I have found it very frustrating over the years the way the our high school coaches refuse to set times for practices and basically say Monday - Saturday don't plan anything as he'll be busy with ball.
That would be fine if that were truly the case. I have on many, many ocassions found my son was home at 4:00 during the week and I could have made an afternoon (dentist, doctor, etc.) appointment for him, but instead I pulled him out of regular school so as not to interfere.
Especially frustrating is Saturdays. We plan nothing on Saturdays because the coach expects them to be available all day and yet half the time they are home by 1:00 pm.
My son is also in Scouts, so during the spring misses many campouts, and merit badge opportunities, but as it turns out we probably could go on many of them by heading over Saturday afternoon, but by the time I know that, it's too late and schedules and money were due.
Is this the norm?? Do most of you just realize that baseball season is all there is and don't schedule anything. Or do you schedule stuff and pay money realizing that your son may not get to do things and forfeit the money, but by prepaying are able to take advantage when schedule allows?
Now please don't get me wrong. Baseball is very important to my son and to us, and it is number 1 on the schedule, but it really bugs me when he comes home "early" and we could have used the afternoon for something productive and it's wasted. He is also frustrated because when he comes home he frequently says, now I can go on such and such, and I have to say nope, we didn't sign up in time.
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