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I'm glad to see that there is at least one "honest and unbiased" contributor. Smile Yes, Tanner is a very good '08, playing on the SouthLake Freshmen team. So, are you saying that Tanner should be playing at a higher level there, but isn't popular enough? It seems a HS coach's job rides on his (and the team's) success...leaving a kid off because it isn't popular seems like a poor decision.

Of course, the SLC coach isn't new to controversy, eh? Also, if you follow this group of kids, Tanner is learning a new position.

I heard a rumor that Brandon Loy may be promoted to V in Rowlett -- go B!!!
No I am not saying Tanner should be playing on Varsity at Southlake. I just think Tanner should be included in the list of these players based on select ball performance. I do know and have followed each and every one of these kids and am very familiar with their talent level.

What I meant by popularity is popularity amoung students (ie being a stud athlete). I think many high school coaches have a number of agendas depending on the school. There are some freshmen playing varsity ball in the metroplex, at schools when in fact there are more talented players on that school's JV team.

My point was that just because a kid is playing varsity as a freshman doesn't necessarily make him that good. Some people seem to think that if a kid is playing as a freshman then he must be better than all of the other freshmen, sophmores, juniors, and seniors at his school not playing. I'm saying that this is certainly not true.

The real test come in the summer. Take a look at these kids, see which ones play at the highest level against the elite teams in their age group and up, how many lead there teams to championships, etc. Ask yourself if you had one choice in the 15 year old select age group who would you want:
a) In the batters box with the game on the line
b) On the mound with the game on the line
c) The field the ball with the game on the line
d) As a guest player with your team for a tournament
e) not to face as a hitter against your team with the game on the line
f) not to face as a pitcher with the game on the line

While we are at it throw in Kevin Diehl, Tant Shepherd, and Chris Slater in the mix when making your decisions as even though they are sophmores they are still able to play 15u on the select circuit.
Honest and unbiased,

You certainly make a number of good points. And prior contributions to this thread have agreed with you. Has anyone made the comment that the freshmen playing varsity are better than other players in their schools or in the area? The purpose of this topic is to recognize '08 kids -- regardless of their level of play. But, I don't think it's fair to assume that some of the varsity players are being given "free rides" because of school politics. Everyone has to deal with their particular situation as best they can -- and make the most of their opportunities. Any one playing varsity baseball should be proud of his place on the team, regardless of his class in school. Your comment, "playing varsity as a freshman doesn't necessarily make him that good" seems like a shot at a particular kid or group of kids. Of all the kids mentioned in this topic (that I know), none are weak players -- they have all made contributions to their summer teams.

I want to take a step back and re-emphasize that I do not think a player at one school is necessarily better than players at other schools (or even at the same school) simply based on his having a position on the varsity team. The schools, coaches, competition, school board policies, etc. are all very different. In Plano, freshmen and sophomores cannot play on the JV teams.

Also, this thread was opened to discuss high school players that are currently freshmen. It was not intended to be a slap at the young sophomores (like Tant and Chris and Kevin).

Since you are honest and unbiased, why don't you provide your top 3-4 players in each of the categories you listed here. You are a new poster -- no one knows who you are -- and you obviously have good knowledge of these kids.

Welcome to the HSBB web!

I didn't intend for my comments to be taken as a shot at a player or group of players. If that was the case, I apologize. My main point was that just because they are playing varsity ball doesn't make them any better than other kids (freshman included) not playing on varsity at their school or other schools. I know of freshmen playing varsity ball at particular schools when there are more talented players playing on that schools JV team. So in my opinion, what team level (Freshman, JV, Varsity,) is irrelevant when considering who the top freshman are. The real tests come in the summer.

As far as my picks are concerned they are as follows:
a) Joey Hainsfurther, Mike Ritter, Tanner Toal

b) Tanner Toal, Zach Young, Kyle Meinhart

c) Emens, Toal, Hainsfurther

d) Hainsfurther, Ritter, Toal

e) same as a

f) same as b

**Tant Shepherd and Chis Slater should be included in the top 3 in many of these catagories if considering young sophomores.

As far as best all around freshman players (leaving out Chris and Tant since they are sophomores) that do everything well I would say the top 5 are, in no specific order:

Toal, Hainsfurther, Ritter, Emens, Young
A couple of good games does not make a great hitter. Panther Dad is correct. My rankings(opinion) is based on watching these kids perform on their various teams over the last 5 years on the select circuit and watching who performs in the clutch consistantly with the game on the line.

All of the kids that have been mentioned throughout this topic, are talented players including Niko. We all have various opinions, I am just providing mine.

Incidently, the fact that these kids will play summer ball this year for the Tigers or Mustangs is coincidence and didn't affect my opinion in any way as I have no ties to either club.
You're wrong Dirtbag -- I have mentioned several others. The Mustangs and Panthers don't need pats on the back. And it seems you have focused on two Garland Cubs yourself. I think it's pretty natural to discuss the kids we see the most. Also, one of the boys in your first post is a Mustang in the summer.

Kids from DBAT, the Giants, Cobras, Panthers, and a few other teams have been mentioned.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Dirtbag and McKLions,
These kids have played for various teams over the last 5 years including the Sports, Wizards, Blackhawks, Rattlers, Team Texas, Tigers, and Giants.
I don't claim to know everything about these kids but I have watched them play locally for 5 years as well as across the Nation at various State and National tournaments. In my opinion, the kids that I listed continuously perform when the competition heats up against the best players and teams from around the country.

As I stated, all of the kids mentioned on this topic are talented ballplayers. I was just asked to provide my top picks, based on my view.

Lastly, I can assure you I have never had ties to Team Texas or the Dallas Tigers, and don't today.
Yes we need to look outside our box. Because their is a kid that I would have on my team anytime who can flat out get it done on the mound and in the field as well at the plate. That kid is Ryan Akins. He's making alot of noise at Flower Mound so far. Check out the local paper? (Wizards/Panthers)

These message boards is all opinions and everbody is intitle to theirs. I like reading the messages good conversations?
PD - As I said in earlier postings, "All I was trying to do was tell you about the strong freshman at my area school." And that is exactly what I've done. Although a classy organization, I do not have any affiliation with the Garland Cubs. If I wanted to promote Garland Cubs I would have added one more name to my list. But I didn't. I do hope Coach Perry is still coaching when my 12y/o is 14 though.
I listed the strongest freshman at my area high school. You can see where I am coming from when you look at the post above and every player listed played with either Team Texas or the Dallas Tigers last year. I absolutly agree with you that these young men are very nice players. That is why these two organizations have been so successful year in and year out. What I would like to see are some names that are on your area high schools. The post where Kirk rated the players is probably the most legitamate post on this entire thread. Just because he lists players from several teams and not just the two powerhouse teams. I know who some of the kids are and some I don't but at least they are new names to me and I will start looking out for these guys.
I 'm not trying to be rude. I just want people to open their eyes and see there are alot of really good ball players in the DFW area that do not play for niether organization.
Dirtbag- thanks for the kind words. Because of my background, I should know these kids as well as most (note, I didn't say better). Therefore to rate players and that list be predominantly Team Texas or Dallas Tigers would have discredited me to some degree (IMO). Secondly, in rating the players, I tried to identify those players that have something special, i.e. speed, arm, hit for power and average, etc. All the kids that have been mentioned, and some that haven't, deserve to be mentioned. However, who are the players that have seperated themselves from the pack for one reason or the other.

Regarding those on here that feel they need to defend their recomendations or to beat us over the head with one certain player, your opinion has been duly noted!!!

Does anybody know where Barsch (sp?), Cantu or number 7 (lead-off hitter for Cobras) are playing HS ball and can you provide their full names. I am not recruiting, I understand they are already committed to Dallas Tigers.

Honest and Unbiased- you obviously know names of players in this age group (at least from 2 teams) but one observation, this thread is about DFW area freshman. Zach Young is from Mexia TX. Mexia is closer to Waco or Austin than Dallas.
I was not aware that Zach was from Mexia. I have watched him play for several years in the summers and just assumed he went to one of the area schools. I still think he is one of the top freshman playing summer ball in the area.

In addition, I think Davey Wright should be added to the list of top freshman.

One other thing that I am interested in is how those kids(freshman)that are playing varsity are hitting at the high school level. I have seen them in summer but not seen most this high school season. Obviously some of the kids are doing OK such as Niko. I have also seen some of the others mentioned in the paper at various times. Some of the schools post their stats on their websites so they can be reviewed, while some don't.

I don't know that we need to discuss exact stats, I am just courious if the same kids that beat the ball up in the summer are having the same success or better at their respective high schools while playing as freshman against generally older competition.
He is saying just becasue a freshman is on varsity now doesnt mean he will keep having the success that he is. Most kids get ahead of themselvs and think just because that they are on varsity now that they will always be able to play at the highest level of baseball. And those are the kids who stop working hard and just expect to play just because of the past
Personally I subscribe to the theory of:

nobody knows what tomorrow will bring so celebrate today.

So in otherwise live for today, celebrate the accomplishments of the day but plan for tomorrow and I would think that would apply to a player that is a freshman, soph., junior, senior and so on.......the journey might be known but the length of the path is unknown by any of us.
Last edited by oldbat-never
You know, I try to remain positive in my posts....but....

This topic has become ridiculous -- I guess it ran out of steam several posts ago. I suppose the negative people here -- who are numerous -- would rather focus on the pitfalls of young kids playing at a high level. In a like manner, we should never mention players (in any grade) on this message board -- it might prompt them to stop working hard....I mean, wow, HSBB web accolades! -- whoopee! It doesn't get any better, eh? *sarcasm* Let no one mention Sean Tolleson's participaton on Baseball America's Youth National Team -- he might lose focus on next Tuesday!

McKinneylions, Clemente21, others -- why assume the worst? why assume that any players will rest on their "laurels", varsity/JV or otherwise? Is there one shread of evidence that the freshmen mentioned in this thread have or will soon stop working to become better players? That's just negativity. The ones I know will work hard for another month and a half (in HS), then start working hard to contribute on other teams (summer select), then work hard next season.......Brandon Loy works his tail off to get better!

I congratulate them all -- freshmen playing 9th grade, JV, or Varsity (many have moved from team to team). And because my son fits this description, this will be my last contribution on this subject.

Ken, who's concerned about yesterday? Your contributions come across as some sort of "wise" advice, but who are you targeting? Like your opinion about a recent poll -- "none of this stuff matters much until playoff time" --> an obvious truth. So, no polls should be discussed? Let's not talk about a kid's past because he might stop looking to the future? <rolling eyes>

If you all don't like a particular topic -- then just ignore it. It's a message board! Whoever started the topic -- oh it was you mckinneylions -- should have just asked for a list of all freshmen playing at all schools in the metroplex. That way, no one's kid would have been omitted.

Thanks, oldbat-never for remaining positive.

Before you accuse me of promoting my son -- look back, I never mentioned his name. I don't think of him as the "Top freshman in the dfw area" (see topic name). I'm just proud of his approach to this challenge, his attitude, and his support of TEAM. And I'll continue to support his passion for the game...wherever he plays -- like I have done for my older two sons.


Ken, who's concerned about yesterday? Your contributions come across as some sort of "wise" advice, but who are you targeting?

I think most of your posts are commenting on what has happened in the past. I am targeting the parents that consume themselves with ranking 14-15 year old freshman in which I believe is a waste of time but entertaining.

Like your opinion about a recent poll -- "none of this stuff matters much until playoff time" --> an obvious truth. So, no polls should be discussed? Let's not talk about a kid's past because he might stop looking to the future? <rolling eyes>

I would prefer to not put a undeveloped player in a poll. I would prefer to talk about what's important. I would hope that our parents could find something more worth while than a "who's the best freshman poll". But, my experiences so far lead me to believe it will only get worse in amatuer baseball.

If you all don't like a particular topic -- then just ignore it. It's a message board! Whoever started the topic -- oh it was you mckinneylions -- should have just asked for a list of all freshmen playing at all schools in the metroplex. That way, no one's kid would have been omitted.

No, I don't "like" this topic but I don't choose to ignore it. Rather I choose to hopefully put things in realistic perspective. To ignore something you believe is wrong, is wrong in itself.

Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Just like most Baseball Message boards, the subject always turns heated when someone feels like they are not being agreed with. I'm as guilty as anyone. As it has been said before, all of the kids that have been mentioned on this board all play at a higher level than most kids. It all is the in the eye of the beholder. Period!
I think most of your posts are commenting on what has happened in the past. I am targeting the parents that consume themselves with ranking 14-15 year old freshman in which I believe is a waste of time but entertaining.

Make up your mind. Is it entertaining or a waste of time? A lot of people are having fun with it. Why do you have a problem with that? This is not the first time you have tried to kill a thread because you don't approve. Kind of arrogant, don't you think.

I would prefer to not put a undeveloped player in a poll. I would prefer to talk about what's important. I would hope that our parents could find something more worth while than a "who's the best freshman poll". But, my experiences so far lead me to believe it will only get worse in amatuer baseball.

Who cares what you "think" everyone should talk about. Start your own messageboard if all you want to do is have people talk about what you think is important. Who decides what is important? You? No thanks. I will make my own decisions.

No, I don't "like" this topic but I don't choose to ignore it. Rather I choose to hopefully put things in realistic perspective. To ignore something you believe is wrong, is wrong in itself.

Believe what you like. Just don't be so condescending as to tell everyone else what is important as though you have all the answers. It is not your message, but your delivery. Maybe you should work on your communication skills? Oh, that is right. you have all the answers on that as well. Don't you? Razz
Last edited by bbrulz
Ok, I said I was done....I spoke too soon.

This is the High School Baseball Web Message Board -- not a T-ball message board. Ken, you are suggesting that mckinneylion's topic is "wrong". Could a person have wrong motives in starting a topic? Perhaps, but that's not my complaint here. My complaint is the negativity. I gave mcklions the benefit of the doubt until the discussion turned to kids becoming complacent, neglecting school, etc. I suppose the original intent was simply to name the "players to watch". That has been done -- to a degree.

I think there are good and bad topics -- but all discussions that focus on high school baseball should be acceptable.

Dirtbag, I disagree with a few points made in the thread, but I agree that all of the players mentioned are strong....and there are many around town (on numerous teams). And many that have not been mentioned.

When is it ok to talk about players, Ken? Is it ok to mention Juniors and Seniors? What about upperclassmen that have not played at the varsity level -- too soon to mention them because they are underdeveloped?

And, since you're pretty bold, who's "consumed" with rating players here? I think there were 2 posts that became detailed in that area -- on 4+ pages!

I think the goal should be to remain positive -- and to have fun. Right, Bighit!?!?!?! rolleyes

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