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As for what I know or dont know about hitting, dont go there--you might not like what you find if we went one on one live in a cage with students. I get results not pictures and words...

Lets go one on one right here Rizzo. Where everyone can make their own judgement.

I'll start.

Explain connection.

Give an answer, then ask me a question. You better be able to back up what you say.
Last edited by Teacherman

If you are waiting for Rizzo you have a long wait

The name is THOMAS A. RIZZI --if yopu know so much about me you should know my name--everyone else does--

And I dont teach in cyberspace-- I teach live and real --one on one--where you can see what is happening--words and pictures can be misinterpreted

Read my challenge--I said in a batting cage--you always wnat things your way--you keep changing things to fit your inabilities--

I offered last year to bring you in to show your stuff at our showcase--you gracefully begged off and I know why-- YOU CANT SHOW WHAT YOU AINT GOT!!!

Again I ask you if you make thin or thick crust pizza? or Sicilian? do you know what Sicilian pizza is?
Originally posted by TRhit:

If you are waiting for Rizzo you have a long wait

The name is THOMAS A. RIZZI --if yopu know so much about me you should know my name--everyone else does--

And I dont teach in cyberspace-- I teach live and real --one on one--where you can see what is happening--words and pictures can be misinterpreted

Read my challenge--I said in a batting cage--you always wnat things your way--you keep changing things to fit your inabilities--

I offered last year to bring you in to show your stuff at our showcase--you gracefully begged off and I know why-- YOU CANT SHOW WHAT YOU AINT GOT!!!

Again I ask you if you make thin or thick crust pizza? or Sicilian? do you know what Sicilian pizza is?

I'll call you what I want, thank you.

Rizzo is short for 'Rizzi Don't Know'. Saves several strokes on the keyboard. Get used to it. Big Grin

So, Rizzo, I sense a little fear in your typing.
You're quick to use the keyboard to criticize but not so quick to point what the mistakes are.

Do you have a call in to your coaches? An emergency page??

Connection. C O N N E C T I O N. Should I use it in a sentence?
Last edited by Teacherman

You talk about me getting in your face

The name is RIZZI not rizzo--

You know something-- at least I am man enough to use my name-- nobody knows who the hell you are

QUICK-- I made the challenge--you changed it--where I come from it doesnt work that way

Case closed--unless you accept the challenge to get in a cage and teach side by side--that was my post-- only one who cannot make it happen will want to change the challenge and do it "his" way which he thinks is the only way

CONNECTION-- I dont think you have one--

Thin or thick crust? Anchovies?
Last edited by TRhit

Did you post a new link to the clips you mention or should I have it in my files somewhere ?


What I see in the fastpitch girl is typical of a good attempt at a rotational swing that still is not at the highest level (mlb level).My opinion is probably different from everyone else,but I think what she shows is poor optimization of arm/scap action and poor synchronization with the rest of the body here.She really "wraps" the bat in my opinion and because of poor arm action (how both arms work together which is felt primarily in the hands if well connected to rotation)she can not keep the hands back well enough to get the ideal dynamics of body coil/uncoil.I prefer a more vertical bat myself.

In Barry and Manny on the other hand,as the bat uncocks it does NOT blur much so early,but instead drops even though the hands stay back at the shoulder.The drop is because the whole body is coiling/twisting which goes along with a more measured uncoking of the bat followed by an extremely quick short swing.Better timing/positioning of the bat and more/quicker body torque to uncoil quickly.

I think your kid is probably at the point where he could really benefit from optimizing his swing with good arm action that would require good feel in the hands and strong forearms/wrists.You have got him otherwise pretty well in the envelope.

The fatspitch girls just have too many years of poor arm action baggage to have overcome yet.They lack the necessary coil and get by because the bats are so hot.

But that may be just me,and I never played high level ball or coached a successful mlb'er. I like looking at video though.Thanks for the clips.
Last edited by tom.guerry
Big of you to make a challenge that is geographically not likely to happen.

You have not offered one piece of hitting advice in the 2-3 years I've been here. But you claim you know something and you hang out in hitting threads. Why?

Your keyboard works to criticize but it doesn't work to offer advice. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. What is behind the keyboard? In this case empty space.

You don't have any advice. You are an embarassment. A groupie. You....................rizzo.
Last edited by Teacherman
Tom Guerry, The clips were posted in this thread by Teacherman. The clips are nice to look at, but it depends on what speed they were filmed at. At 30 fps or less, a little league swing will be blur. At 60 fps or more Bond's swing won't be a blur at all. I have many clips from Rightview, where the ball is not even a blur as the hitter hits it. Better camera and 60 fps.
The point of this thread is the real subject.

The point is that the arms-hands and wrists do need to be strong. The stronger the better, as they play a very important role in effective hitting.

Teacherman started off by postulating that there is no need to emphasize the wrists. He implied that wrist strength is not important.

IMO - he is dead wrong - and all the film clips and other diversions in the world wont change that.

That is the point of this thread.
SBK--use his link and see what you find-- then get in my face.
Let me ask you this, if I am a moderator am I supposed to change my style--not on your life--I am me baby and I will always be me-- a title does not make me change ME

There is the difference in our thinking SBK-- I always remain true to myself --you don't-- you never will

That dont make you a bad guy either--


TR, thanks for the analysis, you seem to take pride in letting us know that you are not going to change your style and that’s who you are. While you seem to think this trait is honorable, others may define it as being stubborn and we all know what animal is the poster child for stubbornness.

Your style seems to get you into about every good p issing match on this board. In this thread you join in a discussion about hitting yet you admit that although you know something about hitting, you don’t want to contribute anything via the Web.

So why join in unless it’s just to stir the pot. Teacherman’s style is occasionally a little direct at times also but he seems to be able to explain his thoughts on swinging a bat as well as anyone around here and is certainly prepared to defend his position. He even freely admits that he stays out of discussions on showcases and recruiting because he knows he’d probably look as silly in that area as you are when posting on hitting.

If you got something to add to a discussion on hitting, let’s hear it. How important do you think the wrists are in generating power? If you have nothing helpful to add, please stay out of the way and let others who wish to contribute on the subject, continue their dialogue, even if it’s not your “Style”.
Last edited by SBK

For me the hand strength and wrist strength are critical for hitting not just hitting for power.

Hank Aaron is a prime example of this and we can leave arm wrestlers out of the equation--they do not factor in

My own son was 5-10 180 and could drive a baseball 500 feet if he got the right pitch-- His handshake was a lock on grip--thin but strong as an ox in the arms and upper body

If you think otherwise you are entitled to your opinion

Redbird--I offered to bring TEACH inlast year at my expense--he turned me down

While I see other factors contributing more to generating power than the wrists, I won't disagree that having hand strength is certainly helful.

You point out Hank Aaron and today a couple good examples are Tejada and Soriano.

Your son's build doesn't sound too much different than Hank or for that matter, Mickey Mantle who also was know to send a few 500 feet shots.

Keep us posted when you are going to get Teacherman to one of your camps. Should be interesting.
Getting back to almost the original discussion I didn't have to go back to the drill bbscout was pushing on Teach because it is something I've been having my son do every morning for a while now. He tends to lead with his hands instead of staying connected and as a result drags the bat. That drill along with throwing very soft BP to him seems to be helping a bit.

Strong hands/wrists can make up for poor timing and allow a hitter to still drive the ball and strong hands/wrists can keep the bat from releasing too early and thereby facilitate the maximum amount of momentum transfer to the bat.

Actually, I think that this question could be answered definitively by a certain hitting instructor with an engineering background. It would be as simple as placing pressure transducers on a bat handle and then measuring grip pressures through the swing to determine the forces being placed on the bat by the hands throughout the swing. That would show if the hands were adding to the batspeed or not. Actually it wouldn't surprise me if somebody hadn't already performed this experiment.

BTW, I haven't shaken hands with Hank Aaron but my son has. Aaron impressed me as a person with a lot of class.
Last edited by CADad

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