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He has a very good swing.

Short to the zone, long through it.

Good wrist action and follow through.

You may want to eliminate the action he has where he raises his arms in his decision phase. Some would call that loading, but eliminating this delay as early as possible will give him a swing that will need very little alteration as he progresses.

He should try to keep his hands at the loaded position as the pitcher is coming to his release point. This will keep him balanced and able to wait on off speed pitches.
Last edited by Quincy
Originally posted by Eric G:

Any critiquing is appreciated!

Looks pretty darn good for a 10 year old! Has very good balance and quick hands. The only things I really see are the position of the bathead at go (which is behind his body making it a longer swing) and he looks late on a lot of pitches (meaning he doesn't have his load completely back before he starts his swing) kind of herky jerky. Work on a more relaxed separation and a more verticle bat. Keep it in front of his head. I think his bathead position is why he was hitting the ball off of the handle so much too.
Not too crazy about those low hands that start low, raise-up then come down again... might want to eliminate that action... I think he could use his lower body more effectively... At impact you should be able to draw a straight-line from the lead foot through the top of his head... At least that's what Doyle Academy teaches...

Here's my 10-year-old... This was taken last year at age 9, I don't have any video of him hitting in a game because I'm usually managing/coaching... All I have is stuff we do in the back yard (I'll try to get more recent stuff soon)... Anyway, this was taken when we were trying to institute a tap-step (that never really got him anywhere, so we decided to stop) that was thought could benefit him by former MLB-er Dante Bichette...
Come on Eric, who's teaching all these kids the "softball" swings? I don't like this swing at all. I believe if you put the hands under the chest, you will have hard time with the inside corner and the outside corner strikes. You probably will hit the ball on the middle of the plate. But you still can't catch a High heat because your hand position is too low. JMHO.

Eric, No offenses, you want comments, I can only give you a nagetive side of the opinion. Right or wrong, I hope you can take it.
Last edited by coachbwww
Originally posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Not too crazy about those low hands that start low, raise-up then come down again... might want to eliminate that action... I think he could use his lower body more effectively... At impact you should be able to draw a straight-line from the lead foot through the top of his head... At least that's what Doyle Academy teaches...

Here's my 10-year-old... This was taken last year at age 9, I don't have any video of him hitting in a game because I'm usually managing/coaching... All I have is stuff we do in the back yard (I'll try to get more recent stuff soon)... Anyway, this was taken when we were trying to institute a tap-step (that never really got him anywhere, so we decided to stop) that was thought could benefit him by former MLB-er Dante Bichette...

Don't like this swing at all. Too much down swing. He will hit way too many ground balls, especially when he gets to some good off speed stuff.
Originally posted by coachbwww:
Come on Eric, who's teaching all theses kids the "softball" swings? I don't like this swing at all. I believe if you put the hands under the chest, you will have hard time with the inside corner and the outside corner strikes. You probably will hit the ball on the middle of the plate. But you still can't catch a High heat because your hand position is too low. JMHO.

Eric, No offenses, you want comments, I can only give you a nagetive side of the opinion. Right or wrong, I hope you can take it.

No offense, but you might want to take a look at this guy's hand position before you go bad mouthing low hand position. JMHO.
Last edited by powertoallfields
Originally posted by powertoallfields:
[No offense, but you might want to take a look at this guy's hand position before you go bad mouthing low hand position. JMHO.


I know , I know, those old timers all swing like that, including Barry Bonds who may or may not be a Hall of Fame. Those are some kind of "Big" guy's swings, but the kid in the vedio is not Ted or Babe. Emulate the hall of Fame's swing won't help him at the LL level, stand at 5' feet or shorter, low hand position and swing up only produce pop flies when facing the high fastball.
By the way,the kid has a great swing,some minor flaws but overall,pretty good.I do feel the hands being low(in the setup) are causing him some issues right now.You might want to try a more traditional approach to see what kind of results he gets.If it doesn't work,he can go back.

Since others are posting their kids,I thought I would put my 9 year old in here.Of course it is a softball swing too. Big Grin
Last edited by tfox
Since others are posting their kids,I thought I would put my 9 year old in here.Of course it is a softball swing too. Big Grin


Your son has a great swing, he uses his lower-half correctly, driving through the ball, and at impact you can draw a straight-line directly from his lead foot through his head... I like everything I see here.

Keep up the GREAT work!
Originally posted by tfox:

Since others are posting their kids,I thought I would put my 9 year old in here.Of course it is a softball swing too. Big Grin



Your son's swing is very good. This is not the softball swing I am talking about. The starting position of his hand is about right not too low. The only minor flaw I think is that "The long stride" he took. Please correct it now since he is still young. You will know what I mean when he grows up.
Last edited by coachbwww
Originally posted by coachbwww:
Originally posted by tfox:

Since others are posting their kids,I thought I would put my 9 year old in here.Of course it is a softball swing too. Big Grin



Your son's swing is very good. This is not the softball swing I am talking about. The starting position of his hand is about right not too low. The only minor flaw I think is that "The long stride" he took. Please correct it now since he is still young. You will know what I mean when he grows up.

Thanks for the kind words,I am sure he would appreciate it.

We/his coach and I used the Epstein approach and he has always been a wide stance hitter.He used to start wide.Also remember that he is on concrete and sliding a bit,but he does like wide,I am sure he will change his style somewhat as he gets older but we are not trying to copy anyones swing,we are trying to develop HIS swing.

Check out my daughters swing in the daughter hitting II thread, that swing was learned from the same coach. looks quite a bit different.My son has been at it with the coach longer but same methods of teaching just different styles for different people.THIS IS CRITICAL imo.

SORRY,didn't mean for this to be a hijack.
Last edited by tfox

Your son's swing is very good. This is not the softball swing I am talking about. The starting position of his hand is about right not too low.


The starting position of the hands do not matter as long as you can get them to a proper launch position as the swing starts, or as powertoallfields says, "at go."

Some kids naturally load their hands up, some load them down, some load them forward, etc. How you load can vary from hitter to hitter.

My natural load is up. Once I realized this, I lowered my hands quite a bit because when I loaded them up, I got them in a better launch position.

Hopefully these will come up, but here are a few "current" players (since you seemed to skeptical about Ted Williams Confused)

The only minor flaw I think is that "The long stride" he took. Please correct it now since he is still young. You will know what I mean when he grows up.

Even from the naked eye, that stride is, give or take an inch, only about 6 inches. What is so long about that? And what do you mean by "You will know what I mean when he grows up? Why don't you just tell us now?

I like the tfox kid's power swing, he got some explosivness.

"The long stride" is indicating some kind of over swing. It may not show a lot in that tfox vedio clip, but when you click tfox's link, on the right side, you will see tfox showed another clip of his son in a cage, the clip is called " rotational almost mastered", in that clip it looks more like a "wild" stride, tfox knows what I mean.

Personally I don't like the wide standce and the long stride. Long stride will hurt your timing when you try to catch a higher speed fastball, especially when you play at higher level. Medium -height kids with wide standce will have some hard time against high strikes.

I don't have problems with kids swing like this at age 9. They will learn new things when they play the game long enough. But I would like tfox correct it along the way.

tfox son's other swing: " rotational almost mastered"
Last edited by coachbwww
I really hate that this thread has moved on to my son's swing but that almost mastered was LAST SUMMER and alot has changed since then.That was also off a machine and he had some issues timing the machine,no arm action.

AND,in that video,he gets wider than he does now.He was in between making up his mind if he liked to step or not.He used to start real wide and when he started working on a step,he would get too wide but he isn't doing THAT now.He starts narrower and has a short step but ends kinda wide.

Notice how the bat is still on the shoulder,that is what causes some of the issues you see in that clip but imo,is a great way to TEACH how to get where he is now.

IMO,wide isn't a problem when done correctly.Difference in philosophy I quess.
Last edited by tfox
Just go back to the basics. Set up stance etc. for checks points.

I low hand are good why not take them lower and than load.

I mean I can bend my knee and start my hand position out two inches off the dirt but if i can get my hands up there and load its ok?

I would say the less you have to move them to load position the better



if you note you will see him pick up his hands a little in the vid. Why go through all the extra movment and just load. it would seem it would prevent a direction momentum and he would have a faster bat

Really like his swing alot (I discount the down plane because of the training device in use). His bat speed is as good or better as any kids his age I've seen posted on this site in a very long time, and better than some kids older than him. Looks a kid that would be fun to just watch hit. Really hope you have some clips of him against live pitching.

I remember a couple years ago Bichette had a team in the LLWS, if I recall correctly. Pretty decent hitting team through regionals and early pary of LLWS.
Eric G,

Not bad..personally don't like the hand position/bat position but that is more of style thing. Got a little hot dog in him but that's okay at his age.

Seems to be late on several pitches. What I see is where the hands are located in relation to the bat on the shoulder...they are way ahead of the bathead. Most guys I see that teach the bat pressed against the arm position also stess the hands being more in line with the bathead in the stance so that the hands don't have to move so far loading. Alot of movement to get done with a pitch coming at you.

Later swings, he just looked worn out and tired...wasn't getting much time to get set between pitches.
Thanks for all the constructive criticism here I truly appreciate it. We have always taught from the "launch position" of hands low and back and bat at a 45 degree angle is where to start the kids as it builds the muscle memory that it takes to get to "that" position as they develop and get older and develop their "own" styles so to speak. Rotational hitting I think is where its at as Epstein would promote too.
Again, thanks to you all!
At the risk of just trying to help.

The thing that sticks out is that your son tilts the bat head downward and then starts his swing. When he does so, his lead elbow raises which leads him to cast his lead elbow.

Swinging like this is too long and results in getting sawed off alot. As they go up in competition, they will hit on top of the ball frequently because they need to set the bat in motion early. Once set in motion, the bat swings level while the baseball drops as it reaches the plate. The only adjustment a batter can do is to swing down.

One thing that will help is to c o c k the bat towards the pitcher like probably all big leaguers do will help.

Anyway, bottom line, concentrate on getting the lead elbow to work like big league hitters do.

good luck
Last edited by SBK
Eric G,

I pulled the youtube video down to the harddrive and converted it to an MOV so that I could step through frame by frame. (Many frames were lost when you uploaded the clip to youtube.)

I suggest you go research "Bat Drag". Your son swings with the top hand elbow leading the knob for most of the swing. (This is one of the most common swing faults in youth hitters.)

Also, he is not adjusting his tilt / posture (go research PCR) for the pitch location.
Originally posted by GFK:
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
"Top hand elbow leading the knob"?

Not only do I not see it, I don't know how that would be possible. Is this what you meant to say?


Do you think Vlad is adjusting his posture to this pitch or is he pointing the knob at the ball and adjusting his hands to the ball??? The kid in this video is dragging his bat because he didn't get the bathead moving with his hands before he started to move the bat forward, IMO.
Last edited by powertoallfields
I think some gems from Swingbuster might be of assistance to Eric and his son who looks like a ballplayer.

"In bat drag, the player is pulling the top hand forward toward the pitched ball."

"Great hitters rotate the barrel around the hands at swing initiation."

A way to fix this is to look at his bat position (horizontal) and his hand loading (not much). Consider this....

"Batters can enter the swing plane from above it better than from below it."

"You can enter the swing plane with the barrel above it effortlessly but you cannot raise the barrel on the way to foot plant to find the plane. A flat bat in the set up is powerless against a low pitch."

"The higher bat slots yield better low ball plate coverage and better upward adjustability."

"The higher barrel is more on plane for the lower pitches."

"The two plane swing involves loading the barrel into a plane that it cannot be swung from while the weight shift begins. It creates a method that will eventually bring the front shoulder “in”to the ball in perfect time with the hip rotating out. The two planer brings the barrel back into the launch slot just before foot plant ( about 4”average). The return to slot of the barrel at the back shoulder brings the front side “in”."

"This forces an over lap between the shoulders loading back and the hips unloading forward. It maximizes X factor stretch and it more importantly maximizes it at precisely the correct time to capture and use the force."

"The shoulder can continue to load back late in the sequence after the hips are already rotating forward. The best hitters are loading the back shoulder late in the sequence just before foot plant maximizing the stretch in the middle."

I would suggest working in the direction these quotes are suggesting.

Best of luck.
Powertoallfields, I will leave it up to you to explain to Eric G what you mean by "adjusting his hands to the ball".

YHF, please explain to Eric G what you quote Swingbuster's comment that "Great hitters rotate the barrel around the hands at swing initiation."

Eric G, to be able to help your son, you are going to have to get on the learning curve. If you want some suggestions as to were to start, please PM me. I suspect further discussions in this open thread will result in another scirmish within the Internet Hitting Wars.
Originally posted by GFK:
YHF, please explain to Eric G what you quote Swingbuster's comment that "Great hitters rotate the barrel around the hands at swing initiation."

Eric G, to be able to help your son, you are going to have to get on the learning curve. If you want some suggestions as to were to start, please PM me. I suspect further discussions in this open thread will result in another scirmish within the Internet Hitting Wars.

This thread will take a big turn for the worse if we get going in that direction. I posted some quotes to get Eric thinking and help him if he's looking for answers. If he wants to ask me i will share whatever info he wants through pm's. There's no point in doing it in the thread here since it would just become a train wreck as you said.

The answer is in the clips above of the boy and Vlad. Watch how the hands are working when the bat starts horizontal vs. when barrel starts vertical.
Last edited by YHF
In the sample clips above:

Vlad's elbow is forward of the knob. All that clip shows is him pulling his hands in to adjust to an inside pitch.

The kids shown does have his right elbow forward of the knob. Yikes. Just trying this on my own, you have to really "chicken wing" it to get into this position. Players doing this would not be getting much use out of their top hand arm, it would seem to me.

I still don't see where Eric G's kid does this.
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
The kids shown does have his right elbow forward of the knob. Yikes. Just trying this on my own, you have to really "chicken wing" it to get into this position. Players doing this would not be getting much use out of their top hand arm, it would seem to me.

I still don't see where Eric G's kid does this.

Go to the local park and setup your video for a few games. My bet is, you will see 75% or more of the hitters from HS age down doing this to some degree or another.

This fault kills swing quickness but it does produce bat speed. Double edged sword. When the kid does make contact, he can hit it hard swinging like this. Problem is that the swing has to start relatively early because of the quickness issue. Starting relatively early does not allow as much of a read on the pitch.

With respect to Eric G's son, I had to pull down the video from youtube and convert it to an MOV file. In the MOV format, I can step through frame by frame.

The clip, as presented on youtube, has several duplicate frames and the temporal resolution is low. Still, when you look at it frame by frame, you will see the "Bat Drag".
Originally posted by GFK:
Powertoallfields, I will leave it up to you to explain to Eric G what you mean by "adjusting his hands to the ball".

YHF, please explain to Eric G what you quote Swingbuster's comment that "Great hitters rotate the barrel around the hands at swing initiation."

Eric G, to be able to help your son, you are going to have to get on the learning curve. If you want some suggestions as to were to start, please PM me. I suspect further discussions in this open thread will result in another scirmish within the Internet Hitting Wars.

Okay, GFK and Eric G., he is taking the power "V" to the ball and the knob of the bat is the intersection of the "V". He (Vlad) is creating the arc with his hands and then moving it forward to the ball. As you say, he will need to adjust his posture on some pitches just to get the "V" to the ball, but it is rare if he swings at strikes.'s maybe he has to adjust his posture more than most MLB players, lol.
In the clip,you can watch the kid not using the hips correctly which actually looks to cause the bat drag.His hips are way late getting open.Causing the elbow to get out front of the bat.

Vlad's hips are opening when the foot is planting and rotation has already started so the elbow can't imo,get ahead of the bat.

I noticed my daughter was having trouble with proper hip action and had never really payed attention to the elbow untill it was brought up in this thread and sure enough,the elbow is leading the way.

Thanks for the heads up guys,I will be definately showing this to her and working on getting it corrected.

My son doesn't seem to be having this problem and has much better hip action(atleast from my latest videos I can't see it).

Anyone else believe the hips could be 1 source of the problem?
Last edited by tfox
To the Dad of the ten year old in question,

Your kid can hit, but if you try to teach all the stuff thrown about on here to a 10 year old, regardless of much "baseball IQ" the kid has, he'll be lost in thought instead of seeing the ball and hitting it.

I am not discrediting the advice you get when asking for it on this site, but if you take a little from this guy and a little from that guy, your odds go way down.

Simple math backs it up. If one guy is right half the time and the other guy is right half the time, if you listen to both, you leave yourself with a 25% of being successful.

If your the one that has got him this far, I think he should listen to you!!
Originally posted by tfox:
By the way,the kid has a great swing,some minor flaws but overall,pretty good.I do feel the hands being low(in the setup) are causing him some issues right now.You might want to try a more traditional approach to see what kind of results he gets.If it doesn't work,he can go back.

Since others are posting their kids,I thought I would put my 9 year old in here.Of course it is a softball swing too. Big Grin

Great bat speed for 9 years old! What kind of balls is he hitting (pingpong)?

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