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Glad you like Bonds - he's a great player. But don't try and blame the the media when he supplied the "proof" I refer to.

His own admission to a grand jury that he took steroids - not knowing that it was a steroids, by his own words - is most definitely "proof" by any objective measure. Admissions are more solid in courtrooms that eyewitness testimony, you know.

I'm not judging him...I love to see his at-bats. But please don't revise history to make your point. Facts are facts, whether you like em or not.

Easy way for you to confirm - Google "Bonds" and "steroids" and "grand jury" and you'll get plenty of confirmation. Here's one link for you.

Not the media's fault here.
"Righteous" TR? Is there a choice? Let me see....speak out against illegal drug usage in a game that I love...and more importantly my son loves and plays....or adopt "an everybody does it" attitude.....

My son has quick hands....great bat speed...but there is no doubt that at 19 he has his maternal uncle's build.....tall and lean. He does not have the arm strength that he would like either.....he would most certainly benefit from more muscle mass....his game would most certainly would have in high school, and now in college as well. He's trying to add the muscle.....eating well, vitamins, gym.....but genetics will have it's way.....hopefully time and his hard work will win out......

My son has another choice many other of our kids do.....a choice to do steroids....he would most certainly get to his goal faster....just look at Mr. Bonds.....

Righteous TR? You better believe it......I'll speak out against what you don't seem to have a problem with.......because it's's a terrible insult to our game....and to those who played before Bonds.....but most importantly it's a mean and harmful threat to our see may see it as being too passionate about steroids....but I'm okay with can call me righteous anyday....but please be sure and add mother to the title too......
Last edited by LadyNmom
Gotta love the passion here !!!

I have ridiculed nobody--I stated that you are all enttitled to your opinion
I have not let Bonds off the hook-- I never knew he was on one other than the conjecture that surrounds him
I do not see athletes as role models nor did any of my kids--their role models were the aprents and grandparents and relatives--I like role models to be in the family
Denis I used to book clubs in NYC run by the "mob' but they paid cash and paid well--was I not supposed to book acts in those clubs because of who owned and ran them? I think not!
Bonds is not my hero and he has not been found guilty of any crimunal acts--grand jury info is meant to be private not public knowledge

I am not starstruck--I am far from those days my friend--I personally know enough "stars" to know they are normal people like you and I.

Dont Guess !!!! ever! it will get you in trouble

What my players or my kids do has nothing to do with others--I wont even respond to your closing sentence--


yes their is a choice-- the man has not been proven guilty and like I said you are entitled to your opinion as am I.

You did not read where I said the kids know what is going on around them and most choose not to do steroids, drugs or booze. Some do and it will always be that way and that my friend is a fact of life.
Nowhere have I said I dont have a problem with steroids-- what I have a problem with is people ****ing a person base on no 'absolute proof".
McGwire took a substance that was LEGAL at the time--
As for those who played before Bonds-- who knows what they did--some where known criminals and woman abusers

Like I say I love your passion but that does not mean I have to agree with you condemning a man because of what you have read--the man has not been proven guilty

We are debating here not tryimng to convince each other that one is wrong and the other is right

Bonds belongs on the team and that is how I feel

That is my story and I am sticking to it
Tr - regarding McGwire you're right about the andro. However, when pressed by Congress to answer the real question he cracked and cried like a baby. I doubt that was because he had a hang nail or his mediocre golf game has plateaued. He was exposed and embarrassed and humiliated. At least he had the guts to not deny it unlike a liar like Raffy or an idiot like Sosa who suddenly couldn't understand English. Whole era should be an ****.
No TR you don't take money from the mob, that is refered to as money laundering, and did you report that cash to the IRS? This is not a court of law, this is the court of public opinion. It is not about Bond's rights, its about the message being sent to the kids who are 3 mph away from getting drafted or 20 lbs away from being a stud. With the money they make they should be above reproach. I've heard all the evidence I need I poison that well everytime his name comes up. I hope my 12 year old believes he is a wrong guy, period.

To answer you yes--I had contracts for all engagements and money to be tendered

And again I say to you and all others our kids are a lot more aware of things around them than you think--some will do things and others wont just asin the pros--some will run the risk and others wont

now let me ask you--do you hand a man based on
public opinion/ --I dont

Novice dad

Perhaps, no let make that I do get it and you and your cohorts don't- it is all supposition--I sure wouldnt want you on a jury against me if you think like you do-- I would be guilty before I took the stand--SAD SAD SAD
Not public opinion but my opinion, based on what I've read and seen with my own eyes. Not picking me for your jury would be a mistake because I know very well what the standard is for a court of law. I'll just wait until Anderson writes his book. Everybody thought Canseco was a crank until Palmero tested positive. Time will tell. must be saying this just to have fun since there are no games to play.

If you want Bonds on the team thats fine there are many people that hold your opinion. But for you to say

"Bonds is not my hero and he has not been found guilty of any crimunal acts--grand jury info is meant to be private not public knowledge"

as if since it is from the grand jury we can't hold him accountable based on public opinion...I guess you would let OJ carve the turkey at your house too! While you're at it let Pete Rose handle your checkbook (LOL). (and just to cover myself from your criticism...TR's complete quotes can be seen earlier in the thread).

Below are some before and after pictures from his using arthritis medicine supplied by his trainer.

Young Barry

Pumped Barry

My trainer said it was Flaxseed oil

Barry size 14 head

Normal size head
Last edited by Novice Dad
Novice Dad

I don't know how old you are but when men are younger in their 20's their hat size is smaller then when they are in the 40's.

It proves absolutely nothing.

Since the posters seem to want to hold what amounts to a jury trial by opinion here...for arguments sake I will take defense of Barry Bonds.

I haven't heard anything here that even comes close to proof that he did anything wrong...except by association. That is not evidence of wrongdoing, just conjecture, and that is nothing more than opinion.
Last edited by Ramrod

Keep throwing the darts--- I would rather be in the dark, as you term it,(not sure I want RR with me but so be it) than be thinking like you --not a knock or ridicule ( I find myself having to clarify everything nowadays) but just a statement.

with what the Mets, nationals, Jays and Red sox are doing I think the power may be here on the RIGHT COAST ( nothing political) just a statement
Last edited by TRhit
No, but roids combined with great bat control can equal 73. What are your thoughts on Sosa? In September of 04 he was still considered a prolific home run hitter. By May of 05 (eight months later) he was a shell of his former self (in both respects). I'm a huge Cubs fan and loved Sammy but that's no coincidence. The physical/performance change since 97 or so was ridiculous.
If BB stays healthy and hits 55-60 or more after his off-season diet I'll be a believer.
Originally posted by Ramrod:
Novice Dad
I don't know how old you are but when men are younger in their 20's their hat size is smaller then when they are in the 40's.

Ramrod, I'm in my 40s hat size is the same belly is bigger and I WISH things got bigger as you get older. Big Grin

In regards to proof, I'm not a lawyer nor play one on TV. But there is enough information in regards to Grand Jury testimony, suspicion by association, and leaked testimony that should at LEAST have you question him being juiced.

What do you mean my head seems bigger
Fortunately for Bonds.....his player's association has made it near impossible, in the past, to prove what we see.....yes, see....and know....he said he used.....he admitted it....claiming "ignorance".

Unfortunately for Bonds, things changed this year, and will change by leaps and bounds when the new policy goes into effect....

With the current testing..... the homerun output dropped all across the board this year....Barry didn't get to weigh in on the new testing....because he was loosing weight.....and for a lot of us credibility.

TR/RR.....there is no court of law at work's fine to give people the benefit of the doubt when all reasonable observations weigh in their favor (sorry, thinking of Barry's new frame...couldn't resist) but.....if it acts suspicious, looks suspicious, talks suspicious....then it's reasonable to think something is wrong......

Everyone is entitled to their opinion of Mr. would be great if he continues to knock them out of the he has in the past.....but do you really think he will given the new testing requirements? That will probably be the best test of all.....
Last edited by LadyNmom
Originally posted by TRhit:
I never liked Sosa to begin with so wont go there

OK so if you didn't like Bonds would your opinion change there too?

Giambi has not been found guilty so I assume by that standard he was never a steroid user either.

Mark McGuire was just having a bad day and was thinking about his son so thats why he cried at the hearings (sniffle I'm here to talk about the future not the past Roll Eyes )

Raffi, was too busy pointing his finger to realize that while he was testifying he sat on a B-12 vitamin shot

Sammy, no habla ingles

Well I've had enough fun on this subject...back to my protein shakes, bars, and I need to find my clearsil.
Last edited by Novice Dad

Yes, now I clearly understand, thanks for the link… If your frontozygomatic and zygotemporal are fully grown by young adulthood… It means your zygomaxillary orbit could cause isolated craniosynostosis. Furthermore, if cranially speaking, your neonatal skull needs a squamosal suture… You’re in big trouble! Smile

I have an old hat that won’t fit anymore. Of course that size old 7 3/8 hat is about half the size it once was. Smile I think my skull is the same! The brain however has shrunk quite a bit!

Sorry ramrod, I just thought your comment was funny. Please do not take personally.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
I don't know how old you are but when men are younger in their 20's their hat size is smaller then when they are in the 40's.


Not trying to argue in the least, but is that really true? If so... I learned something new today! Smile

What causes the skull to keep growing? noidea


Though the cranium bone structure does not change after a certain age, the hat size of an individual can change based upon gains and losses in weight.

Most people gain weight as they age and their muscular tissue density and shape may change also depending on their activity.

It's not uncommon for a hat size to increase or decrease by 1/8th to 1/2-inch from puberty to late adulthood based upon changes in weight.

So far all I read is conjecture and ridicule of the man Bonds, but no one can explain how he can hit a 100 mph fastball for a 400 foot HR, as he did against Eric Gagne of the Dodgers. Steroids can't give a player that skill.

Bonds was hitting 400 foot HR's when he was at Serra High School, so trying to say that Bonds can only hit HR's because of steroids is a false premise.

No one here has yet proving beyond a reasonable doubt that he either knew or deliberately ever used steroids. Opinion that he did is not evidence.
Last edited by Ramrod
I have absolutely no desire to ever ridicule or convey conjecture and, in fact, I enjoy watching Bonds play. But facts are facts, and denying or failing to recognize them will not change a thing, no matter how much you've enjoyed seeing him play since his high school days.

Bonds admitted to "unknowingly" using a steroid cream he said he thought was "flaxseed oil" to a grand jury. That consititutes him knowing he used steroids, even if he only discovered it after the fact. You should need no more evidence than that and believing his story is left to any individual. If someone likes Bonds, they will take his word; someone doesn't like the guy, he's a liar. We all know that.

Bonds is a great hitter and fully capable of hitting many, many plus-400 foot home runs against great pitching. His God-given talent is unquestionable. What must be asked about any proven steroid-using player (let's use Rafael Palmiero as an example), however, is not how many 400-foot home runs they hit, but how many balls they hit that flew over fences by inches or just a few feet that would have fallen short without the enhanced strength gained by using an illegal substance. When you hit 500 or 600 or 700 career home runs, there a few of these also. That's where the steroid advantage, arguably, could be gained in the world of a home run hitter. For a gap hitter, it's how many balls had just enough juice to find a hole or just get past an outstretched glove.

Also remember that using steroids, unless prescribed by a physician, is against the law.
Bonds hasn't done a thing to ruin his career, it's the way the sports reporters have presented the man Barry Bonds to you.

Unless you have "personal" knowledge of him, eg, direct contact such that you know the man personally your opinion of him has been formed by others influencing the discourse of their own impressions of him...and of course we know none of them are down right biased against him.

We all know how accurate and truthful reporters are...if truth was the value of exchange as though it were money, the value of what the reporters give to you to pay for anything would be conterfeit on it's face.

I learned a long time ago in sports that what is said about a player on it's face is mostly all just one man's opinion...and like a/o's everyone thinks their's is the only one that matters.

Bond's is a great player and a man that has taken care of his family, Yes he has made his mistakes, but who here hasn't.

We can all learn from what has happened to him, and take that as a warning to our own son.

No matter how good they are and how well they play, the image the sports reporters produce from interacting can be based upon how one single writer sees them.

The only thing the fans and other people will ever know about them is what a sports reporter wants you to think.

You can see it here sometimes with posters that get on the wrong side of prevailing thought. The responses can be unkind and even threatening to extract vengence on your son's career.

That kind of thinking is exactly what Bonds has been dealing with since his days at Serra High School.
RR, off the field Bonds is widely regarded as the biggest tool in the game. What other player is so hated by teammates/media etc? Why would they hate him and only him and why so much??
Long before Barry became a big star I spoke with a number of top Chicago media types and the mention of his name brought a look of disgust to their faces. I wasn't a kid at the time and I learned some new words to describe a person.
The lying,cheating, criminal activity only adds to the stench.
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