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A long time ago, someone called and said “Did you see what so and so wrote on the HSBBW site?” I went to look and read some posts including something nice that Bob himself said about us. I did not know Bob at that time, but kind words are always appreciated.

For more than a year, maybe even two, I just lurked and even posted a few times under some name. Later I got to know Bob better and really got to liking him. We all claim to be in things for the right reasons, but there was no doubt about Bob’s reasons. He truly wanted to help people.

Now Julie has taken over for Bob and she too is in it for all the right reasons.

Most of the people who post here are outstanding. A few who post here are just plain sneaky and rotten to the core! We have been praised much more than we deserve on this site. Once in awhile we get ripped apart more than we deserve on this site. Once in a great while, people even lie about us on this site. It’s all GREAT! I hope it never ends!

And congratulations David... You've been a great DAD to LEFTY! Smile
Thank you for the welcome , well I do have info but do not know how good it is. I myself was done playing ball by 12 but have always envied all the kids who have been able to countine playing. I have never coached for fear of messing a kid up (have umpired though). But have made myself available (hitting grounders/fly balls and lots of long toss/ catcher etc)from when my son started at a very young age to develop an interest.
I cannot remember exactly how I came across this website, but I have been reading and posting for years, ever since LL days. I started with reading the articles about "How to Make the HS Team" and ventured into the message boards. I used to worry myself sick about my son making the HS team and I had no idea what hitting to the opposite field and things like that meant, but I learned. Now, after years of reading and learning from all of you, freshman HS tryouts are in 1 month! My son, husband and I are excited about this milestone in his life and we are blessed to have him go to a school with an outstanding baseball coach.

See you at the ballpark!
Last edited by sluggo

…while we are at the thought of how and when we got here…

Many of us posters from Northern California (10? 20? Or more?)…owe a debit of karmic gratitude to Justbaseball who was directly responsible for getting and keeping us here…

Seems like a perfect opportunity to thank him publicly for his work with our own NorCal website, his excellent posts and encouragement on the HSBBW, his work behind both scenes and his efforts in the Bay Area with his “spikes on the ground”. His efforts benefit and support so many. I know his work is valued and appreciated.

Thanks JB!

Cool 44
I began lurking on this site after our son was in college, but before the "After High School" and "Going Pro" forums were added. It is usually my first place to visit in the morning and last to view at night.
During this offseason, many of the HSBBW topics, and our son's life in baseball, are part of family discussions with Mrs. infielddad and with infield himself.
In fact, infield's experiences in baseball have become, perhaps, even more meaningful in the last few weeks.
For whatever reason, my father, who is in hospice care, has become quite focused on his grandson and the joys of watching him play/following him on the internet. Dad has the picture in my avatar in direct vision, and has his "Jays" hat near his bed, together with a photo of our last family reunion, which occured during a a weekend of college baseball.
No matter how fatigued he might be, when his grandson enters the room, Dad's entire reality changes as he banters with "infield," about many things, including his rehab and hopes for the upcoming season. Knowing this will be a season where Dad will not email that he "can't find the #@%# website", to ask "how did he do", or where he will not be sending me a copy of his emails saying "great game last night" makes these moments so uplifting and truly ones we will cherish. Watching "infield" comfort Dad with his kindness and warmth makes me tear with pride.
Last night on the drive home from visiting my father, infield surprised me by suggesting I might need to break out my glove and help him with his throwing rehab beginning next week. At this time when I am losing my father, to have infield say "let's play catch" is overwhelmingly heartwarming...for a heart that is hurting.
That is what I love best about the HSBBW. It is about sons and families, about baseball and life, shared with many people you have never met, and know they are your friends.
Thank's to each of you and especially to Bob and Julie. This is a special place. Smile
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I'm not sure when I first found the HSBBW, but it was before the latest switch, around 2001. I've learned a ton even though it was pretty much too late to do anything about it with my son. I'm proud to say I have helped others in the area with their recruiting, etc...

I've PM'd a bunch of posters, talked with a couple on the phone and met a couple of posters in person. Even got to take young Duke out to supper before he was famous! Like infielddad, it's pretty much the first thing I look at (besides the wife Wink ) each morning.

Many thanks to all who have helped me along the way and not just baseball wise and a HUGE thanks to Bob for his vision and to Julie for her dedication.
Last edited by FrankF
Welcome Longtimeobserver! I too was a long time observer before recently posting.

I found this site so long ago I can't remember when? I remember it was through a search engine looking up baseball info. and when I found this site I felt like I had struck Gold and found the "Mother Load". I printed and read articles for days. I was leary of the "chat" room my computer was way too slow, I only had dial up service and was sure it would crash my tempermental system which would be so difficult to recover from back in those days. Ha! The most valuable tool to us at discovery was the "Recruiting Timeline". Which became the skeleton of our recruiting campaign fleshed out with the other articles, advice and information picked up from here and along the way. HSBBWeb also helped us with parental guilt and financial decisions when we were trying to decide how best to spend our limited resources to help our son develop his baseball talent when his skills exceeded our level of ability. Where's BUBBA!!! I think we signed up our son for one of his show cases after the glowing referral from here

Many thanks to ALL who started and contribute to make this such a great websitecommunity, reading the entries above is a great example of why I return here day after day. (Thoughts and prayers with you Infielddad) The People who participate are not only willing to share their baseball knowledge and experiences, they often share a bit of themselves along the way and that is what makes this site so GREAT. I have discovered, as I'm sure many of you have, that it's a small world after all especially when your talking Baseball!

Last edited by Still Learning
All the posts in this thread have been excellent.

At this time when I am losing my father, to have infield say "let's play catch" is overwhelmingly heartwarming...for a heart that is hurting.

infielddad - you have a way of painting with words - emotional word pictures I believe they are called. I'll never forget the story you told of The Dash and obviously your Dad's Dash will be everlasting in your heart and mind forever.

All that you are and your children are was made possible through him. My hopes are that your father can enjoy his time he has and that you can be with him for comfort. As with TRhit's mother and her passing a few days ago, it would be nice if things can also happen peacefully.

From the song by the Byrds:

- words adapted from the Book of Ecclesiastes by Pete Seeger
- music by Pete Seeger

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time of war, a time of peace
A time of love, a time of hate
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time of peace, I swear it's not too late!
I know I've been kind of quiet of late, but I've been around long enough to have traded some stories (some even true) with some of the old timers.

In real time, that would be about when my oldest was between his sophomore and junior years in high school. He's a senior in college now, with one year and one season to go.

Bob has been a gentleman and visionary, and Julie has been a perfect host and caretaker.

With a hockey-playing son in college, and a high school wrestler (at least this week), and my daughter's singing, I've been distracted. But I do read, and I'm sure I'll become a little more active if my 9-year-old keeps playing.

In the meantime, thank you. I've met some truly amazing people here.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
All the posts in this thread have been excellent.

At this time when I am losing my father, to have infield say "let's play catch" is overwhelmingly heartwarming...for a heart that is hurting.

infielddad - you have a way of painting with words - emotional word pictures I believe they are called. I'll never forget the story you told of The Dash and obviously your Dad's Dash will be everlasting in your heart and mind forever.

All that you are and your children are was made possible through him. My hopes are that your father can enjoy his time he has and that you can be with him for comfort. As with TRhit's mother and her passing a few days ago, it would be nice if things can also happen peacefully

***CDAD, that song is a classic. And the "dash" moved me deeply.

I found the site seeking general information right after the 1st college letter came in September of 2005. Some here probably wish I didn't, but thats OK.

I lost my Dad suddenly 17 years ago. He was fairly young, and very passionate about the game of baseball. He had the opportunity to coddle my 2007, HIS 2007.

They say those you lose live on in your heart. So most of times that I post, I am posting the love and passion of child, and baseball, for two. Dad and I.
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Your post goes deep.

In the fall of 1981, my dad had been fighting cancer but was at a point where things were stable, nothing pressing, no urgency, no treatment ongoing. A friend from law school called (he was the other 49er fan in Virginia), saying he had 45 yard line seats for the Redskins-49ers. The Niners were just starting to look decent, with a QB named Montana just starting to emerge. I had followed the Niners since the days of John Brodie and Ken Willard and had never seen them in person, but told him "Nah, I'll just watch it on TV with my dad". The two of us lived alone in our homeplace. We watched the game, Montana was great, the Niners won and we had a ball busting on Theisman and rooting on young Montana.

Next day, I went to work early as usual, and when I got home, he wanted to go to the hospital, odd to say the least. We did, things deteriorated very quickly, I spent the night in a chair next to his bed, the next night he went into a coma and died shortly thereafter.

I will be forever convinced that God's "invisible hand" kept me at home on my dad's last good day on earth, to watch the last football game he ever saw, during the last few good hours of his life. My dad too was a big sports fan, and it often amazes me how even something like sports can be used as a comforting tool by the great "I am". I know you as "Infielddad", but God knows who the prayers are for.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
OS8 and hokie - those are very touching stories as well. Quite an emotional night on the hsbbweb

My Pops wrote one of his family beliefs, in his hand at a time near his passing.

My wonderful wife and I spent more time framing this writing for several recipients, including my 4 kids, than wrapping all the usual junk.

Yes, this is an emotional time!

I feel better sharing this than any analytical post.............

But I am more amazed at our kids, your kids, our players, because they are self-motivated, driven on their own, but we all know they are somewhat influenced by our lives and experiences.

That is our successes!!

Now lets talk about the Draft!!
Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8
I found this site a little over 3 years ago. This site has been very beneficial as to helping and preparing my son to make the HighSchool Baseball team. I remember asking all the questions and also helping other people make decisions. This website is unbiased and very open. I am very happy to come across this website and you can say this site is a , "shoulder to lean on", when you have any issues at all regarding baseball.

I remember printing the " How to make the HighSchool Team" list on my son's wall and telling him he needed to check off everything on that list! He checked it all off and when it came time to tryout for the team he passed with flying colors. He currently is a true Freshman and the starting 2b for the team.
Last edited by baseballbum

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