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Oldbat-never....No, I'm originally from New England.....we lived in Scottsdale and Tucson...lots and lots of Sun Devil and Wildcat both places.....but I'm now a Hampden-Sydney tiger fan... D3, know how it goes. Starting to get used to SoCal...but sure do miss Tucson,job,friends.....and my son.....and the thought that Bullwinkle inhabits these mountains, and beaches.....just a little Tucson we only had to worry about rattlesnakes, and bobcats......crazy moose were never a problem......

Please don't delete the photo of yourself and family, I love it! Personally I really enjoyed seeing those who included actual self-photos. I intend to be brave and scan one of myself - replacing the photo of my violin with one of me playing it a few months ago. (I'm not very good, but that is the other hobby I love.)

Last edited by MN-Mom
Well,,,,, seeing more nonbaseball pics so will stick with the family pic.......It is 2 years old but only one I have with all 4 of us in it....I am always behind the lens never in front..... This site/map is kind like a mini convention of sorts seeing all these pics..... keep posting them......

MNMom wondered what the violin reference was now I get it, how COOL............

ArizonaRed: I miss AZ a LOT!!!! Was just there for a HS and college reunion, what a great trip. We have bobcats, coyotes and snakes as well in TX but a Crazy Moose on the Loose....can't say that has been spotted yet, but you never know........

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