experience either as publication editor, showcase organizer, team sponsor or athletic developer. I am sure as you mentioned, from coaches recommendations.

You put yourself in the public light and use this site as a tool for promotion for your showcases and magazine but when someone questions your methods or creates a competitive product (Illinois High School Baseball Report) you resort to character name calling or mocking responses.

Is this about you or your products? Do you treat all high school players like you treated
Goose or just the ones that spend money on your products? I don't think that is the case but at times it sure comes off that way.

I am not a big fan of adults not treating kids who participate on this site with respect site?
Goose did absolutely nothing wrong.

Now....I agree with Goose. I am sure your list missed some good athletes that should have been listed. They are not listed because they don't play for TT, other teams that TT plays, did not attend your showcase or not a member of a team that has a proactive coach. I am not a kid therefore consider me fair game.
There is no bias with the PBR. We had three guys in the top ten last year and had several more on the list as well as some juniors. Sean is not going to put his reputation on the line by sticking kids on the the list that arent worthy or ranking others too low. The whole ranking thing is not an exact science and never will be. Just to get your name mentioned is an accomplishment.
Prep Baseball Report is the best thing that has happened in High School Baseball in years..It creates awareness to a sport which is considered "minor" at the high school level.
Sean Duncan and his entire staff at PBR is doing something which needed to be done years ago.
Only suggestion I might have to eliminate the "hard feelings" is to ELIMINATE ANY RANKINGS they do as a staff for INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS..
Most of the criticism I have heard from scouts, coaches, etc. is about the PLAYER RANKINGS... just list them as Top Players and put them in alphabetical order with descriptions of their play....
You never read about a pro scouts rankings...You never read a college recruiters ranking list...LET THE INDIVIDUALS who subscribe to your publication discuss the rankings amongst themselves.. IT ELIMINATES ALOT OF HARD FEELINGS...AND CONTROVERSY...
KEEP UP THE good work is a great publication as well as this web site...Just try to eliminate putting yourself in difficult no win situations...
First off Sean Duncan does a great job and NO ONE has even attempted this in the past. In my world ANY publicitiy is good publicity. Rankings were put out so people could argue and players could be more driven towards a goal.
Yes, Sean and Top Tier work closely. But track record and rep tells us that these are the cream ot the crop. TT does a great job at getting the best talent recently.

33/34 said

Last years Top Tier 18u team was not announced until March 2004 (2 months after the Super 60 Showcase). You need to do your homework. Maybe, you are under the radar screen. But, making blanket statments without knowledge is very dangerous. This is a maturity issue that most HS players experience. Hopefully, you will have a great season and be put on someone's list and then you will be on the inside[/quote]

1) There is nothing blanket about his statements
2) I think he IS doing his homework
3) He is on my list
LT...I remember Jeff Jackson. Saw one of the last games he played against Hyde Park and a 65 mph pitcher at IIT just before the draft.

Raw talent. Simeon and Harlan were the only good teams in the CPL at that time. He suffered greatly from the poor level of the competition.

Last 1st rounder, I believe, was Kris Honel in 2003, I believe, with the White Sox, as the 15th player taken in the 1st round. Signed for $1.5 million.
lsc59, Goose and All Naysayers,

When people write on this or any other forum blatant untruths, they should be called on it. That includes any and all, regardless of age. If you're old enough to write this stuff then you're old enough to hear about it. There was a direct inference made that there is a lack of credibility by the Editor of PBR and less than honest player evaluations. As has been pointed out by SIBullets and other reputable posters, this is just not true. If you had a list of the players coming to the Super 60, which you don't, you would see just how off base you are.

This is a baseball publication, not the writing of War and Peace. You're trying to hold this publication up to the standards of receiving a Pulitzer Prize. Are you that critical towards content in the Sun-Times, Tribune or NY Times? I doubt it. If you don't like rankings, or whatever, carry your fight to Baseball America or Collegiate Baseball. Imagine all the lists, ratings, rankings you can wail on with them. Call Jerry Ford at PG and tell him you don't like his player ratings and see what they say.

Give it a rest, please.
Last edited by itsrosy

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