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To which I reply once again. Nobody knows. The talent was there but would he have made the effort to play independent ball? I don't know and neither does anyone else. When I (the talent wasn't there) had the chance to go down to Mexico to play at 17 I didn't.

I realize there are people who just aren't willing to give everything to make it. One of our local D3 catchers signed(BTW, he probably would never have been drafted playing at a D3 except a big time pitching prospect happened to be playing there who drew the scouts in.), played rookie ball and hit over .300. He had Piazza's nephew or cousin or something of the sort playing ahead of him for a while but talent won out. Even so, the grind was too much for him and he decided to quit. That was his decision and one I'm sure your son has seen played out quite often. Let's face it from what you've written your son is one of the special ones who will stick it out through thick and thin and will go as far as his talent will take him and perhaps a bit further.

Sorry, not talking about my son here. Looks like he'll recover and get a reasonable shot. He's at a school where they are likely to give him a chance despite the long layoff and a deep pitching staff at his level. A lot of programs would have cut him and told him to come back when he was throwing high 80s. The window isn't as open as it would have been but it is still open. He's not likely to get much work at all this season as he's still in the process of building his arm strength and command back up but he's got a fresh arm and a whole off season to establish himself and if he has the talent that should be plenty. Another kid (with more talent) from the same school went through the same type of thing, I doubt the parents were entirely happy about his HS treatment, and could be a first or second rounder next year. I don't know how far my son will go in the game, but I don't think he'll leave the game until he's forced to.

I'm talking about other kids I've seen who have talent relative to their peers who were driven out of the game early by circumstances beyond their control. It happens.
Last edited by CADad
Originally posted by Scorekeeper:
The things that should be smashed are the templates baseball dogma indoctrinates gullible people with little real understanding of the game, into taking as gospel.

There’s a fellow on another board who insists that if a player who goes to a showcase of any type doesn’t run a 6.4 60, he may as well go home because he’ll never be picked to go anywhere but to the shed for rakes and the line chalker. Another fellow insists that if you’re a RHP and aren’t at least 6’2”/195, you’ll never see the pros.

I take issue with people like that because all I want to see happen is, every player gets given a fair chance to receive quality coaching and demonstrate their skills. Unfortunately, there are many who see that as wanting to give something to players they don’t earn, but that’s far from true.

In the 2000 draft, a young man named Adrian Gonzalez was the "first pick" in the whole country. He is now the starting 1st baseman for the Padres. He ran a 7.73 sixty at the Area Code Games. Smile So much for having to run fast to get drafted.
Originally posted by bbscout:
In the 2000 draft, a young man named Adrian Gonzalez was the "first pick" in the whole country. He is now the starting 1st baseman for the Padres. He ran a 7.73 sixty at the Area Code Games. Smile So much for having to run fast to get drafted.


Please don’t shoot the messenger! I won't mention his name publicly, but he’s from Texas if that’s gives you a clue.

Over the last few years, I have no idea how many parents reading his posts have given up trying to help their kids, or kids that have seen that and just hung ‘em up, but I personally know of a few, and its heart breaking.

Some of the “gurus” and “experts” that drift around out here on the WWW have no idea how they affect people. Not everyone is like you who understands that there is a lot more goin’ on than often meets the eye.

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