There is a rule in my town that you need a permit if you want to cut down a tree. If my neighbor cuts down a tree, why should I care that he broke some rule that has zero effect on me?
I have, and will continue to stand up and defend those primary principles, through military service and civilian action. The rest of it, tree cutting laws, seat belt laws, sunscreen laws, school transfer laws,...they are all excercises in someone else foisting their belief of how society should be run at the expense of the freedoms this country was founded on. It's not my job and shouldn't be my neighbors job to enforce such arbitrary societal boundaries...if they do no harm.
The problem is, many of these "arbitrary societal boundaries"
do inflict harm. Take tree-cutting, for example. You say your neighbor's actions have "zero effect" on you. Not true, if that tree had been providing shade for your comfort in the backyard or shielding the west side of your house, thus lowering your utility bills. Also, cutting down the tree could mar the aesthetics of that property and harm property values of nearby homes.
Seat belt laws? Now you've got me going. My failure to wear a seatbelt in college led to my ejection from my vehicle and a 2-month stay in the hospital. You're saying that my breaking the rules did no harm? How about the harm it did to my family members, who had to set aside their schedules and priorities and visit me daily in the hospital? How about the harm it did to policy holders with our health insurance plan, whose rates were affected by my decision to flaunt the law?
I humbly submit that breaking rules and laws almost
always affects others.