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I have found it very frustrating over the years the way the our high school coaches refuse to set times for practices and basically say Monday - Saturday don't plan anything as he'll be busy with ball.

That would be fine if that were truly the case. I have on many, many ocassions found my son was home at 4:00 during the week and I could have made an afternoon (dentist, doctor, etc.) appointment for him, but instead I pulled him out of regular school so as not to interfere.

Especially frustrating is Saturdays. We plan nothing on Saturdays because the coach expects them to be available all day and yet half the time they are home by 1:00 pm.

My son is also in Scouts, so during the spring misses many campouts, and merit badge opportunities, but as it turns out we probably could go on many of them by heading over Saturday afternoon, but by the time I know that, it's too late and schedules and money were due.

Is this the norm?? Do most of you just realize that baseball season is all there is and don't schedule anything. Or do you schedule stuff and pay money realizing that your son may not get to do things and forfeit the money, but by prepaying are able to take advantage when schedule allows?

Now please don't get me wrong. Baseball is very important to my son and to us, and it is number 1 on the schedule, but it really bugs me when he comes home "early" and we could have used the afternoon for something productive and it's wasted. He is also frustrated because when he comes home he frequently says, now I can go on such and such, and I have to say nope, we didn't sign up in time.
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This sounds like one unorganized coach. Baring weather, there shouldn't be a reason to not stick to a schedule for practices. I see where this could definitely be a frustrating situation. But if it’s been going on for a while ... well, its the coach's style and probably won't change any time soon. Is there a pre-season parent meeting where this can be discussed? If not, unless the parents all have a "sit-down" with the coach to ask him to change, it won't. IMO, a single parent complaint will do more harm than good.
There have been three different coaches over the years and they have all had the same thing.
(The following coaches worked for or played for the original coach).

We asked the original coach about this years ago, and he stated he never knew what the weather would be and wanted to schedule around the weather. He also stated practice length depends on productivity.

If they are being productive and seem to have the energy to continue then he'll stay there with them as long as the practice is good. If they seem lackluster or he's feels it's not going well, they leave earlier. If they're just plain have bad attitudes, they run, do hills, and benches till they drop.

I was mainly just asking to see if this was the norm, or if most programs had a schedule.
Our coach practices Monday through Friday from when school lets out until 4:30 or 5:00. He sticks to this schedule like clockwork. I have never seen a more organized coaching staff, they know exactly what they need to cover on anygiven day. He has it down to almost the minute, as to how long batting practice will take, pitchers fielding practice, etc. Unbelievable. In the two years my son has been on varsity I have never seen a Saturday practice. Sounds like your coach is a little disorganized and coaches on the fly. Good luck.
There are several factors that posters are not aware of not the least of which is Title IX. It states that schools have to have equality when allowing use of facilities. We have to battle for the gym on poor weather days with not only the softball team but also, the tack team, the girl's s****r team, the tennis team. Everyone here gets an equal shot at the gym. That is why last year, we only went inside 5 times. Otherwise, rain, snow, or sunshine, we were outside. I can't believe I read so many posts that suggested that your school team doesn't practice on Saturdays. We start at 10:00 and believe me, we don't get done early. Saturdays are the best days because we can do so much. Live arm on the field. Break down drills both fielding and hitting using two different ball diamonds and 3 cages. A whole program working at one time. It is a thing of beauty and I don't understand how any coach could take that day off. YOUR SON IS HOME AT 4:00? Impossible. We aren't even warmed up by 4:00. We get out at 2:30 and with running stretcing etc. we start practice at 3:00. (BTW that is 10 minutes to dress and get to the field. Swap spit with your girlfriend on your own time.) What time does you son's team get out of school? We have a standard time which states all freshmen will be picked up at 5:15. For the varsity, and I know I'll catch some heat for this, they will be done when we get done. Typically, that means that we will be done around 6:30. I so very lucky that I want to be out there playing and so do my kids. Even at this time, I have to run them off. One suggestion, It is very easy for a coach to use a program such as Microsoft publisher to make a weekly calendar. Ask him if he would mind doing so. BE CAREFUL HOW YOU ASK.
Last edited by CoachB25
We have one field and it is used by the JV and Varsity. Varsity starts practice at 5:00 in the wieghtroom and we start on the field by 6. We are not done till at least 9:30. On Saturdays before games start you better pack a lunch. We go from 9 till 12 then eat lunch for an hour and go again from 1 to 4. It is time consuming but the kids love it and we win!!!
Last edited by FLCOACH
On schooldays they start at 1:30 in the afternoon. They have block schedule, 4th period baseball. I guess I also need to mention that about 1/2 of the varsity have "aid" for somebody 3rd period and have last lunch, so most of the seniors and a few of the juniors are at the building and hitting by 1:10.

We also have one of the best indoor hitting facilities in the area totally dedicated to us.

Like I said, if they were there and actually practicing, great, no problem, and some days are like that. As a matter of fact, last night son didn't get home till 7pm and was in a great mood cause they had an awesome practice.
Last edited by Kungaloosh

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