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All the internet posts and video clips in the world - when added up all together - cannot replace a single real at-bat.

It is something that the Doggies - and Chameleons - and rag writers and bloggers will never understand.

It is ego deflating to admit that - and I understand the difficulty for these folks to accept that simple fact.

But that is the only truth I know about this game.

Most talk - and write - and blog. And some sell stuff too.

But only a few actually have to play the game and perform.

Wake up - and get real. IMO.
Last edited by itsinthegame
Originally posted by BlueDog:
May I remind that to change one's mind during a journey is O.K. to do?

I understand that and is the reason you and I get along so well. You understand and believe your position and I do mine. However, we're both big enough to discuss it without the insults. To me that makes you a valuable friend and resource. That is also the reason I'd trust you to coach my child.

Originally posted by BlueDog:And, personal insults toward a Coach who does take the time to teach, and who does care, is not O.K.

Richard's charges against me and his warning to others to dismiss my posts are nothing new. I often question myself. I recall once posting about our 4 hour practices and being ridiculed by him about being inefficient and having practices that were too long. To be honest, regardless of what I taught, I didn't go to the plate to hit for them. In any other regard, Richard is wrong. Until this past 2 years, our community didn't have any players play outside of the community for any traveling teams and all of the feeder teams have been coached all winter long in my program.

I believe SIBullets can speak to this and how prepared my players are and their knowledge base since he's been able to now coach a few. I believe he can also verify that Kevin Hoef was the first player in our community to go outside of the community to play for a travel team.

Originally posted by BlueDog:If we could keep our passion directed toward hitting, where it belongs, we might all learn a thing or two, who knows?

I too wish that this was the norm but unfortunately, it is not.

Regarding "torque" my interpretations of much of what one beleives to be "torque" in the hands can be attributed to the creation of "tension." When I am hitting fungos, I don't believe I create any torque per say on purpose. I do believe that I create tension. The ability to then drive a ball out of the park once in a while, by accident, when hitting fungos to outfielders (double cut situations) I believe to be driven by the core.

Finally, when one is talking about these different philosphies of what to do with the hands and then also discuss power, I know that the further my hands are away from the body and core, the weaker that they become. In order to have consistent power I believe you have to stay connected. JMHO!

Oh, I forgot, yes, Bluedog is correct when he asserted that few people in the most recent hitting guru wars use the term rotational. We're off to other arguments.
Regarding "torque" my interpretations of much of what one beleives to be "torque" in the hands can be attributed to the creation of "tension."

Oh Oh Oh Oh..........


This is going to cost PCR big time.

Thank you very much......

If I were you I'd offer to clean the bath rooms and work concessions. It will take a lot to over come the damage you just did.
Originally posted by BlueDog:
"Owners reasoned if homers saved the game at the beginning of the century, they could do the same at the end of the century.

"Every concession was made to power," wrote Thomas Boswell in a column for the Washington Post."

I think in the modern context, "Chicks dig the long ball." Yes, the big fly is what puts people in the seats and despite all of the cries against Bonds, or anyone else for that matter, it's why people watch. Mantle is perhaps the best blend of both power and speed. It was a shame his speed was lost early in his career. I also agree that Aaron would have been great anytime. Bob Gibson commenting the other day stated that he thinks Aaron is under-rated as a hitter. He considered him a "hard out." I think that the comparisons of video of all of these hitters hold some great insights. I do believe that they all had the ability to adjust.

Chameleon, your comment regarding my statement on "tension" demonstrates the point when you once posted after your meeting of Steve, "we don't do that." One of the many video demonstrations on Steve's site is the use of bungee cord to create tension. You also noted that on this site when you mocked a poster last year who spoke of keeping the hands loose. In every swing, a moment comes where tension must be created or that bat will fly out of the hands. Bluedog also posted on this last year at about this time. His statement on that thread concerned the creation of tension throughout the body in a "load." I would think that we would all agree that tension has to exist. What is connections? A form of tension. What is tilt? A form of tension. How they are linked is the key. With 30 milliseconds for those muscles to "go," that kenetic link must have some type of load. JMHO!
Last edited by CoachB25
Many great hitters are on record saying that it's best to get mad as you step into the box....This alone will create a degree of tension in the body....

Clearing the mind (concentration) is a form of tension.....

Loading the shoulder linkage requires tension......

Hitters are full of tension.....Take a look at their forearms while swinging....Those muscles are tight....
Last edited by BlueDog
The tension that is promoted at PCR is so tight.....that the body is bogged down.

No degree of fitness can overcome the tension they propose and teach in the shoulder complex. Trust me. It was demonstrated to person. And this very thing was one of many things that led me elsewhere. No....we don't do that. "That" being the tension that was demonstrated to me.

Neither do big league hitters.

In addition, tension as they describe it, has to be "applied" WAY too early in the swing, and held until initiation/completion. Otherwise, you would never achieve the necessary level of connection.

This is a tremendous "weight", a tremendous "load", on the system. A load that the body simply can not move in the allotted time frame. It takes such effort to get it moving that whatever speed it generates is too late and too far "out front", costing adjustability and large timing errors.

Furthermore, this tension precludes separation. The more tense you get the less you're going to separate. And this almost eliminates the ability to cusp.

Without a cusp...without the "mechanical advantage" gained by separtation, you have no chance to hit high level pitchers.

Finally, connection is instantaneously achieved and instantaneously spent. It is attained at "go" and gone immediately.
Last edited by Chameleon
Hey Chamelion remember that discussion on Weglarz last year. After surgery on his hand he is batting 277 with 21 HRs so far. No change in the swing. They paid him 445000 for that swing.
I will be looking for a milk shake from you very soon.

Click on this site
Go to Nick Weglarz are watch the video. This guy is a friend and he is a true power LH hitter.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
I'll have more to add on this topic but did want to quickly clarify some issues.

  • Richard placed me in a category mentioning *****, Greg Stock, Fungo, MarkH, ssarge, etc etc etc. I don't deserve to be mentioned in a group with guys that have a far better understanding of PCR and who have been around since the ****** days. My comments are just that. I often talk to Steve and he helps give me guidance when I'm messing up on a thought process or drill. The others are valuable resources for me as well.
  • Tension, the word I used that Richard states will put me in all kinds of trouble with the PCR crowd. Tension is one of those words that in the hitting field gets twisted in its meaning. I stated a drill to Richard to clarify to him my meaning of tension. In doing so, I thought he knew the drill from the vast video library on Steve's site. I didn't realize that he was booted off before that library became so extensive. It is possible that he didn't see that drill. For that Richard, I apologize. You might be ignorant about that drill. Ignorant meaning not exposed. Too bad, it's a great drill.
  • I posted a comment/quote Richard made to Steve Englishbey. More on that tomorrow. Who knows, where that one will take us. BTW, I believe that quote was posted on Shawn's site by Richard and while he admits he was "wrong" it goes to demonstrate his understanding of what PCR is.

I have to get to sleep now. We're on a heat schedule for another week and anticipating more temperature over 96 degrees this week. It's been so hot here - we've just shattered the record for the hottest August on record in the St. Louis area.

Take care!
Last edited by CoachB25
I've always considered my role as a moderator in this forum as one who should do little posting and so, I've attempted to remain on the sideline during most of these debates. That doesn't mean that I don't have an opinion. I was looking at some old video on another siteand came across this video and quote and so, I asked permission to post it. The person doing the hitting said it best with this quote concerning PCR.

" asked "how do you get started" in this drill. Well, I didn't have any trouble starting. But, I am amazed at how it was easier to hit this way than the other. I need an explanation. I hit rope after rope. It feels like your arms are just "out there", they just "stay there", and then your body turns. And when it does, the bat just does it's thing. I do not get it. But, I accept it." August 2006!

Video demonstration of the above post contained in the same post:


Well, this is a basic hitting technique.

Per "technique" I thought I'd throw this in as quoted by Steve Englishbey:

"I tried to point out [again] that PCR is a standard ---a functional standard of an elite swing .And it is a way of understanding the kinds of things that are vital to really learning how to swing the bat more effectively .And it is a standard by which you can go about trying to measure the effciency of a young hitters' swing .Or lack thereof .

And it is NOT per se about "technique " or "a technique" ."

In reality, and again, there is no such thing as a "Very Basic Hitting Technique." I would suggest that anyone interested in this topic do their research and/or if you've done so, understand where combatants on these various sites are coming from. I have not, as of yet, commented on the quote mentioned in one of my previous posts and am leaving that, at least for a day or two, to another poster who might join in. If not, I'll address it in the future. I might also add that I was intrigued by the claims of "not a technique" and have continued to be. In our experience, it is more a training of the body and so, I really find that concept intriguing. For example, my child mentions the workout of her core muscles when hitting.
Last edited by CoachB25
Our team has had several kids from several different schools and states and Coachb's kids are as well prepared as any we have had. They understand the fundamentals of the game, situational aspects and various other things that we usually have to teach most of our other kids. To question what he does with his kids is ignorance. I have been around few guys who care more about his players and program than Coach Butler. Kevin Hoef was also an outstanding player that didnt play for us but was a kid who I thought was a tremendous player. The most telling thing about his kids is that he seems to have instilled a passion for the game that most others don't seem to have.

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