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I came to this sight, initially to post our tournaments and just get the word out. We did not understand or really know what the site was about. We went about it the wrong way and maybe we still go about it the wrong way. I have just recently begun posting and trying to offer my opinion as I am a young high school coach. I feel I have a lot to learn about the game and some knowledge to teach.

So for the longest time I never posted, just read and learned. So, for me as a high school coach, this site was created for me. It was created for me to learn from the older people that have lived the wars and hopefully better teach kids how to play the game the right way. So sometimes I think people do need to bite their tongues. The great thing about this site is the different brand of people on here. You have everything from the dad watching his 12 yr old son to MLB players and parents of. This site was designed for them. So for everyone that has tried to answer a question or asked a question this site is for them Thank you. As we run tournaments all over the place, you get to hear how many people use this site and learn from it. I think you have no idea how many lives you have touched.
Couple of things.

Regarding the blogging..we have had some post here that resembled a blog, one a few years back a dad was recounting the last year of his son's HS baseball. I also did the same when son began his pro career, there were no comments that this was unacceptable at the time. If some are concernd it takes up space, there's been more space taken up here than he used. I also agree with those that have stated that while some of us are not used to this type of format, young people are.
The young player who obviously may have been unaware of what he was doing or posting was sent a pm the other night by the owner of this site, instead of discussing it openly. For those who thought he was doing something wrong, instead of trying to call out a young player in an open forum, those that have experience with working with young players, or their own could have sent a pm and given suggestions in private. That goes for anyone who felt the need to post about it in this topic. If anyone felt he had some issues that need correcting (and apparently some did), why not just send a helpful pm?

Some people can't handle the fact that Bob turned this site over to Julie, the above is a good reason why. I actually think the intention of this post was to bring her embarrassment that the site was failing. It doesn't take a rocket scientist (a big thanks to PG for his post Smile) to figure out that this site has grown leaps and bounds, and that holiday time is when the board is slower than it usually is. Bringing up FBM, she would have been livid over some of the posts in this thread.

I appreciate Fungo and a few others who try to post some thought provoking meaningful questions to stimulate the board, I notice he does this often when things are slow. Justbaseball did that often too. I do notice that some people will intentionally bait others, often, I think sometimes that is the only way they know how to stimulate the board. Come up with some good meaningful thought provoking topics instead. JMO.

I respect all of the opinions in this topic, but must admit I am totally shocked at some responses.

This site brings many different people together and sometimes it is like living in a house, we all have to try to get along with one another. Everyone has their own style, it takes awhile to get to know and understand everyone.

One question, if one doesn't like this place, the owner, the moderators, the moms, the topics, the kids, etc., why are you here?
Last edited by TPM
I stumbled across this site a few years ago. I enjoyed talking baseball with the other coaches in the coaching forum and reading the posts of everyone. I have also tried to offer my advice to many here and have learned a great deal from many here as well. One of the best things for me is hearing from other parents and their experiences. I have had some battles over the years with several posters. And then the next topic comes up and I find myself defending them or them defending me. We share many things in common on this site. One thing we all share is a love of the game and those that play it. We also share many of the same experiences with our sons our teams etc etc. I think the thing that makes this site special to me is the fact that we are all different and we all have our own different ways of saying things and getting our points across. To me TR is a special person on this site. He says exactly what he thinks and his is very passionate about the game of baseball and those that play it. He is a no nonsense kind of guy and he does not sugar coat anything. While some may see this as abrasive I see it as TR just being who he is. And I am glad that we have people on this site that take the time to "Tell it like they see it".

New people on this site learn who is who and how they communicate with the other posters. I dont want this site to become a site where every post has to be calculated and worded perfectly as to not upset anyone or hurt anyones feelings. We need people like TR and we gain much from his posts imo. Just like we gain so much from all the other posters on this site even though many come from a different angle than TR does.

This is just my opinion.
Originally posted by TPM:
The young player who obviously may have been unaware of what he was doing or posting was sent a pm the other night by the owner of this site, instead of discussing it openly. For those who thought he was doing something wrong, instead of trying to call out a young player in an open forum, those that have experience with working with young players, or their own could have sent a pm and given suggestions in private. That goes for anyone who felt the need to post about it in this topic. If anyone felt he had some issues that need correcting (and apparently some did), why not just send a helpful pm?

It looks like I'm being sent to the corner again.

I'm raising my hand as the schmuck who posted a friendly suggestion to that poster. #1, the poster was anonymous, #2, he did not pick up on the subliminal messages to stop, and #3, a pm only addresses him not the posting public who I thought should be aware of the repercussions of blog type posts. It appears initially that this young man was singled out. Not the case. The intention was for all to understand the potential problems of blogging on a public sight. I guess any future posts I'll run through the chain of command for approval.
i agree with rz. this was a lesson for all young players to learn. public postings/blogs etc.

i think we sometimes don't want to hurt feelings, to a fault. maybe because i've been here so long i enjoy the little battles ,bickering. i think we really do worry to much about things that really don't mean that much.

i are read here everyday,sometimes more. i have learned a ton here that maybe was to late for my kids,but i try and help others when i can. i've taken much more from here than i've given. i thank you all for that, but we all need to lighten up just a whisker. no harm done to anyone.
I wasn't signaling you out, I did see that you took the time to go to the other thread to post suggestions.
I referred to everyone here who made comment on certain behavior, in this thread which had nothing to do with another thread, IMO. If you took it as directed to just you, it was not.
This was my opinion given just like everyone else has given.
FYI, I did the same thing the other night, brought some things to his attention in public, a few of his posts were deleted, and mine as well (not by me). There was nothing wrong with the posts, just that it might further fuel the fire that he was called out about whining.

What I objected to was this thread was about the drop in on board attendance, not a HS players blogging and whining. I actually agree with some things stated, but not sure why it was brought up here.
Last edited by TPM
I am perfectly capable of posting 40 times a day and be very controversial. The whole time I can follow FO around and bother my old friend by editing his posts to make him sound crazy.

You'll never forget Lewd Ann and Gomer, will you?

But, it was the best of times..........

And, actually my observation has been that the annual HSBBWEB blues has hit later and much lighter this year.

Some of 'em don't even know they are going through withdrawal.
The young player who obviously may have been unaware of what he was doing or posting was sent a pm the other night by the owner of this site, instead of discussing it openly.

I just want to clarify that I sent a PM to the player about an administrative item related to the thread, and offering to assist him. There was no scolding or finger shaking in that PM. Tonight the player requested that I delete the thread because he wanted to start over, and I assisted him with that. Helping people with requests is actually how I spend the majority of my volunteer time on this site. Smile The rest of my time is spent sweeping floors, emptying's all pretty glamorous. Wink

Last edited by MN-Mom
Gosh Woody, your memory is really going. Remember, I found your keys and you gave me very specific instructions about how to return them to you through the Internet. You had me remove the back of my computer, squeeze them in through that third slot, press Control, Alt, Keys... Transmit... wait, what was the third thing I was supposed to press? Are you saying you never received them?

Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by FormerObserver:

I find it interesting that a man with almost 20,000 posts has not commented since the original question.

Thats good, Danny boy, very good. Big Grin

That picture is probably worth 20,000 words.

A little hypocritical when the board rules posted by an esteemed member included.
....Posters will be expected to maintain basic courtesy toward the opinions of others. Please avoid flame wars or anything you KNOW will cause others to flame (aka "flame bait").

We expect members to agree or disagree in a civil manner. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Some may look at this reply as insulting a certain poster. But I guess the definition of "board manners" is on a sliding scale depending on who is saying it. I'm not highlighting FO or Danny Boyd, both of whom I have a lot of respect for, but we all make statements that others could say are flaming, insulting, or in bad taste. I think I've even made a 1 or 2 or..... Wink in my day. Lets all drop our personal morality shield and let opinions be shared in an open minded format.

IMHO, some very pertinent opinions are not voiced on this site in fear he/she will be chastised because a moderator or someone on the board will feel the statement is condescending or not pc enough. If every post has to be run through the "morality checker" we may be losing the true meaning of our opinion. Just because one poster feels the message could have been delivered in a better tone does not mean all posters have that gift of written delivery. If you're offended by whats written, don't read it, but if you can learn from're already ahead of the game, and isn't that the intent of the site?

But what really irks me is the recent weighted finger of some moderators who have taken it upon themselves to slash or move posts to other forums before those posts can be judged on their merit in front of the entire membership. I completely respect the job of a moderator, but I think some have jacked the throne up a little too high in the heavens where the air is a little too thin, and the books containing their own personal moral values, and their interprutation of the site rules are the only ones on the coffee table.
Last edited by rz1
TO whomever it affects:

I saw no need to interfere with your "fun"-- you have all shown why the site has become what it currently is---THERE IS NO LONGER FREEDOM OF SPEECH on this site--I just sat back and laughed at your hypocritcal posts

Just so you are aware, my posts are monitored by the powers to be, so my response to the young man was posted with Moderators Board approval

MS TPM this was not a attempt to bring down the site nor Julie---just because have disdain for me don't make it seem like I am some vicious scoundrel

For those concerned take a look in the mirror and you will see you all are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing-- much of what say in this thread is defaming me but you don't hear me complaining about it--it comes with the territory

Just look---one calls me immature and lacking tolerance ---another infers I am a chicken-- shall I go on--

Have a nice day and I hope you don't hurt your arms patting yoursleves and each other on the back
rz1 it was honest and sincere.....I'm just not from CT.
Are you kidding me !!!!---speak your mind without retribution---this is a "virtual world"--- if they do not like what you say they can ignore it---

Just because one poster feels the message could have been delivered in a better tone does not mean all posters have that gift of written delivery.

rz1 that don't make it ok for a poster to continue to offend.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Originally posted by Pastime Trnments:
I came to this sight, initially to post our tournaments and just get the word out. We did not understand or really know what the site was about. We went about it the wrong way and maybe we still go about it the wrong way. I have just recently begun posting and trying to offer my opinion as I am a young high school coach. I feel I have a lot to learn about the game and some knowledge to teach.

So for the longest time I never posted, just read and learned. So, for me as a high school coach, this site was created for me. It was created for me to learn from the older people that have lived the wars and hopefully better teach kids how to play the game the right way. So sometimes I think people do need to bite their tongues. The great thing about this site is the different brand of people on here. You have everything from the dad watching his 12 yr old son to MLB players and parents of. This site was designed for them. So for everyone that has tried to answer a question or asked a question this site is for them Thank you. As we run tournaments all over the place, you get to hear how many people use this site and learn from it. I think you have no idea how many lives you have touched.


Holy Smoke! Somebody please shake me. Are you sure you ae a high school coach? If you really are a young high school coach, then you have found and invaluable resource that will help you understand the psychology of your environment, making you a better coach. you will find posts from JV kds to parents of MLB guys here. The resources here are extraordinary in their depth and diversity

Please keep reading, asking questions, posting and providing insite to the many young players and their folks here. Your audience is large.
Last edited by Dad04
I appreciate you throwing the respect word my way. The feeling is mutual my friend.
The little cartoon was not meant to be insulting, demeaning or hopefully not in bad taste. It was just a little ribbing a TRhit for not jumping back in. I can see where someone might take offense or not see the humor in it, but TR definitely would not come to mind when thinking about someone who it might offend.
Last edited by Danny Boydston
rz1, I thought that you made some good points. I just hope, though, that the moderators and others keep in mind that for HSBBW to grow it needs younger members not just us "old geezers". And by young I mean both players and newbie parents. Sometimes it can be intimidating for these newbies when someone of seemingly "exalted" status (a HSBBW Old Timer) questions your judgment or motive.

Some of us have done that. Maybe I have, too. I guess if I were one of these newbies it would feel like moving to a small town where everyone knows one another, you feel like an outsider and there are no secrets.

I'd either shut up or move.

Most of us who contribute here have done neither. But I'm just wondering if there are some who otherwise could have contributed great ideas who have done one or both.
Wondering now if a "WELCOME CENTER" forum might be apropos, atop the General Items Forum, where new folks would be encouraged to make their first post, tell us who they are, and what they hope to gain from becoming an actively posting member of the community. This would be a place where the replies would be simple Welcomes (like many already do), but it just 'pins' it to one forum where new members and potential new members would probably look first, get that warm, fuzzy welcome, and stick a toe into the water before making other posts in other forums. There could even be a friendly 'sticky' atop this hypothetical forum where new posters would be told that there are many personalities on site and that they may not always hear what they want to hear, but that this kind of give-and-take is what so often culminates in the new ideas, tips, and bits of advice that ultimately help lead the horse (querying parent and/or player) to be actively engage one and all.....etc etc etc. In fact, this might be perfect as already written:

"We have created a community of folks through our message boards that we are very proud of. Regular visitors or "websters" as we call them freely give advice and opinion, share joys and sorrows, but most importantly interact like the neighborhoods we all remember.

Who are these regular visitors? Some are players or parents of players that were first round MLB draft selections, high school or college baseball "All-Americans", a high school or summer travel team coach. Maybe they are a director of one of the nation's premier high school baseball showcase groups, a college coach or a professional baseball team scout. But most importantly maybe it's you .... a high school baseball player, coach or parent, just starting out.

Wondering how to make the high school team, be noticed by pro scouts, or perhaps earn a college baseball scholarship? Visit our forums for advice from those who have experienced it, interesting stories, a few laughs, and a friendly community of baseball parents, players, coaches, scouts and fans."

We'd all need to remember that the word 'friendly' does appear here, and try to be just that -- at least in the Welcome Center.

Just another idea from The Land Of The Morning Calm.
If you keep coming up with great ideas like this, Krak, soon you'll have to change your day job. Smile

I think it just boils down to common courtesy. My family, we jostled and argued like cats and tigers but when it was all said and done we had a beer and laughed. None of this could have been done unless we knew first we were part of the family.
Maybe we should send our posts to a moderator for approval before we are allow to have them actually posted? This way we can make sure we don't upset anyone and run them off.

Please give me a break guys. If we are not allowed to speak our minds and say what we actually believe but only what we think the person wants to hear whats the point? It takes all types for something like this to really work. Some people are straight forward and some are more politically correct.

Some people post what they want to post and then get upset when someone else does the same thing as soon as that person disagrees with them. If a new person can not handle someone telling them something on a message board they dont like then they should preface it with "Thank you for responding to my post. If you disagree with me or have anything negative to say about my post please do not respond. I only want people to respond that will tell me what I want to hear and please sugar coat it if you dont agree with me."
I love this board. I'm an Old Timer who has learned a lot from the rest of you. I am not a baseball technical person. When there are discussions about pitching and hitting mechanics, linear vs non linear, etc, I am mostly silent. I sit back and "listen" and try to learn something from those of you who are "experts" in that area, and my son has reaped the benefits of your discussions. I think it's good that we deal with all sorts of issues, not just baseball. A baseball player is a person first. So there are times when other issues are important as well.

This message board, like any organization, is a microcosm of our society. I have no problem with that. You deal with the beliefs and behaviours of people out in society so you have to do the same with people on this message board. I've been on this board since 2001 and I've had my share of heated and sometimes controversial discussions. I'm one who feels that if there are no personal attacks, a good debate on a particular subject is healthy. We sometimes develop tunnel vision about the world around us and I think it's good to view the world from the perspective of others every once and a while.

If there was something that I wish to change would be the "good ole boy" network that is prevalent on this board. I think it stifles growth. Here is what I mean. If someone, who is not a part of the "network" meaning not "in" with many of the "charter member" posters, says something that might be a bit controversial, you might get "dumped on." Yet, a few threads down a member of the "in crowd" can say basically the same thing or something worse and no one says anything negative about the comment. Case in point: You Old Timers might remember the discussion that we had about a year or so ago regarding pets. I was up front with everyone about my personal dislike for cats and dogs as pets. I explained why and I was dumped on a bit for my personal beliefs and feelings about the subject. I expected it. My view on pets is not popular. Most people want to believe that you are weird if you don't like cats and dogs. I have thick skin so it really didn't bother me. I'm a big boy so I can take it. It did help, though, when I got personal emails and private messages from some of you supporting my position.

Yet, I found it curious when another poster said, on this same topic, that when he was young and his family's dogs had puppies that the family didn't want, they took them and drowned them in the river, and not one of the posters said a word. Now I personaly didn't have a problem with his statement. Those were his dogs and I feel that he could do whatever he wanted to do with them. However, had this statement been made by someone who was not a part of the "network" they would more than likely been dumped on. This is just one small example, in my opinion, of favoritism shown on this board regarding a non baseball issue. Favoritism is much more prevalent regarding baseball issues and opinions. My point is that us Old Timers have developed a bond of sorts where we don't take offense when certain posters make statements that would ordinarily invoke a somewhat negative response. The new people coming on board may find this behavior hypocritical and not want to hang around long. I think that most of you know that had I been a weakling or thin skinned, I would have left this board long ago. You have to be a strong person to hang around and not everyone is that strong. This is just my honest opinion. And please..we do not have to rehash the Pet Issue. I simply used that as a personal example in which I was involved.
Last edited by Catfish
Originally posted by Bum:
I just hope, though, that the moderators and others keep in mind that for HSBBW to grow it needs younger members not just us "old geezers". And by young I mean both players and newbie parents. Sometimes it can be intimidating for these newbies when someone of seemingly "exalted" status (a HSBBW Old Timer) questions your judgment or motive.

Some of us have done that. Maybe I have, too. I guess if I were one of these newbies it would feel like moving to a small town where everyone knows one another, you feel like an outsider and there are no secrets.

Good point Bum.

Do you want a neighborhood of Stepford wives or one full of a "Mike Golic" personalities who tells it like it is?

Boy............that is a tough question Wink

btw - the Golic reference was only because I'm watching Mike-n-Mike right now, you could fill in the blank with any celeb or friend that provides commentary and opinion.
Last edited by rz1
I agree with Coach May on this. But I also think Kraks idea of a welcome site is good also. I have been on this board and have had threads that went on for days where great topics were dicussed.I have had several people disagree with me and when I was new I had my feelings hurt and feathers rustled, but I just kept learning and hey I am a mom.I maybe dont have the knowledge some of these people have, but I do have a son who has played for 14 years now in all types of programs. I have weathered politics, and all the nonsense that goes on with LL and beyond. But I got on this board to learn things to help my son, when my son backed out of a terrific D3 school , I was devastated, it was the old timers on this board, TPM, Thrit, Coach May, Fungo, Infiled dad , Infield08, Observer44, PG, and countless others that got me down from the roof.I didnt always agree or like what they said, but I listened and turned the ideas over, some I still dont agree with, but thats what makes this bord great.Newcomers, step in ask quetions, state your opinions, when you get responses, listen, mull them over, dont get your feelings hurt. Thats no ones intention, there are times when people get a little snappy, usually somone calls them on it.
For me this site got me through the senior season, watching my son turn down great opportunities (in my eyes) posters made me see that it was his choice I let go and let him do what he wanted. Hes happy, I am happy, were getting along better as I support him in his dream. Some have more expertise than others, but as a mom, I have valuable things to contribute that are from a moms perspective, different than a dad, coach, player, etc. All of the contributions are equally important. I really commend the youg man wh started this post, for contactng Julie and asking for it to be removed. And not for the blogging part but for discussing his teammates and coaches. That young man learned from that exp. maybe it wsnt pleasant but none the less he learned.Keep it real folks, becasue when your sons continue to play at each level, the more real it gets. They cant have sensitive skin and we must not either.

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