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Does it matter? Until baseball comes clean, all the talk about the "integrity of the game" is meaningless.

Was listening to ESPN radio this morning, they were spectulating that MLB officials withheld and covered up the Palmeiro announcement until after the HOF presentations so that the image of the MLB wouldn't ironic that they are pulling the same thing that Bonds and Palmeiro are...covering up the truth meanwhile speaking about "the integrity of the game".

And then they stand there all smug about Pete Rose, when their own integrity is in question. Makes me angry to think how much they have mismanaged the game of baseball.

It's time for the US Congress to step in and put the game under an oversight commission. Why, because we can no longer trust the owners and the players with the game. Why? Because they have lost respect for what the game means to all of us, and because our children, sons and doughters are getting the wrong messages as these irresponsible people are in control of the game.
Last edited by Ramrod
Originally posted by AKBaseball20:
Maybe with Franklin being suspended, Felix Hernandez with debut. noidea

Yep he is do to appear, just picked up his signed baseball on Ebay and would love to see this.
Possibly Thursday.

08/02/2005 11:04 AM ET
Hernandez may start Thursday
Pitching prospect could join Mariners Tuesday in Detroit
I am in Alaska and I am a big Mariners fan. I am listening to the pregame show on the radio and Franklin said that all he took were protein shakes and supplements. I think that players shouldn't take anything to help themselves unless they are approved by the team doctors and trainers, not personal trainers. Then the players will have something to sort of fall back on when a problem may arise.
If all he took was protein shakes and supplements, then PUT THEM ON THE TABLE. Lay it out for the world to see. If Flintstones vitamins caused him to test positive, then people need to know.

The problem is, you won't see it. What steroid did Palmiero test positive for? He's not talking... it's covered under a confidentiality agreement. Franklin? He hasn't said what he was positive for either.
Ramrod, regarding your hope of congressional oversight of baseball. The LAST group I'd ever want to manage or control anything is the US Congress.
You could not find a better example of mismanagement, backdoor (sometimes criminal) dealmaking and a complete detachment from the average "Joes" out there they are supposed to represent.
Originally posted by TRhit:
Only fact here:

We , John Q. Public, do not know all the facts and perhaps we never will

Now they are after Giambi again--for what--being healthy?

August 3, 2005 -- CLEVELAND — According to multiple sources Jason Giambi's 14 July home runs weren't the product of performance enhancing drugs.
While eyebrows were raised over Giambi's stellar July since he entered the month with five homers, he hasn't failed a drug test so therefore he isn't in the appeal/arbitration situation that Rafael Palmeiro was in before being suspended for 10 games Monday.
The Yankees have been tested three times since reporting to Tampa for spring training. Once during spring training, again in April and last week.
Since his bout with an intestinal parasite last year and the discovery of a benign pituitary tumor, Giambi is constantly having blood work done by doctors and MLB has access to those tests.
Originally posted by denisr400:
Ramrod, regarding your hope of congressional oversight of baseball. The LAST group I'd ever want to manage or control anything is the US Congress.
You could not find a better example of mismanagement, backdoor (sometimes criminal) dealmaking and a complete detachment from the average "Joes" out there they are supposed to represent.


I don't mean in anyway to spike the ire of anyone here, but the sanctions for cheating using drug enhancers in the Olympics would be the kind of legislation that is needed by the US Congress to be passed for all sports in this country.

Two year ban for first offense, lifetime ban for any violation thereafter. That tells everyone you're serious about what you mean.

It's time to stop screwing around with these people...they're not getting the message. Sometimes you have to hit neanderthal behavior over the head with a sledge hammer to get its attention.
Last edited by Ramrod
I wish the Yankees and Orioles would declare their contracts with Giambi and Palmeiro void for violation of something or other, gotta be a morals clause in there somewhere-wouldn't that get the players attention in a hurry?

When you talk to their ears or appeal to their integrity, that hasn't worked. Kick the old pocketbook around and that will get attention.

Until it costs more to cheat than it does to be clean, some players will keep cheating.
I've said this before and it seems appropriate here:

Make all drug test results available to the public. Not just athletes. EVERYBODY.

Once the process is transparent, there can't be any money, agendas or politics, and it takes the spinmeisters out it. It's positive or negative.

The sanctions are whatever they will be. Let's stop the acrimony and sanctimony and all the posturing BS. Everybody is accountable to the same standard. Steroids, marijuana, coke, caffeine, whatever. One size fits all.

I want to know that my boss isn't high when he/she makes a decision that impacts my future. I want to know that the windbag politician listening to steroid hearings isn't more screwed up than the people lying to him. I want to know that the athletes I'm paying good money to see aren't so chemically enhanced that my son didn't get the gig because he didn't do the right junk. And, they, of course, get to know that the rantings of their favorite sports media person are based on somewhat sound mind and body.

I know I have nothing to hide. What about you?
Well VAMan I might or might not have something to hide or hide not. This country was actually sort of founded on the premise that that's my business not yours. I would prefer it stayed that way as much as possible thank you.
I'm all grown up.
Im perfectly capable of deciding on my own whether I want to watch baseball or not.
I am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that I trust my judgement over hypocritical bought and paid for politicians and political hacks.
Government oversight?? C'mon, its a game. Make your own decisions about it. Take it or leave it. Keep the Government out of it. They are not capable of making it better.
Next step is some fundamentalist hack saying that only their favorite denomination will be allowed to play.
Baseball is accountable to the fans. If u dont like what they are doing vote with your feet and more importantly your pocketbook. They will get the message.
Government has proven that more often than not cannot get the message.
Government oversight means politicians for sale in control; this will quickly become just another stop on the lobbyist gravy train so what we will end up with is "approved" supplements from the companies that pony up and banned supplements from those companies that dont pay enough. Actually that could be cool in a weird sort of way..... RHOMBAZOL!! THE Steroid of MLB
Last edited by Just Me
The way I feel it is, first that nobody knows what is the list of ban substance, second from where they are getting the substance and third how they consume it. Scare me when these players say that was a supplements or vitamins because then this can be consume by anybody and if they say the truth then why not makes illegal the companies that produce this substance or vitamins. Just my humble opinion......
Last edited by strikeu
<<< RamRod:
I'm all grown up.
Im perfectly capable of deciding on my own whether I want to watch baseball or not. >>>

Question is, what are you watching? A clean sport? Or has it become nothing more than another version of the WWF? Is it just another freak show with overstrutting steroid puffed up actors? Or are we watching the very "best" "naturally gifted" athletes in the world? If they're using, they ain't that.

<<< I am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that I trust my judgement over hypocritical bought and paid for politicians and political hacks.
Government oversight?? C'mon, its a game. Make your own decisions about it. Take it or leave it. Keep the Government out of it. They are not capable of making it better. >>>

As an adult, I believe you have expressed exactly the feelings of those who are juicing. But what about the kids? I cannot forget how as a kid I idolized Mickey Mantle, Wille Mays, etc. if I had found out that they were not really "gifted" but just "normal" guys that were using some kind of drugs to make them play better, and those substances were in affect considered cheating, what kind of message would that say to me as a kid. It says they are all fakes. I don't think I would have continued to hold them up a with adoration and respect as I have all these years.

<<< Next step is some fundamentalist hack saying that only their favorite denomination will be allowed to play. >>>

This is a non-sequitor, to the discussion.

<<< Baseball is accountable to the fans. If u dont like what they are doing vote with your feet and more importantly your pocketbook. They will get the message. >>>

You're exactly right, and there is a strong possibility of that kind outcome because of this situation. Just consider the damage that would do to all the people envolved in baseball that have devoted countless hours to it, all the while assuming that it was a clean sport?

<<< Government has proven that more often than not cannot get the message.
Government oversight means politicians for sale in control; this will quickly become just another stop on the lobbyist gravy train so what we will end up with is "approved" supplements from the companies that pony up and banned supplements from those companies that dont pay enough. Actually that could be cool in a weird sort of way..... >>>

Oversight means inacting legislation that sets the parameters for implementation of the Drug Control Act that already exist, and make it specific to baseball. It would simply set the definitions for abuse and sanctions for those that choose to ignore the law. Right now there are general laws that make steroid use illegal, but there are no specific controls or punishments specific to eligibility for the privelege of getting to play in the MLB.

The IOC Olympic Committee just settled on 4-year ban on first offense, and a life-time ban for any violation thereafter. Have you ever wondered why the MLB and the MLBPA have been so reluctant to participate in the Olympics....hmmmm, I wonder if steroids had anything to do with it.

MLB Commissioner Selig just stated that the MLB is looking at 50 game suspension for 1st offense, 100 game suspension for 2nd offense, and lifetime ban thereafter. It seems the public is making him nervous. He knows the US Congress can take away the MLB monopoly exemption and that would mean that competition would ahve the right to compete with each city for the rights to use many of the stadiums. Many billionaires would have the right to bring competition for talent and cities into the market. Selig and the owners would do anything to avoid that.
Last edited by Ramrod

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