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I know some of you drove away from your sons' new homes this week, leaving them to face new challenges, nervousness, uncertainties. (okok, maybe some of YOU weren't ready) Cool Some will begin baseball 101 (you thought they took it in high school). Believe it or not, those of us with HS players ARE interested in your experiences this week.....and in hearing about fall baseball in college.

Keep us posted.

(I had to post SOMETHING other than all these ridiculous bumps!)
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Heard one story tonight about a young man (who shall remain nameless) who left a letter on the nightstand next to his parents bed for them to read after he had departed for freshman year. The letter was full of kind sentiments and thank yous for all they had done for him.

May we all be so fortunate when our sons leave home for college.
Older son started his journey to Pig Nation (Arkansas) last weekend after weeks of scrambling after the OU mess. He spent his first week locating classes, meeting new teammates and team running at 5:30 AM. Him and the girlfriend are away from each other for the 1st time in two years. When the wife departed Fayettesville last week she cried too. Well one down and two to go. School starts tomorrow for the Plano kids and life returns to normal for all.
Last edited by Eastside Panther
Left Nashville last weekend & left my oldest. Great experience.

The baseball team helped move all the newcomers in the dorm. The entire baseball team will break up in three's & coach all the teams in a local 16-18 select fall leaguge for their community service requirement.

Monday- Welcome banquet for all athletic teams
Tuesday- Introduction of all athletic teams to the sudent body & faculty.

Wed- 1st team meeting NCAA regs,lifting workout, individual hitting/ throwing. #'s haded out (#9 it is!)Classes begin & his 1st 8am class teacher will miss two weeks (can sleep 1 hr later!)

I thought it would be hard & I guess it was but I left feeling that my son has a great opportunity and from here on out he is in control of his future!
I dropped #2 off in Lubbock where I watched, with confidence, the baseball fraternity pull him in and start the college baseball process for me again, and now I am in Chicago, about to see my first game of my son as a professional player.

It is really a pleasure observing ya'll as you begin to your college baseball experiences.

The ride is not as frightening the second time around and is exciting for me to observe ya'll on your first ride.

Fun, ain't it?
Well, oldest Hawk son moved into his dorm yesterday and we miss him, but know that he’ll get after it when the first running begins at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning, and the first hitting begins at 7:15 a.m.
I, like so many here, have been blessed with a great kid. I guess I just didn’t realize how good a friend he’s been to me until he’s not here to talk to every few minutes.
Other Hawk kids begin school tomorrow, and another year begins. Best of luck to all of you parents with kids starting school, either at a college or in a local school. Here’s to a great year for everyone. . .
Originally posted by FormerObserver:
I dropped #2 off in Lubbock where I watched, with confidence, the baseball fraternity pull him in and start the college baseball process for me again, and now I am in Chicago, about to see my first game of my son as a professional player.

It is really a pleasure observing ya'll as you begin to your college baseball experiences.

The ride is not as frightening the second time around and is exciting for me to observe ya'll on your first ride.

Fun, ain't it?

Congrats FO..........Good luck to them both!
Going on 2 weeks since son left for college. Text message has made the transition go a whole lot smoother. Kids may not call but they sure don't mind exchanging texts.

Baseball doesn't offically start for him till Sept 14. However personnal running and lifting programs have been put in place for each player.
Classes are going fine. The only complaint we have gotten is how much lecture and note taking there is.(reading also)

One worry we had was the missing of the girlfriend.
He seems to have found a cure for that...CO-ED dorms
Wife drove my son down a week ago Thursday, I followed in his truck pulling the other son's Jeep on a trailer.

All four roomates have played together at one point or another on summer/school teams and were already friends. Makes for a better adjustment period.

My son looked at me Saturday about 1pm and asked, "When are you leaving?"

Told him, give me 15 minutes and I'll be out of your hair.

As FO said, it's easier with the second, this is my third, so it was a piece of cake. Now my wife on the other hand didn't quit crying till we hit Big Spring.
Roomate is a KC teamate. 2 other Freshman players across hall. Girls in room next door. The Comal 15 minutes away. An almost 3 to 1 girl to boy ratio. Roomate brought 32 inch Plasma. 40 people in his English class, only 4 are guys. 2 soph BB players a floor below. Found girls to do his laundry.

I think he is OK!!!!!

We still have 4 at home and 1 plays Varsity FB at Katy. Too busy to miss him yet.

OK, miss him a little.
Panther Dad - mine's at Grayson this year. I didn't know that we got to play fall ball too until recently - that'll be cool! Last year - he played at a 4-year school and you could only do practice. I'm excited about watching. He really liked practice today. I think their first fall game is only a couple weeks away!

Catcher - I nearly spewed my coke on the screen!! I also have 9 & 8 year olds (lil' sisters to my oldest). They push me out the door every year. I guess growing up with a mom and dad in education - you never get the crying stuff. I always work in the same district as my kids. (p.s. - I shop in McKinney.)
Last edited by Long_Live_Baseball
Well I have tried to refrain from submitting, but my conscience got to me.

Dropped off JAFO son 2weeks ago, apartment living for him. Rooming with brother of Ranger's second round draft pick. Got water, electricity, cable and internet hooked up. Stocked the fridge. Got lay of the land and left. All has gone well with 2 a days practice and started school today. Seems to be adjusting well. As many have stated previously, I miss the conversations. Phone calls are ok, but still miss him. This is 3rd & last one, and probably the most promising of the bunch. I am not sure it got any easier. JAFO wife cried to the edge of town, but seemed to have it under control after that. One side note......he's been an outfielder for 10 years and hasn't seen the outfield yet. Just goes to show you.......if you're versatile you can find a spot between the lines.

Ok, I feel better now.

Chattabooga State Tigers
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Son is at Grayson also. This is his second year there and loves it. We helped him pack and off he went in his pickup, but came back the next day to get his car. Short trip from McKinney but he spent the summer in the NE part of the US playing ball. Haven't seen him much this summer so it is nice he is in school and now we can catch up with him.

I hear his first scrimmage is Saturday somewhere in Oklahoma... he told me. They always seem to forget the details. The wife and I will try to catch up with him over the weekend.
My son is at Arkansas for the second year and I helped him move back up 2 weeks ago. Out of the dorms and into a house with three other players. From what I've heard so far their house is the new "gathering" place. Even though we've been through it before, the second time was still hard driving away. But on a side note, after having a good season pitching last year at Arkansas and a good summer with the Marshals, he has already been invited to play up in the Cape next summer so we're very excited! GO HOGS!!!!!!!!
Mine is at Texas State. Living in Blanco across hall from 2 Freshmen from Allen. The 5 Freshmen this year have already become buds and are doing alot together. Started Strength workouts last night and he texted and apologized if he dies during the workouts! 1 full hour of legs and then 12 100 yd sprints!

It isn't too bad yet, but once the Practices and Intersquads start mid September it will get tougher. Nothing like sitting around discussing all that is happening. Texting helps but is not the same!
F.O. If you would like to contribute to a growing program, I know of a place that would welcome all of your gently used equipment for their up coming spring schedule. Our equipment room is a bit bare.

As for me, this is the first time in 6 years of teaching/coaching that I actually get to be a part of my family. I take my daughters to kindergarten everyday. I also get to go down and see them any time I want. Then in the afternoon I get to pick them up and take them home. The school is McKinney Christian Academy and I highly recommend it. Then tonight I took my boy of 22 months to his "meet the teacher" for day care at a local church. That's when it started getting tough.

This is a great post and I'm really enjoying seeing all the details about some of the players I had the honor of coaching or seeing play at some time during their high school careers. Good luck to the players. Make the most of every chance you get and never take any of this for granted. 4 years of baseball can go by in a blink of an eye.

All I know is we have a new mascot. Smile

The boy is having fun and has already seen the difference between high school conditioning and the size of the players. Says he is excited to get started. The mom and I are going thru the empty nest syndrome, but I thank Sprint for the free family to family talk on the cell phones. The good part is he is only forty five minutes away so visiting (until he no longer wants to) is not a problem.

Go Mavs!
We moved our son into his dorm at McMurry last Wednesday. We packed light so he will have less to keep up with. He had Vision Quest (Fish Camp) from Thursday - Sunday. Classes started on Monday. First team meeting on Monday. Individual meetings with the coach. Measured for pants yesterday. Mandatory study hall for Freshmen (yea!!!) Volunteer practice until 9/8. Next door neighbor in the dorm had a laptop stolen on Monday (because they left the door open - didn't want to bother with a key card) so that is a lesson for everyone. The dorms require an electronic key card just to enter the building, so it was most likely another student. The world we live in. Anyway - he has made it through three days of classes and he is doing OK. So are we.

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