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First posted in Strength and Conditioning. Looking for more input.
Our sophomore son suffered a third degree tear in his UCL last Saturday. We saw a Dr/Surgeon yesterday, he gave us a 50/50 chance of recovery without surgery. He prescribed 6 weeks of therapy, and then if he has regained strength and pain free, a 4 week limited throwing program. I was wandering if any fellow websters out there have had any success with a non surgery rehabilitation of such a significant tear. Thank you,and please keep our son in your thoughts and prayers, as he is pretty down in the dumps. P.S. Mom and Dad are having a pretty hard time also.
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Welcome ace101bubba! Glad to have ya!!!
Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and sit for a spell.

If you look above your name on your very first post you will see a green button that says " find " with a magnifying glass next to it.
Type in UCL and you will see MANY past posts with regards to torn UCL's and things parents/players went through.
You will quickly find, you are not alone!
Misery is better with company ( & a piece of pie!), I always say! ha!

Sometimes it helps to read what others went through. I would also think that it would be helpful to know that a postitive ending can come from such an injury.

I hope this helps,...and I wish continued healing for your son!!

Again,...welcome. Hope we can be of some help. Smile
Last edited by shortstopmom
You may not be looking for medical advice but it might be a good idea to go to the proper source for it. You may have the best doctor in the world and you may not. No way for us to know. However, I would recommend going to the ASMI forum ( and asking for a referral in your area. It can't hurt to get advice from the very best.

My son, who didn't have anything as serious as a UCL tear, went to a couple different doctors with indifferent results at best. We finally took him to one of the best based on the ASMI referral and he was able to pinpoint the real problem within a few minutes and set him on the road to recovery.

Odds are no doctor is going to recommend surgery on a HS sophmore without first trying conservative therapy and from my totally unqualified vantage point your son's doctor seems to be on the right track but I still recommend getting a second opinion from a top doctor.
Last edited by CADad
(from backdashs son)
This past fall I experienced a very similar situation to your son. I was pitching in a tourny when I felt my inner elbow "pop". It was originally diagnosed as tendinitis, which I was optimistic about with a recovery time of 2-3 weeks. After about a month of no progress I underwent an MRI which revelaed I had a torn UCL. I spoke with three differnt doctors who all had conflicting opinions. Me and my father decided it would be best to try P/T as opposed to surgery. I attended PT from September to February and started an interval throwing program in January. I was pain free during the throwing program.

Yesterday I made my first apperance coming out of the pen. 3 innings 1 hit 1bb 0 run, 7 k's. I would estimate my fastball velocity was increased by up to 3 mph and my accuarcy was the best it had been in years. I am hoping to get through the season (my senior yr) I am content knowing that I might have to get the surgery somewhere down the line.

My reccomandation to you is only get the surgery when it is your last option. Try PT and rest and see how far it gets you. Good Luck!
Last edited by BackDash

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