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When did I "find" the High School Baseball Web? hmmmmmmm Well my original idea was to name the site simply High School Baseball, but the name was already taken. That web address has never really been used, oh well too bad I guess.

Like Julie wrote, I started the site in February of 1998, and this coming Valentines Day it will be 9 years old! Wow. I read this quote recently “The average life span of a URL is 44 days” We must have done something right!?!

And I do mean “WE” As I have said before, what fun would this site be if all the ramblings and information were from one source …. Especially if that source were me! Ha! There are so many different situations, physical ability levels, money, academic abilities, etc related to each of us and our players that the journey is a bit different for everyone that stops by.

But then there is a common thread in our experiences that links us all together.

Back in late 1997 I used to frequent a message board that John Skilton had on Baseball-Links.Com. A few of us would exchange ideas and thru that board I discovered that I was not the only person that did not understand the ins and outs of high school baseball and hopefully (in our case) the college baseball recruiting game.

When the High School Baseball Web went online it was quickly dubbed the “little green web site.” I don’t remember why I opted for green, except for the baseball pitching lizard that I found on someone else’s website maybe. And as has been pointed out there was the “Rivals” period. Oh well …. We all make some poor decisions at times.

But most important of all are the friendships made thru this forum. I enjoyed so many of the posts in this thread, especially ones like ‘baseballalbum’s” about Making the high School Team. One of the first series of articles that I wrote, it’s always nice to feel like something you have done has been helpful to others.

I still have people ask, “are you that guy on that website about high school baseball?” I usually answer, “I used to be.” LOL

All the credit goes to Julie for keeping this place going and doing that so very well!

Longtimeobserver …. Since ’98 and just now posting? That is a record for this site! Wow!

This community shares successes, achievements, fame and failure as a family. I have a set of files for favorites that is overflowing, of “OUR” kids!

As another new year approaches yet another group of high school freshman “hopefuls” will be getting ready for spring, try-outs and a new adventure. See ….. It never gets old!

Happy New Year everyone!

Thank you for your post.

My father passed away many years ago from complications from Alzheimer's. Before he fell ill, his grandchildren were his life. I used to take him to watch son play, but after a while it became impossible. He would have really enjoyed sharing in his grandson's achievements.

My son is built exactly like my dad, lean, tall, unusually long arms and legs. That was a great gift given to him from his grandfather.

As my son grows older he doesn't remember a lot about his grandfather, the last years of my dad's life were pretty rough for my kids, and Dave was young when the disease first set in. I wish that he could have shared more happy times together.
I found the site because of TRHit. He told me to check it out.

It was like a big ball of mozzerella. I had one bite - and I was hooked.

Rumor has it that the Big Kahuna (Bob H) - Fungo - the Bama Bomber - and a few others began discussing the original concept for the HSBBWEB back in the late 1930's. The idea stalled because the internet wasnt quite up to speed yet. But they were patient - and then - bingo!

Musta bin 'rown the yair 1999 when me an Maw wuzz worrin' bout the end of the wurld *** tha yair 2000. Wez sittin' on the frunt poarch tawlkin bout waze to make sum spindin' cash senz the shine buzness had fallin' awf sumwhut (airy runnarz..err I meen stauk kar driverz.. waz drinkin' airy prawfitz up). Sum frendz told us 'bout this intranet stuff an we startid to chake it owt. Maw fownd a little grene website kawled the HSBBWEB and aftur sum branestormin' we desidade to start airy oyne shokasin' bizness kalled Bubbaz Basebawl Basherz Bonanza. Airy lawyur told uz tuze add the LLC causin' it lukked more effishal like.

Wale tha rest iz histree, butt me and Maw sawz the benufit of the HSBBWEB imeeyatly in marketin' airy wairz..err I mean produkt. Weed not be whar we iz today without this herie website. The malebox staze full of cheks frum gullbal, ignert...err I mean hard wurkin' mawz and pawz lookin to halp thar juneyer git a skolurship.... and me an Maw live on oury speshall bilt yawtt floatin the Missippy rivar. Wez per nere retarred now, butt steel sayle a few porkee pine aigs to an okashunal yank on the nawthern runz up the rivar fer the fun of it.

Weel allwaze have a speshal plase in airy harts for all the HSBBWEB fokes who halped make airy dreemz possiball and the speshall assistnz frum the Tennessee krew (The Gran Pooh-bah, Fungo, HiwauseeVol, TennDad, Jolly Roger, etsetra) fer thar halp in keepin' the steel runnin' whilez me an Maw made a killin'...err I meen a meeger livin... in the showkaze bizness.

Ye Haw! Thankz agane fer all who contributed to our retarment fund...err I mean... halped us build tha bizness frum which me kan make a meegar' livin'..

Former CEO
Bubbaz Basebawl Basherz Bonazza LLC
Lickskillet, TN
fone: BR549
Originally posted by Bama Bomber:
Do some quick thinking here...
  • HSBBWEB started in Tennessee by the Grand Pooh-bah - Bob Howdeshell
  • According to a famous Tennessee politian (Al Gore) he invented the internet
  • Thus, the internet was created and developed in Tennessee for the HSBBWEB

Case closed!

Since Al Gore straightened out high school baseball, maybe he should be the next Commissioner after Bud "Light" Selig retires... Roll Eyes
Bullwinkle is having a party on December 30 to celebrate 4 years of baseball wackiness on this spectacular site. I found this site by doing the google shuffle. I typed in high school baseball and got back a piece of magic. I liked the timeline, read the interviews, and then got to the message board and BAM I got hit with Bubba. I knew that this was my kinda site and signed up.

I read most every day, post twaddle, laugh, cry and fume. Bullwinkle has met other posters and yet hid from most….some posters hate me, some ignore me, and some like what I type…. just a normal day for the Winkle.

But we all have the same obsession in common.

Baseball and the boys/men that play the game.

That’s enough to bring me back.

Plus: most of these Baseball Moms are Hot….with a capital H!
Wow, this thread has certainly called out to a lot of the Real Old Timers, folks we don't hear from nearly enough! (Yo, Bob --- seeing you post....tasty, indeed!)

If I remember correctly (and that is a giant IF) my son was entering his sophomore year when I met Bob, and I had been here for nearly a year before that, so maybe it was 1999. No matter --- whenever it was, it was a most fortuitous surf that brought me here.

I've passed out Bob's flyers to guide baseball folk to the site at tournaments, to teams my son has played on, to teams I've coached, to stangers accompanying uniformed players in restaurants, and scribbled the address on the backs of business cards. Some may come by word of mouth and some may come via The Google, but we're all so very glad to be here.

It was conceived in, is continuing on, and is made up of unselfishness; a commodity hard to come by in any situation, but most assuredly in the competitive world of youth sports.

There are people here we each have shared secrets with, but wouldn't recognize if we passed on the street. What an amazing world The Internets have created.....

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