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Observer44: I'm a lifelong Niners fan, back to the days of Brodie and Willard, and couldn't believe they were so dumb as to win the last two, and now draft #6 or #7...........

..But the biggest disappointment of the year for me is knowing that my beloved Hokies haven't sent Marcus Vick packing. His thuggish act was one of the lowest nastiest cheapshots I've ever seen, and ruined what should have been a sweet bowl victory. No class, no character. Head coaches should deal with all of the trash talking and preening once and for all. You don't see that nonsense in D-III, D-II, or even D-IAA. Appalling, simply appalling.
I just hope the game is as fun as I expect it to be.

When have we ever seen two teams with combined 53 game winning streaks meet up in a national championship?

These are both great teams. The outcome should depend on big plays and turnovers - so either team can win.

I don't think either team can stop the other. I've seen USC play several times on TV this year and once live, and haven't watched Texas at all, so all I can say is: USC has lots of offensive weapons.

I haven't looked forward to a college game this much for a long long time.
High school baseball "connection" to tonight's football game....

Texas has a multi-purpose player(kicks,punts,receiver), 22 year old freshman, Quan Cosby, who was drafted by one of the LA organizations in 2001, signed for somewhere around $1MIL, under-achieved for 3 years in the minors and then "retired" to be a part of tonight's national championship football game. Quan was a pretty good AA highschool baseball outfielder, but he was an exceptional AA football player who was Player of the Year and twice QB'd state championship football teams.


p.s. Gotta pull for the TeXas boys!
The REAL question, of course, is whether the boys of CAL Tech will pull off a Rose Bowl prank, as they did in in prior years

Read the last one - Number eight.... My brother was at Cal Tech that year, and I was visiting on New Years Day, watched the game with the Techies who did it.

The prank screwed up and killed the scoreboard for about a half hour, stopping the game as a national TV audience waited. We sat in the dorm room and hoped the cops didn't come and grab them!
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
Other than all of the mistakes being made - the one thing that stands out to me so far is #31 on Texas - delivering absolute "kill" shots.

Helmet to helmet - knee to helmet - and shoulder to helmet. Ala Jack Tatum.

USC needs to keep an eye out for that fella. IMO.

Watch the holding on the USC line too itsinthegame

Beyond the "whiney" call stuff...

Despite being a CA/USC fan...

I see Vince in command running pretty well wild...I see SC missing tons of tackles...I see Texas making theirs...I see SC either forced into a poor game or simply playing one...I see, no, wait, I don't see Reggie...What Heismans?...Gut check for SC, Time to step up, they win this one, they will really earn it...If Texas wins it, I will believe...

Last edited by observer44

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