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Originally posted by sandlotmom:
Originally posted by Ben_08:
That stuff needs to be handled internally by a captain, not the coach. No way should it ever have gotten to a parent.

How would you suggest a captain handle it?

This happened last year. My oldest son was 1 of 2 Sr Captains on the team. They both simply went to the coach and asked to have a "Player Only" meeting with the team. The coach did ask what the meeting was about and they both told him that it was a player issue and if they couldn't handle it they would come to him first.

The coach went along with their request and the 2 Sr's laid down the law to the younger players. They never once called anyone out or made any direct accusations but left no doubt in anyone's minds that if they heard any more rumors of drug use by anyone in that locker room, they would go directly to the coach and administration. It was their Sr year and they were not going to allow anyone to ruin their chances of having a great year.

The problem ended...
Please don't state this as though it is a fact that marijuana is a gateway drug. That's simply untrue.

While I respect your right to your opinion, the way its presented here, assumes something not in evidence and at the same time paints those on the other side of the argument, myself and most leading researchers, as idiots and liars for our beliefs.

I certainly believe marijuana is a gateway drug....I believe this to be a fact and the truth....
Last edited by BlueDog

Don't judge what or who you do not know--most times , like now you will be wrong

As for a gateway drug take this from one who was a heavy weed user while I was in the music business-- I am not ashamed to admit it because it is fact and was nearly 50 years ago-- but myself and fellow musicians that I hung with went no further that weed

It all has to do with the make up of the user, you cannot generalize.

Are all people who drink alcoholics? I think not

Just as weed users do not all become heroin users
Marijuana is a "gateway drug" for those with a predisposition towards dependency. There are some people who's brain make up is geared towards becoming addicted to things and then moving on to more severe drugs. Overall though it's not the marijuana but the make up of the brain chemistry of the person.

So there is truth to the statement that marijuana is a gateway drug but only for some people. Marijuna is easier to get than the other hardcore stuff so someone who is geared towards dependency will USUALLY (not always) get started with marijuana. There are always exceptions but this is a good rule of thumb to start with.

It is a very tough situation to go to someone and say their kids are doing something like drugs. You better have your info straight and confirmed before you do. But I still stick my belief that overall most people just want the chance to try and help their loved ones. It might not be well received at first but if it leads to change and saving someone then why not? If you lose a friendship over something like this then were they really a friend to begin with? If it's truly a friendship and they don't handle it well but come around the friendship will endure.

Get your facts straight and tell someone who can help create change and provide help. You will never go wrong with that approach. It may not end well because some people just can't get off drugs but give the loved ones a chance to help. If they don't then it's on them and not you.
This should probably be a new topic, but it is very much related to making life choices with consequences and I really think a possible conversation parents might need to have with their sons. My computer skills are lacking, so I will just give you the web address and strongly encourage you to read this article. ( It is on page 1 and 2 of the polk and florida section of the paper.

Two high school senior ballplayers were arrested for consensual contact with underage teens.(article does NOY say ***, although an additional charge of underage molestation was added for 1 boy) One of the 2 has already signed a commit to Georgia Tech and considered a 2nd round draft pick. I do not condone this behavior at all; however, I know it certainly wasn't the first time anything like this happened and it won't be the last. We play in this district and this news spread fast. These underage girls were freshmen and told the deputy it was consensual. They were not seeking to press charges.
The boys are suspended from their high school baseball team indefinitely by the high school principal.

Even though I don't condone the behavior, I hate what these boys are having to go through and I hope it will be resolved in a manner that is fair and just to all.

I'm sure these boys would like a do over for last Friday night. Hopefully other boys will learn from their mistake.
Originally posted by BlueDog:
Please don't state this as though it is a fact that marijuana is a gateway drug. That's simply untrue.

While I respect your right to your opinion, the way its presented here, assumes something not in evidence and at the same time paints those on the other side of the argument, myself and most leading researchers, as idiots and liars for our beliefs.

I certainly believe marijuana is a gateway drug....I believe this to be a fact and the truth....

Are you convinced that you are always right? You're as entitled as anyone to believe anything you like. However to present your beliefs as fact, when all they really are is a belief, is deceit.
It was their Sr year and they were not going to allow anyone to ruin their chances of having a great year.

Sportsfan5: that's exactly the way you would hope all players and Teams would handle this situation.

I would never support "overlooking" substance abuse. As young adults, players too need to be responsible for not only themselves but also their teammates. Sometimes that means find a mature approach to a very real problem. You are right in that the Senior Leaders need to be just that!

Well done!
Interesting scenario...

Tough for a teenager to confront teammates and risk being ostracized. The character of a young man can show through in these situations. Is your son more concerned with how the team does or not being perceived as a snitch? Either is an understandable position to take.

I believe most teenagers can handle this tactifully by confronting their teammates with sincere concern. It may not be appreciated by the fellows he speaks to, but that is their problem.

I had the same problem 25-30 years ago. I said nothing and still regret it.
MJ is a gateway drug , not in its addiction but its a gateway to another circle of friends. Before you can smoke you need to get it from someone. Dealer or runner, someone that most likely dabbles in other illegal activities. You may start in a circle of potheads, but a coke head or heroin fiend might occasional visit the circle at parties or events and now associates with your son.

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