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From the South (South of Springfield)

1. O'Fallon - They have to be a favorite and have some studly pitching.
2. Edwardsville - Nuff Said - They have a Junior 2nd baseman that hit 520+ this past year and will TEAR IT UP.
3. Belleville West - They have Flannagan and look to win just about every game he pitches in.

What about that other team down in the Metro East? Well, they have graduated a lot of talent. The former talent could overcome coaching. We'll have to see about this next group. BTW, rumors are flying. We have about 600 homes under construction in our community. With the Defense Department making all of the changes and with Scott Airforce Base real close, we could have more kids by baseball season. I NEVER BELIEVE RUMORS!
joliet will field a solid team... they did well in the summer going to the state tournament but we all know what that means... absolutely nothing come the spring time... but i would say they will be solid im not sure how well their pitching will do, they have a couple sophmores that are capable of throwing at varsity and cory churchwell will be the work horse this year
New trier should definitely be back! Although they will be a Junior dominated team, their Junior class is outstanding. NT was starting four sophomores by midseason last spring, and the experience should pay off bigtime. The offense should be led by Rosinsky (SR-RF) and Domenick (SR-3B), while the pitching staff will be led by Hofeld (SR). The question mark may come with the depth of their pitching staff, but they should have enough quality arms to make some noise. All the pitchers should be helped out by what should be a tremendously improved defense. Look for big defensive contributions from Victorn and Murphy in the middle infield.

Both NT and St. Rita have outstanding Junior classes--should be enough talent on both to make some serious noise this year, but both should also be outstanding in 2007.
New Trier will definatly be good. They have a very good junior class and there line up will be stacked with studly hitters from top to bottom. Whoever is pitching against them will have their hands full every game. However, Im not sure if there pitchinig is what it use to be. Hofeld is very good and after that it will be mostly juiors. But if u compare this pitching staff to other new trier staffs in years past it does not stack up. They dont have a big dominating pitcher. Like a clauss, martinez, tscanz, eric wilson, nowikicki, mark flourse(got drafted), duncan elmer. These pitchers were all studs and I know i am leaving off a few. With these pitchers new trier was able to win it all in 2000 and made two other down state appearences. IF U NEW TRIER BOYS HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE POST PLEASE REPLY.
Last edited by Goose

Not sure why any NT player would have a problem with your post--you ticked off a who's who list of NT pitchers over the past 10 years. However, by the end of this season, Hofeld will definitely belong in that class--he was the best starter for much of last Spring, pitching far better than Klauss. Last year's big three on the hill will be tough to match, but with a MUCH improved defense (infield and outfield), this year's pitchers won't be forced to get 4, 5, or 6 outs per inning. The staff behind Hofeld is untested but talented, although a year of Legion Ball definitely should have helped Davidson, Paul Duncan, and Frahler. McKinven should contribute also and may steal some innings and turn some heads (didn't play Legion, but threw 5 2/3 innings of 1 run ball against Top Tier 16 this summer). It is likely any NT success this coming Spring will rest on how the pitching behind Hofeld develops--the offense and defense look to be MUCH improved over last year.

Any info or reports on other teams in the N/NW Burbs? Would love to hear a scouting report on Stevenson, Barrington, Libertyville, Evanston, Notre Dame, Carmel, Maine South or any others up N/NW.
yes new triers pitching staff will be young, but they do have experience. Hofeld shut down the best legion team in the state by throwing a complete game (9innings) only giving up 4 runs. Duncan threw extremely well (3 erned runs in 7 innings) agianst puduhkah ky a team that in 2004 went to the legion world series in san diego ca. Mckinvin who as K13 said pitched very well agianst top teir, one of the premier teams in the state and frahler who got a lot of good, productive innings and showed great improvement over the summer. if these guys can go out and throw strikes the defense will back them up and look for new triers offense to put up some big numbers
new triers great junior class mixed with some of the top seniors make us a extremly solid team. I dont get how anyone could say that we dont have good pitching, just wait till the season and you'll see our starting rotation will be extremly solid. all im saying is people can think what they want, but new trier has got a shot at going downstate every year and this year is no exception.
Last edited by vicdog4
ALLRIGHT BOYS looks like the water is getting stirred in the pot, typicall new trier, they can dish out the shots but they can't take any. Looking down the road to the sectional it will be tough. Loyola is very good and so is Notre Dame. Niles North is also a very very talented team and evanston should be improved sometimes even Glenbrook North or South is in the Niles West sectional
Last edited by Goose

Are you sure you are reading the posts correctly? I don't see one by a NT player taking a shot at any other team. They are just rightfully proud of the talent they have on their team. Having been around it, I can understand why. I think the general jist of what they are saying is that they expect to be in the mix. I wouldn't expect or want anything less. If you check the thread you started on CSL player rankings, you will see a number of posts by NT players giving credit to the skills of a number of other players in their conference. Seems like the only one stirring the pot is you. But, if it is all in fun, that is cool.

I'd expect players from St. Rita, Sandburg, Stevenson, Barrington, Notre Dame, Carmel or any other of a host of talented programs to speak with the same confidence about their squads.

With that said, how about some scouting reports on other top teams? Some info beyond the top player or two? Everyone knows who the top guns are, how about some insight as to the depth of some of the better teams. Where do they look solid? How does their conference, regional, sectional stack up? What are their weaknesses?

I think we've run the NT talk into the ground--we know they'll be good, they always are. Let's hear about some of the other talented teams and, more importantly, what makes them so.
Last edited by K13
if u read my pm list u would understand why i am sayin that new trier kids are stirring the pot. But its ok i'll always love those pesky trevs.
in response to hitallday.
Sandburg is really good and should be lights out on the mound.
There best pithcer is Nick Chimiliewski who is a junior and thorws in the low 90s and high 80s consistantly. (Hes no joke i have faced him and he is the real deal).

I have no desire to read your PM list--it's your PM list, you can keep it to yourself.

Now, let's get back on the topic. Because I am definitely interested in finding out some in depth info on some of the better teams for 06. We've heard St. Charles East, Hinsdale Central, Palatine HS, and some others. But don't just throw the name out there (apology to you Smokey, I know you were just looking for some info too). How about some reasons why? And again, let's go deeper than the top one or two ballplayers on these squads--we all know who they are, and we all know that it takes more than two great ballplayers to make a team (unless of course they are 2 pitchers that throw 87+). Give us some reasons why. What's the offensive depth like? Do they play solid defense? How does their pitching stack up? What's their conference race look like? How is their schedule strength? How good is the coaching staff? What are their potential weaknesses?

Let's get some real info out instead of just throwing out school names.

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