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Let me have sum fun at TR's expense...

TR QUOTE form Jay Bergman topic...with liberties taken

Who said he hit the playerumpire!!!

Nobody knows what really happened least of all any of us

Dont preach the holier than thou stuff when you do not have the facts

Perhaps the old ways are needed--for some reason I like them and respect them



What precipitated his actions? Does anyone know?


and in the meantime a coach player with no problems on his record may get dismissed in disgrace


What caused the outburst from the coachplayer?

Did the player umpire say something?

Did the playerumpire thorw something inn the coaches players direction?

For a coach of Bergmans (Ok I'm stretching it) player of Youngs reputation and stature someting had to trigger his actions!!!

By the way YES the player should be suspended... did anyone call the Umpires Mommy for a quote?
Love this quote from the Pawtucket catcher ...
...I'm sure as the bat left his hands he knew it was a bad decision."

Also think it is interesting that the front office sounded a little more annoyed than the team manager, who hadn't yet heard Mr Young's 'side of the story'. Gotta wonder what the manager was doing or what he was watching at the time of the incident. Guess since he figured something precipitated the tossing of the bat in the direction of the umpire.

Based on everything I have read and heard about Delmon Young, he is an upstanding kid who appears to have let the situation get ahead of him. Something he will learn in time, I guess.

By the way, does anybody know if a minor league player continues to draw his salary during a suspension? They don't have anyone to represent them in challenging a suspension (i.e., no union representation) so are they just hung out to dry?
With all due respect to all of the "apologists" that we are sure to hear from on this issue, I just saw the incident on ESPN. Over and over and over again!

He INTENDED to throw the bat at the umpire. He had the ENTIRE REST OF THE UNIVERSE to launch the bat and he launched it at the umpire. Worse...the ump wasn't looking and as he turned he got hit on the right shoulder/face/side.

While he "apologized"....lololol...They say he will be launched for 60 games.

He should be launched for the SEASON.

He was suspended last year for "bumping" an umpire.

Kid has anger management problems.

Find someone to help him deal with it and give him the rest of the year "off".
Quote: Delmon Young
"I sincerely regret my actions in the game yesterday," Young said in a statement released by the office of his agent, Arn Tellem. "Regrettably, in the heat of the competition my emotions got the better of me.

"My behavior was completely unacceptable. I want everyone to know that I recognize that it is never right to throw a bat and I certainly never intended for the bat to make contact with the umpire. Nevertheless, I owe an apology to my team, the fans and most importantly to the umpire, for the incident. I am sorry."Quote: Delmon Young

That sound's like a 20yr old Young Man Apologizing.
Not a Jerk or a Timebomb.
Just a Minor Leaguer Who made a mistake.
And will pay the Price for that Mistake. the EH
We like Delmon, he's a nice kid. However, the statement made does not sound like something he might actually say. It does sound like something written by his agent, though.

Money is no problem for Delmon. He's a very wealthy young man, being the first pick of the 2003 draft.

Not to defend his actions, but I sure hope they get the real umpires back soon. There are people umpiring minor league games across the street from us who are poor amateur umpires.

Word is... anyone umpiring these games will be blackballed once the real umpires get back. This keeps a lot of the best amateur umpires from getting involved. It leaves some of the worst working the games they are far from qualified for.

Still no reason for doing what Delmon did!

Why does he deserve a break?

Because he is Highly Rated Prospect ?

The coddling has to stop --it has already gone too far--the more we give these spoiled athletes the more they expect--he should be done for the year with no pay and a stiff fine!!!!

The bat ending where it did was not a mistake and the statement of apology is ludicrous in my book--
He deserves a break because he is a kid and every kid deserves more than one chance, even the rich ones. Would you ban him from baseball for life or throw him in jail? Indefinitely in this case appears pretty severe. Time will tell. As for the pay, it probably does not matter much beyond the symbolism. Nobody is defending what he did, but justice does not need to be vindictive. Forgiveness I view as a good thing.
Last edited by jemaz

If you know anything about the game touching an umpire is the biggest sin you can committ-- throwing the bat as he did is even worse

I must say, jemaz, that I do not think you undertstand the "rules" of the game-- I will tell you that I have never met an umpire I would have dinner with but I know I will never touch one--I was taught that early on in the game

Back to back years with incidents with umpires--the young man has a problem
Last edited by TRhit
He is a kid in many respects still, but in an adult world, making adult money, and he will suffer adult consequences. I don't recall ever hearing of a bat thrown at an ump, and I devour baseball history books as I find them. Might've happened, but I haven't heard of it. Heck, look at the furor with Alomar for a little spit (okay, I'm an O's fan, but that too was way way out of bounds, no matter what the ump said), and this kid tosses a Louisville Slugger? The video looked like it struck the ump and came pretty close to smacking him ump in the face.

The apology surely was written for him; isn't that the way it's always done anymore? I'd appreciate apologies for boorish behavior a lot more if the guilty guy would get behind the microphone, on his own, apologize, and act like he means it.

The video showed the ump called him for strike three, Young walked by and apparently commented on the call, the ump tossed him, and the bat came flying from 10' away or so.

He did the crime, he'll do the time (suspension) and hopefully he'll learn a lesson.

P.S. TR, I umpire occasionally, I've yet to have an ugly incident with a player or coach in 15 years, and I'd be glad to have dinner with you anytime you're in the Commonwealth.
Last edited by hokieone
What Young did goes way past anything covered in baseballs rules and jumps right into the criminal realm. Looked like assault to me. A season ending penalty sounds a little light to me, throw a few weekends of of public service in for good measure. The clearing brush or picking up trash kind with others who share the same values this young man displayed. He should fully understand how your actions speak for you and where you belong.
I certainly think that the young Mr. Delmon will not have a problem whatsoever finding work in the realm of sports should he find himself in the outs with the MLB.

What exactly did the young Mr.Delmon do?

"When Young took his time leaving the batter's box, the umpire tossed him. Young then flipped his bat underhand and it sailed end over end, striking the umpire."

In certain sporting endeavors this knack for tossing a cylindrical object, end over end, with some accuracy and distance, is much sought after and desired.

Consider Scottish Caber Tossing.

The caber is a 90 to 120 pound log, 16' to 20' in length, that is tossed end-over-end. The young Mr. Delmon will have to train and work very hard to advance his capabilities to the point where he can actually manage the heavy caber. Just keep him away from the BALCO Drive-Thru window.

Once the narrow end of the caber is vertically balanced in the arms of the athlete, the athlete runs forward, stops and heaves the caber upward. The caber must spin in such a way that the large end hits the ground. The young Mr. Delmon will have to be particularly careful not to aim the caber in the direction of any officials...if an official should be struck by a caber then no amount of apologizing from the tosser or his agent(s) will help the situation.

The caber will then fall over with the narrow end falling away from the athlete and spectators, including the aforementioned officials.. A perfect throw will land at the 12 o'clock position, straight away from the athlete that released it.

Just a thought.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
With MLB DiMitri Young's little brother's continued assults on officiating (pro or replacements), and without a major league players union (no players union in the MiLB) to represent him, Delmon (and his God given skills) will lose his opportunity (over the near and continued future) to play MLB. Although he may be a very young adult, he's already received a break, hence International baseball here Delmon comes!
Quote: Delmon Young
"I sincerely regret my actions in the game yesterday,........."

That sound's like a 20yr old Young Man Apologizing.
Not a Jerk or a Timebomb.
Just a Minor Leaguer Who made a mistake.
And will pay the Price for that Mistake. the EH

From what I understand Young is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and I'm sure his apology was written by his agent who is using it to lay the groundwork for a suspension appeal. My money says these are not Youngs personal thoughts as he has to much history as to his real agenda. There are thousands of players who have that Minor League experience, very very few have ever pushed an ump, no one has thrown a bat at one. His actions and comments starting when he came out of HS are not only showing disrespect for the game but a real clear indicator of his character. A real loser. How disappointing and what a waste of god given talent that was only starting to be realized. Frown
Last edited by rz1
I read an article on the MLB site last night (which I can't locate this morning....the article, not the MLB site Wink) that said, in addition to the previous "bumping" incident, Young had tossed a bat in the direction of the pitcher when him was upset him had been hit by a pitch (it just said it landed within 20' of the pitcher). Given that history of temper tantrums, the kid's got a problem and only the Rays can decide if his talent is worth the risk.

Baseball's got a big problem to deal with right now with Performance Enhancers. I'd hate to see any tacit encouragement of the kind of aggressive behaviors that mar professional basketball and football. Talent isn't that thin on the ground that MLB needs Young.

Gotwood, having watched the video I am concerned that Young wasn't getting nearly enough air under the 'caberette' for a truly good toss. Then there's the issue of him in a kilt and the many attendant (and potentially raunchy) jokes that go with that image. coolgleam

Not to mention that the world doesn't need another Scot with a bad temper... Wink
Last edited by Orlando

Originally posted by BeenthereIL:
got...All you have to see is the tape and you'll realize how nonsensical your posting is in this situation.


Come on...We're both from Illinois and a lot smarter than that.

Nonsensical? Gotwood? No way!

Tongue firmly planted in cheek on that post Been. Thanks Orlando for the cue.

Don't have cable...didn't see the actual incident...I trust the accounts that people have posted...I just voted elsewhere for the young Mr.Delmon to receive at least a one year suspension. My point was that if he should get drummed out of baseball he may be able to put his abilities to good use someplace elase!

Other of my posts re: young Mr.Delmon clearly emphasize my disgust with his horrible behavior.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Good Day All,

I posted on another thread here on this subject and was just reading the various posts here as well.

A couple of points for anyone who thinks Mr. Young deserves a "break".

1. How many "breaks" do you want to give him before he breaks someone else? This guy has a history of temper & self-control issues. would you want your wife or child be the target of his next uproar if he decides to throw a ball or a bat into the stands because someone ticked him off?

2. If someone had not given him a "break" in HS or at another level of ball along the way, perhaps this behavior would have been curbed back then. You don't build a resume of behavior like his without being allowed to.

I have watched players from LL to Legion ball and college throw a helmet or a bat in disgust when things do not go there way. So many managers/coaches will not do anything to address it. I have personally gone to the few coaches that have sat players for that behavior and thanked them after the game. I think that is important. Let any coach in any sport know you support him if you see this. Even if you dont know him or have any attachment to his/her team.

I realize this is very much an uphill battle (fighting city hall is it were)on this subject. There will always be coaches who will put winning and on field performance ahead of proper conduct and behavior.

Orlando provided a link to the video clip on the other Delmon Young thread. I viewed it.

What I can now appreciate is your outrage concerning the incident. What I saw on the clip is disturbing. Your reaction is totally understandable.

My first reaction to what I was reading here was outrage also...but without seeing the video clip the picture I had in my head was one that reminded me vaguely of the Scottish Caber Tossing...hence my stupid, nonsensical post.

I certainly was not trying to defend or diminish Delmon Young's actions...I'm sorry if that is the impression that was left with you.

You and I love the game and we both want what is best for it and its survival...Delmon Young and his selfish, dangerous behavior is not good for the game nor for its survival.

I just watched it two or three times're right Been, he was aiming that bat...that umpire could have been killed!

Scotland doesn't need this guy either!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

I missed the tongue-in-cheek part...Sorry.

I just don't understand all of the people from Cali defending the guy. There is a PATTERN of this kind of behavior from this guy.

What will they do when Cali is floating in the ocean after the Big One and they are 50 miles from Hawaii!!!!

Years ago...I was in Cali standing near a McDonald's near Van Nuys (aunt used to live there) and the ground moved for about 5 seconds...seemed like an hour....I couldn't believe it.

I know you have sun and stars in Cali...But I can't handle the Earth "moving".

Give me the 4 seasons anyday and solid terra ferma.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
Being a So Cal guy, the local news played the clip last night and it seems so obvious that the 'toss' was intentional, I wonder how anyone could consider otherwise. Generally speaking, other than guys like Milton Bradley Wink , when a player tosses equipment in anger, it flies towards their dugout, not with the player facing away from the dugout and tossing the equipment in the direction of the umpire and/or catcher.

Sad state of affairs ... and I agree that it shows a lack of respect for the game. Hopefully with his youth, he can learn from this and get his anger under control before someone gets seriously hurt.
If Young already had hit 500 big-league homers he'd be getting a free pass from TR & Beenthere.

Furthermore, if Young had Bonds status TR would be questioning whether Young actually tossed the bat or not. The clips I saw just show the bat flying - can anyone really know whether he tossed it? Just kidding guys - a little early weekend humor.
Originally posted by jemaz:
He deserves a break because he is a kid and every kid deserves more than one chance, even the rich ones. Would you ban him from baseball for life or throw him in jail? Indefinitely in this case appears pretty severe. Time will tell. As for the pay, it probably does not matter much beyond the symbolism. Nobody is defending what he did, but justice does not need to be vindictive. Forgiveness I view as a good thing.

He'll be 21 in Sept. 6'3- 205 multi-millionaire. I wouldn't call him a kid. Make sure he feels the punishment so he will think before letting his emotions overcome him again.
For his sake, not to be vindictive.
Last edited by wvmtner
Forgiveness I view as a good thing.

Forgiveness begins when Delmon accepts the fact that he is a jerk, accepts his punishment, and does something positive as a result. This is not an isolated incident. In fact, I would bet that someone has been doing "damage control" on his actions since his HS days and we have been sheltered from much of it. You forgive a child that makes a mistake, you chastize a man who makes a mockery of "goodness". An apology written by the guy who is getting a cut of his future earnings is not acceptable apology as he's already bured that bridge.

The writing is on the wall. He's going to come out and blame his attitude on the greed of the business, the hood, a bad hair day, but, it will not be because of his pompus attitude. That is if he has the guts to face the public on it's terms, with its rules, and without a bat to hide behind.

This really bugs me!
Last edited by rz1

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