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I thought I heard it all with FM until I spoke with 2 FM parents from players on the team.

Panther Dads comments about their game:
Not many tough decisions for their coach this game -- except perhaps deciding whether to retaliate after one of his kids was HBP late in the game. For the record, I thought he handled it poorly, but...that's baseball

The facts of the situation:
FM was winning late in the game and the mouths from BOTH teams were going. FM's coach called time out and yelled to his bench to play baseball and stop with the comments(good decision). The next batter (FM's ace) got hit with a pitch.

After the FM ace was hit by a pitch, the FM coach called time with bases loaded and called his entire team out of the dugout to speak with them(assuming to be yelled at for comments) INSTEAD the FM Coach said "LETS STICK IT UP THEIR ***"!!! which made the entire FM team start laughing and heading back to the bench.

As I was told many of the parents from BOTH sides were not too pleased with the situation. I never heard of a coach calling time out and bring his entire team out of a dugout like he did. I am surprised the umpires let him do that in the middle of an inning.

When PE came up to bat the first pitch was thrown directly at the PE batters head and back to the baskstop. I was surprised to hear that both benches were not issued any warnings as well.

IMO, I totally disagree with his actions and other coaches and programs should not allow this coach to continue in HS baseball any longer. A phone call to Austin should be made.

Comments from H&U I am sure are coming. Both FM parents game me the same story and one PE parent agreed with it before I posted this.
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I'll stick with my earlier comment...

For the record, I thought he handled it poorly, but...that's baseball.

Having said that, I agree that the umpires negelected to control the situation. It could have escalated. Calling time out in the middle of the inning to call your kids out of the dugout & turn the situation into a joke was inappropriate.

For what it's worth, I have never been aware of our coach throwing at a kid -- and I don't think it happened in this situation. It's possible, but I don't think so in this case. No one from Plano East is going to call Austin --- what goes around comes around for teams.

Bottom line though is that FM was clearly superior to East on this particular night.

Last edited by Panther Dad
My comments are as follows:

I too wonder about your vendetta against the FM coach.

Concerning the FM PESH game:

I can confirm that the mouths from both teams were going. Including some from parents(I won't go into parental affiliations)

I can confirm that the FM coach called time and told his kids to play ball and stop the comments.

I can confirm the FM coach after watching the 3rd FM player of the game get hit called timeout, went to the dugout, and spoke to the whole team. Can't confirm what was said. I did not ask my son as I wasn't too concerned. The players did seem to get a kick out of it but most of the banter stopped afterward, which I believe was the point all along. If he said what you say he said, and if you want to call Austin about it, you better get out a big notebook so we can add more coaches names to it.

I can confirm that the first pitch thrown the next inning was inside and went to the backstop. I don't remember it being thrown at the batters head. I am also pretty certain that the FM coach had nothing to do with this. Your just going to have to trust me on this one.

If you look at the box score there were 3 Flower Mound batters HBP and only 1 from PESH. Doesn't look to me like a lot of retaliation going on by FM. I can tell you without a doubt that the 1 PESH batter hit was an accident as the count was 0-2 and he wasn't close to hitting the 1st 2 pitches during that at bat. The pitch just got away.

In defense of both teams pitchers, this game was played on a very cold and damp night. They went thru a lot of baseballs. I think this also contributed to the bad defense displayed by both teams.

As far as the FM coach telling his pitcher to throw at the PESH hitter, I think you are barking up the wrong tree. JMO.
PD...there is no vandetta against FM coach. When a team throws at a player and does what he did that is NEWS. IF you ever played ball PD you would be strong on this issue.

Since you feel that way with your second comment....I guess I wonder why you support and kiss H&U so much (good friends)then appear like your not sure who he is when you post.... toilet

I guess I will make comments only about our team and for the record....there is NO vandetta against FM or its Coach and please dont turn my opinions into anything more than opinions.

PS: We lost yesterday to Allen who is a solid team without ST.
You lost me Train, so I suppose I'll clarify my comments....

First of all, I know who H&U is -- I was probably one of the first here that knew. He never told me but I put 2+2 together. I refer to him by his nickname because most of us like it that way. If we wanted everyone to know us or our kids, we'd choose different nicknames --- most can figure it out if they care. I don't get offended when someone uses "PantherSon", rather than Jeff or whatever -- we all like a degree of anonyminity here. Many of my comments are not meant to reflect an association with Plano East. I have a lot of respect for H&U and his son ---- he is not a close personal friend, but I have a feeling he would be if our kids had ever played on the same team, rather than on opposing ones. I have become a big fan of H&U-son. I don't have a problem with H&U or the JAGS or their coach.

If you reread, I downplayed the incident Friday night because I do not consider it to be a major deal. I do not know whether anything was intentional and it is not a huge concern to me. I do not support throwing at kids -- I never have. I agree with you that the umps should have become more involved. I thought Coach Stinson handled it poorly because the on-field huddle seemed to "show-up" the home team -- it was not a serious huddle -- and he did little, if anything, to make sure it did not escalate. It seems obvious that he did not tell his pitcher to avoid retaliation. Having said that ---- you seem more concerned than anyone that was there.

I find it odd that you assume that I never "played the game". It may be true that I did not play as long as you did -- but I played HS baseball at a fairly high level and two of my three sons played college baseball -- so I may know more than you think.

Just for the record, I also have a lot of respect for Coppell's program and their coach. He coached my two older boys at Plano East. I did not always agree with his decisions, but he is an honorable man and is more than capable of taking your talented team into the playoffs. I respect many of your players, even some that do not get much "press" --- because they are fine athletes and good kids.

So, if I'm "kissing up" to you now ---- it's not intentional. Smile You have 20-some-odd posts here and many of them focus on the short-comings of the FM coach or his poor/under-achieving coaching (your views). If you want to neutralize that impression, feel free to do so. Surely you have some positive contributions to make on the board.

And, the Allen kids are stepping up after losing ST -- I'm sure he is proud of his teammates.

Last edited by Panther Dad
May be better if Texan son doesn't throw against Train's team. Texan son works the inside very, very hard (see Koufax quote below). About one-third of the walks he has given up are HBP as opposed to BB. Nothing personal, but he is going to bust batters inside. And when you do that, every now & then someone is going to be plunked.

I have played ball. I have been hit by pitchers and hit batters, thats part of the game. Very few in baseball intentionally throw at a batter. Coach Stinson coached my son for 4 years - 2 years at Sub Varsity and 2 years at Varsity level '01-'04 as assistant to Coach Derek Matlock. He is a no nonsense, play by the rules type Coach and would never tell a pitcher to throw at a hitter. He has too much class and respect for the game. FLower Mound Jaguars have a great program - GET OVER IT!!!
Melynda....if you can't figure it out then you must not have graduated from HS.

Putting an end to the story when 2 FM parents tell me the same story and confirmed by PE parent then I felt is was needed to be said. Someone will call Austin and investigate....I guarantee it.

We try to communicate the facts on this site. If some of you do not like it ....sorry Frown

I am sure FM runs a great program and the other guy (Matlock) was the best in the state (IMO)as I saw first hand in 03 and 04.

Good Luck to FM this year and H&U (such a fitting name for you as people see right through it) you too nhl3

I will try not to comment about FM the rest of the season!!! clapping But there are no promises here.
PD...there is no vandetta against FM coach. When a team throws at a player and does what he did that is NEWS. IF you ever played ball PD you would be strong on this issue.

On his profile "Choo Choo Train" states Coppell as his home, states he has played baseball "beyond HS", follows or is associated with a Plano "directional" school yet strikes out against FM at every corner....If it looks like, talks like then it SMELLS like .... an unhappy person. I have witnessed my share of HS games and have seen some retaliation but never with an 0-2 count. That would be a great disguise though!
Not sure why me saying that, I didn't think the pitch you are concerned about was not called by the coach, has you upset with me. It's just my opinion.

As far as my screen name on here, I could really care less whether people see thru it or not. It doesn't make any difference in the least concerning what I post. It was just something I thought was humerous when I came up with it and registered on the site.
Must be a slow weekend if this is all you have to talk about. Can we drag this thread out until Tuesday? Then we can have some real conversation.

Being around the game for a while I must say that if your throwing at someone, you don't call a time out and let them know. Just a thought. How about doing the stand up thing and ignore the Train, then he goes away like most people do when they don’t get the attention they are seeking. I think he is truly trying to bait everyone with his comments. Just step back and read his comments. Obviously looking for a fight about something he really doesn't know anything about.....BASEBALL!
There is nothing wrong with coming on this forum and asking about what is the right way or wrong way to handle something but remember in the end no matter what type/length of banter takes place on situations like this, it just comes down to this: it is really out of our control here on the boards.......if there was an incident then let those that need to take care of it take care of it, if the incident wasn't played out the way you think it might have then let it go..................

and Train just a small suggestion: when no one jumps "onboard" it is time to move onto the next station (subject/issue). walk
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by honest and unbiased:

The pitch that Train is discussing occurred later in the game. It was the first pitch of the inning and didn't hit the batter.

The batter that was hit on an 0-2 count occured earlier in the game.

Neither were called by the coach IMO.

Thanks for the clarification. I was was not at the game so can only go on second and third hand information!! Razz Unless I can be there in person or hear it first hand Iam would be reluctant to speculate. I try and to Fair and Certainly Unbiased! Smile

I know that people love to believe that coaches tell pitchers to throw at batters and in fact that may happen.
I have asked my son and many other pitchers if a coach ever told them to intentionally hit a batter and they all said no.
Think about it. HS coach tells pitcher to hit a batter and the batter gets hit resulting in a bad injury. The coach would have to be one dumb jerk.
My son has been told to move a batter off the plate by throwing inside but never to hit the batter.
I believe most of this is myth perpetuated by sports writers and others who like a good story.
Your post reminded me of a book I got for my son last year and decided to read it myself called High Heat. Early in the book during a High School game the main character, a pitcher, hits a batter and the hit results in a bad injury.

The book goes on to tell how both the pitcher and the batter are affected by this incident and how they both handle it mentally and physically. A good read and well worth it for any of your son's that are pitchers/baseball players.
Last edited by oldbat-never
Need ya'll's opinion on this incident. This happened a few years back when I was at FW Nolan.

We were down 2-0 in the 7th. We score 4 runs, 2 of them on a HR. Then we hit a 3 run HR to put the score at 7-2. Yes, my kids were celebrating a little bit. Pitching coach comes out to the mound, talks to the pitcher. Next pitch is at the head of our hitter and hits him.

What do you think I am thinking in the 3rd base coaches box?
Originally posted by TRhit:
Where did the pitch hit the batter?

Just gotta love you Texas baseball people

And we are different than other parts of the country? How so?

I've seen this happen in all parts of the country and even in Germany when I was a kid.

I think the Northeastern snobishness came out in your post.

How about that for generalization?
Originally posted by TRhit:
Where did the pitch hit the batter?

Just gotta love you Texas baseball people

It hit him in the front shoulder, then ricocheted and hit him in the back of the neck under the helmet.

Don't get me wrong, I was real hot about this. But we had to make sure the kid was OK, and he was. Then we had to get the kids off the field. Then after the game, the parent of the kid that got hit wanted to give the opposing coaches a piece of his mind and we had to calm him down.

Real, real ugly! Justice was served...we had a non-district game already scheduled with them at the end of the season. Our pitcher threw a no-hitter and we run ruled them 10-0.
First response when any player is hurt, no matter what team you are on (at the plate/in the field), and no matter what part of the country you are in and no matter what your affiliation (parent/coach/umpire/player/fan)should be:

"is he ok?"
(just like Funneldrill did/said)

then whatever you choose to do after that is based on your own upbringing, experience and character.
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by KellerDad:
Originally posted by TRhit:
Where did the pitch hit the batter?

Just gotta love you Texas baseball people

And we are different than other parts of the country? How so?

I've seen this happen in all parts of the country and even in Germany when I was a kid.

I think the Northeastern snobishness came out in your post.

How about that for generalization?

FO, is that grill getting a little full?
Originally posted by swingdoctor14:
Funneldrill ~ Pretty work on being able to spell ricocheted......I would have had to use "bounced off"....North-South-East-West..Have we beat enough wind out of this dead mules behind yet? Want to do something worthwhile? Keep a look out for PantherDads 1000th post with the rest of us white trash southerners............

I am more than just a baseball coach you know...

1000 posts, that is quite a milestone. That should be celebrated with some type of ceremony after the season.

We should all meet someplace centrally located to put names with faces for those of us that have not met each other.

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