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Originally posted by SouthSide:
Can anyone throw out a base runner stealing second tonight?

Both catcher's tonight look bad.

Did you hear that the Milwaukee catcher is something like 6 out 26.


Originally posted by itsrosy:
Actually, I think they said he's 6 out of 56!

Well many of the strongest and most accurate catchers around the league now and in the past have been described as 'having a gun for an arm'. I'm afraid they' re seeing more and more signs like this one and they're now checking their gun at the turnstile.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by soxnole:
and that "big money pitcher" Zambrano go's 0 for August!

That's no way to get to October.

Would that be the same winless month that Jon Steven Garland just rung up with those White Sox? The difference this year is that you don't have to worry about October.

Was Ben Sheets the man last night? He certainly was and deserves his props. I think Lou is being too stubborn about Soriano in the leadoff. I know, I've heard all the BS, but right now it's about the team, and this team clearly does a better job offensively with Theriot leading off and DeRosa batting second. JMO.

I hear 'ya. But, my booing at home was towards Lou for putting the man in a positon to fail. He's right off the DL, can't run yet, always a high strikout risk, and he's leading off. Booing a player for starting out slowly after a long stint on the DL is ignorant but for some of those old timers out there that want it so badly they're not thinking rational. Kind of like being stranded on a island and quickly running out of food and water. LOL.

BTW, It was Murton with the GWRBI. Carlos Marmol= filthy.
Last edited by itsrosy
Originally posted by soxnole:
cub fan's need to get a clue.

booing Soriano is absolutely ridiculous!

more than a smattering on the first strike out (right after he hits 1 about 400' foul) and a signifigant boofest after his 2nd strike out.

Then he wins the game...SHAME on boy's town.

maybe that curse is deserved!

Soxnole, I tried to put an understanding behind what in my opinion is undeserved booing of a player. Well, today's booing of Ryan Dempster cannot be explained or rationalized by any true baseball fan. This closer has been lights out for 2 months. Nary a blemish on his perfomance until today. Then, a couple of dingers and a ball hit into a jetstream. Here come the boos. It really ****ed me off because it was totally bush league by some bush league fans.
TR....Opinions are like noses, everbody has 1!

rosy, I totally agree...seems a little crazy that fans would boo a guy with 13 straight saves and 25-28 chances!

Bottom line: After what seems like a million years of cub failure, it's my feeling that the booing is for the entire team which has flopped to a 14-19 record in the last 33 games.

Cub fans know they are not even close to the 05 Sox and seem destined for immediate playoff failure, even if the horseshoe Lou is stowing in a dark place gets them to the playoff's. That is the reason for the wrigley fan attitude of late.

and....where is FastballDad these day's?

You've almost got it right. Where you're wrong, and will always be wrong, IMO, is that any Cub fan cares even one iota about the 05 Sox. We simply don't care and that is something that Sox fan's either can't or don't want to admit. That's old news and you're staring at a pathetic team only 1 3/4 yrs removed from a championship.


You may be THE ONLY non-caring cub fan when it comes to the 05 World Champs.

It's killing EVERY cub fan I know and will continue "ad infinitum"!!!!

Don't get me wrong....EVERY Sox fan I know is concerned with the current minimal cubbie success.

Contrary to your opinion however, my Sox fan circle is NOT overly upset about the 07 season of futility.

The GLOW is still there for the VAST majority of South Side fandom. (2005 sure beats 1908)(59 beats 45) and of course there is alway's the most glorious 1906 decider!

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