For the benefit of those who still have all of the "formative"(Jr. and Sr high school) years of baseball in front of them, the following question:
"At what age do you(the parent) quit "suggesting" the way and allow your son's baseball desires to become the driving force toward his ultimate baseball level?"
I pose this question because ALL of us Dads(and probably some of you Moms too) are guilty of putting a glove in our son's crib at the hospital delivery room or shortly there-after(and I really did wish that mine would turn out to be left-handed ).... we did the Little League thing, exposed them to "select" or some other form of "higher challenge", but.... When did your kid let you know that he was after something that the next baseball-playing kid his age may not be chasing?
For my son, it was when he was a freshman in high school. From that point forward, he was "accountable" for the baseball dreams that he told me he was chasing. I continued to support him at this point, but the "drive" came from within him.
Curious to hear what ya'll have to add!!
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