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Jerry, I went through something similar with my oldest son. He was getting drilled in a "WAC" conference game that my wife and I were watching. My wife does not know much about baseball, but she roots for her boys and as he gave up about his 5th run of the inning, she looked at me like it was my fault and said "can't you do something"? I laughed and said that I would work at teaching him how to back up 3rd better. She had no idea what I was saying and just walked away and left me standing there. Smile The next day she told my boy what I had said and he just laughed too.
I found out a long time ago you know who your friends are when things are not going too well. You pick and choose your friends. Parents are a different story. for lack of a better terms kids and their parents are stuck with one another. Parents should always encourage their kids and praise them when they do well. The praising is easy. But kids have to know that they are there when things are not going well whether it be baseball or anything else. I found it takes a lot to build things up but just one comment or statement can bring everything down.

Your probably 100% correct, but I’ve never learned how to be the perfect parent. I know I’ve said the wrong thing many times and don't praise anywhere near enough. I’ve never been good at sugar coating anything and have always been envious of those parents who seem to know what to say and how to handle every situation.
We are all far from perfect. But in my experience around the game I have come across some parents that push push push. And it affects the kid in a negative way. No we do not want to sugarcoat things but sometimes their is a line we cross. What if your kid goes o-4 ks with the bases loaded twice and has 2 errors? How do you as a parent approach that? Get all over him etc etc? I have seen that and it is not pretty. A kid is exposed at that at 9 and 10 and pretty soon he gets tired of that and basebal or any other sport becomes a memory and not a good one at that.
Parents, Parents, Parents.
Parents are not perfect neither are coaches.

I am not just going to talk to my son when he does well. I am going to talk when he does not do well also. I will make it clear that "he" did not stink today that his performance needs work and we devise a plan to correct problems if needed. I am not just gointg to hug him and colddle him after a bad performance. That doesn' promote mental toughness or make-up. I also make sure that my son understands that he is not defined as a person by baseball.

Every kid responds differntly and it is important to understand that when dealing with players.

Communication between son and parent is a good thing.

But in my experience around the game I have come across some parents that push push push. And it affects the kid in a negative way.

I have seen parents that never push their kid at anything have a very negative effect as well. Anything to excess is bad.
What do you say when your son has had one of the best games of his life, but his teammates could not hold it together and the game, which should have been a win for him turned to a loss. We found this often to be the case, in HS.
So now you tell your son he did a fine job, but he is too upset to talk about the game. Reality is, you can't win a game by yourself. You try to teach players it is a "team" sport, but somehow the "team" did not show up to play that day. It is not all about him, whether he did a great job or not, he alone can't win a game by himself. You can't be negative about the team, which only adds to the frustration. The biggest obstacle we had to deal with was making him understand that would all change at the next level.
Any suggestions for parents who have to deal with this?

This happens in many many cases with HS pitchers-- trust me--they know the situation as well if not better than you

My son played on a HS team that did not win more than 6 games in any of his three seasons and he was the # 3 hitter on the team. He fully undertood that he and one or two of the other players were the only "baseball players" on the team--in fact he was the sole team memeber to play college ball-- he never let it get to him--he just went out and did his job-- one player cannot carry all the others at the HS level--

The kids know their own talent better than the parents in most cases--it is all part of the process-- We found that it took care of itself
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I don't think there is a general thing that folks can say. Ironically the perfect saying in one case won't fit in the next. Fortunately the talking seems to go much better after everyone gets a good night sleep.

I did get a nice eye roll after one game when I told my son - "hey, at least you don't have to worry about your ego getting too big."
I believe, as parents, we "grow" along with our sons in their baseball lives. None of us are perfect parents from the start. We have to learn how to react to our kids as they learn how to play the game. Do we "push"? Yes. Do we "push" too much? Sometimes, especially when they're younger. That's our growing process.
Now that my son is in high school, I mainly focus on helping him with mechanics (if there's a problem) and his self motivation to do the right things that will make him a better baseball player. No. 1 are grades in his school work, then comes the baseball work.
It is a real pleasure to observe the "growing up" process in one's child. For my son, baseball has done alot to help him mature. Failure and overcoming adversity are two of life's best teachers and there's plenty of that in baseball!
Jerry and BBScout, Been in the same shoes before. This summer the cross-checker for the Brewers was at the Disney Complex for a final look at my son to determine if they wanted to
up the ante before his first day of college. Son started on the mound and 30 minutes later
he was still there-couldn't find the strike zone! 6 or 7 walks, hit batter, worst control
I've ever seen and wife turns and glares at me "Tell him something!!" as though it were my
fault. He finally got the last out and I'd never been so relieved. Next inning the same thing
all over and before my wife could say anything I left my seat and went back to the concession
area to hide and there was the scout-I said "He's had better days" and scout smiled and said
"We'll be in touch".

After the game when I saw my son I could tell he wanted to hear something positive and my first response was "Guess you're going to college". He said "Yea it could be worse" and I
said "Not Much". We both laughed but my wife wouldn't talk to me the rest of the day. Go

The things that I normally say to my sons after bad outings are to try to bring up times
that I had outings from H*** and to let them know it happens to everyone-EVERYONE-noone
escapes and that the good thing about baseball is there is another game coming.

Hang In There!!!
In my next life I am going to write a book and title it...How To Be the Perfect Parent...Know What To Say, How To Do It and Have a Wonderful Relationship with Your will become a made for TV movie, it will be an Oprah book of the month and I will be a wealthy woman Smile....but there is something called human nature...there are no directions with each baby born...each of us is an individual and have different responses to different are our children...what works for one will not work for another...most of us wing it and pray we are doing what is right...but what I usually tell my kids is that when they are on that psychiatrists couch please do not blame it all on me...I tried the best I knew how Eek
I agree with TRHit's 1st post on this one: let the kid decide when he wants to talk. I would have hated it if my dad had tried to "coach" me after a horrible performance...I was too upset to talk about it, and I wouldn't have really HEARD his message anyway. He let me talk when I was ready...and it made all the difference.
It isn't a parent's job to have this post-game talk anyway. As a head coach, I've seen many parents force their kids to go over it, and I don't agree with it. Let the player (it's his performance in question anyway, isn't it?) determine when he's ready to talk about it, then support the young man. Don't try to solve everything, don't point out the obvious, and stay positive. It is very easy to forget that these are KIDS...and they need to know that a parent's support is unconditional and unwavering. Good night, bad night...kid still deserves respect and admiration for doing his best.
Once the kid IS ready to talk, listen before you speak. Let him talk about the parts of the game that HE deems necessary - again, it's HIS season and career, not yours.
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catchermom03 - Enjoyed the post. Let me be the first to put in an order for that book when its finished! Smile Now wouldn't you think that something as important as a child would come with its own instruction manual! Gees, they even sent a video with my new washing machine! biglaugh Without a manual I guess we all just have to keep using the trial-and-error method when it comes to baseball talks. Cool
TPM....the infielders still don't make all the plays at the 'next level'.

Last year when my son struck out 5 of the first six batters he faced in his college debut against Louisville I can't remember what I said, but it was pretty cool.

After he gave up about five infield singles in his first loss against Florida State, I told him that I thought he pitched great.......and after he gave up seven singles and a triple in the first inning against Wichita State I asked him why he was wearing his pant legs high in that game....????

My computer screen has a picture of him tagging a guy out at home against Wichita of only two outs he recorded in that game......he said it serves as a good reminder and motivator while he is home for Christmas break.
After giving this some thought, I think our response has changed depending on his age.

When they are little they move on to the next thing pretty quickly.

I always keep in mind that no one feels good about performing poorly and they don't need to be reminded of it. However, there is the opportunity to learn and grow. My husband will talk to my son about it later, if he feels he has a constructive comment or something to be learned for the next time. Sometimes they just have a bad outing and nothing needs to be said.

I don't know that much about baseball , so I just give hugs and support.
Baseball is a game of skills, techniques and mechanics...not what you feel.

After every game win or lose 4 for 4 or 0 for 4 the discussion is about what techniques were used, not used, about mechanics of the swing, location per pitch, things like that, etc.

After as shut out or a blow out, the discussion is about where was the plant foot, did he stay inside the knee, did he stay behind the ball...and on and on, ad-infinatum, etc.

My son knows what the discussion is going to be since it hasn't changed since he was 8 years old.

Sometimes he has done a good job of tracking his in-game progress and sometimes he hasn't. But one thing is certain when he didn't it showed.

When it is all said and done, the level of conversation is about improving or digressing. That's at the root of every conversation I have with him, and not only about baseball.

Feelings have nothing to do with it.
Last edited by PiC

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