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Originally posted by Fungo:
This site will never be pristine clean and always in order. After all this is a place to discuss and disagree. You might call this the back-room of baseball where opinions are voiced and some lives are changed forever. These things don't happen without emotions and disagreements. If we keep it to too orderly it becomes too shallow. At the same time we need to maintain enough order to where even the most timid will enter. It's a tough balance but Bob Howdeshell (HSBBW) and Julie (NM Mom) have done a great job. Wink

Agreed....I came here as the Dad of a HS player looking for help and direction for my son as he navigated the baseball, after 4 years of NCAA baseball, I stayed here to be a resource for all those posters who willingly shared their time and experiences with me...and to repay them in kind by doing the same thing for the next group....I hope I do that...

Now that being said, I believe that to be a high value site that we must have differing opinions....If we are to continue to provide high value content it will often come with high emotion and disagreements.....but to me, thats the price to be paid...

I've been active on a number of umpiring related boards....I hope you will not be suprized to know how well behaved this board is in comparison....

Ive always felt the quality of the posters are what makes this site the best...
Alright, alright, I don't mind rolling up my shirtsleeves and mucking about in the caverns of etymology.

From the Dictionary of Etymology:

drop (n.)
O.E. dropa, from P.Gmc. drupon, from PIE *dhreub-. The verb (O.E.) originally meant "fall in drops;" trans. sense "allow to fall" is c.1340. Meaning "lozenge, hard candy" is 1723. Dim. form droplet is from 1607. Drop in the bucket (1382) is from Isa. ix.15 [K.J.V.]. Exclamation drop dead is from 1934; as an adj. meaning "stunning, excellent" it is first recorded 1970. At the drop of a hat "suddenly" is from 1854; drop-in "casual visit" is 1819; drop-kick is 1857; drop-out (n.) first attested 1930.

I also found out that the word 'blob' was first used in 1725.
Last edited by Krakatoa

No time like the present to get an arm chopped off...

High School Baseball Web is intended to be an "Idea and Information" exchange, help keep it that way.

WOW, Very Interesting.

I am not so sure that we can really blame the young man with his Blog post...

While I am in no way a fixture here, after 4 years I would observe that the HSBBW has gotten increasingly more "Bloggy" and less "idea and information centric".

Can we blame him?

While I am in no way a fixture here, after 4 years I would observe that the HSBBW has gotten increasingly more "Bloggy" and less "idea and information centric".

That is true. I have started a few of them myself in either unusually unusual or the oh/ky/pa/wv forums which are far off the beaten path...

The bloggy type posts in the Gen forum tend to come and go. Off the top of my head, they seem like the exception. The tribute thread to FBM at the top of this forum is a good example and one which we all agree. If we really wanted to intellectually argue about it, any thread that had more than a few posts and lasted over a period of time might be considered a blog.
IMO, bottom line here is this site is an attempt to help those who request it. Some of us just go about it in different ways. If it's in the form of a blog, so be it. Times have changed and as some of the younger posters become "HSBBWeb Old Timers", blogging might be a way they are comfortable getting their messages across. Lord knows texting and blogging have become the norm in our society today.
If the player or parent has a positive experience and the outcome is success, who cares if it's through pm's, blogging, or an old fashion question and answer session. Just my last two cents worth. Wink

I absolutely understand and value MANY of the more personal threads...including the one mentioned...

...and I am a big fan of using situations and examples to tell tales...but it is a very fine line between offering questionee related situational information, suggestions, and empathy...

...and using every post to "tell your tale" and highlight your success and to put it brag and peach.

Off the top of my head, we have had at least two of these threads recently regarding majors and academics. Then there was the one about the spread sheets, where many rather than making contructive suggestions, blasted the poster for even considering the use of a spreadsheet simple because they didn't. All three of these threads appeared in some eyes to a far cry from an "Idea and Information" exchange.

It would seem to me to be the trend.

Last edited by observer44

That thought crossed my mind in the last few days also. I always enjoyed reading the "Non-Prospect Diaries" on a different site (I think TPM linked to it), and also loved it when another member (Shane) let us peek over his shoulder at the life of a minor-leaguer.

I agree that too much "blogging" in the General forum might make things confusing, but it could be a neat addition as a separate forum that members could read or ignore as they choose.


Originally posted by Krakatoa:
gotblogforsale, I think I would very much enjoy having you go around that table, left to right, and putting websters with certain dogs, based on how you picture them in your mind's-eye. Ready, go!

You asked for it Krak...starting with the collie leaning against the wall and going clockwise around the table.

    The Collie: Fungo...relaxed and wise.

    Next dog: 20dad...has that "Live Free or Die" look.

    Next dog: observer44...he's observing while only holding a pair of fours.

    The Doberman: ClevelandDad...just because.

    Next dog: FormerObserver...I've met FO and there's a resemblance.

    The Bulldog: Bum...who else?

    The Mutt with his back to us: Krak...always a day ahead of everyone else.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
You asked for it Krak...starting with the collie leaning against the wall and going clockwise around the table.

    The Collie: Fungo...relaxed and wise.

    Next dog: 20dad...has that "Live Free or Die" look.

    Next dog: observer44...he's observing while only holding a pair of fours.

    The Doberman: ClevelandDad...just because.

    Next dog: FormerObserver...I've met FO and there's a resemblance.

    The Bulldog: Bum...who else?

    The Mutt with his back to us: Krak...always a day ahead of everyone else.


From The Collie, clockwise:

Coach May
MN-Mom, keeping a watchful eye over the procedings
PG Staff
Bama Bomber
This thread has taken a surprising direction. TRhit asked a question and I thought he was looking for constructive input. My suggestion/comment on page 1 was meant to be constructive not to "call him out". Reading it again it may have been on the rude side and I apologize for that. Having forum rules and expecting people to show a little respect is a good thing.
I think it is always good to have younger players come to the site and give their input. It is a chance for us to hear some different perspectives. I am not sure the General Forum is the place to "blog", but I love to read the information. I happen to live close to the player and have been following the thread.

That being said, this is a message board and there will always be differing opinions on everything. I personally will cut a young player some slack. They are young and don't always make the best decisions. We must be careful in how we explain things to them. We don't want to turn off players. Shortstopmom said it best. "There is a huge difference between constructive criticism and criticizing. The later of which is of no value, imho."

I think MnMom had a great suggestion. A Forum for this kind of sharing. Everybody's story has value to somebody.

The above being said. I also don't want to be so politically correct that opinions that are different are no longer viewed as having value. It is a fine line. Frankly, it does get crossed in both directions very frequently here.

Getting back to TRHit's original post. I think he was trying to make a left handed point that the site is going downhill for some reason. I happen to not agree with that. I think the site is just fine and it is just the slow time of year.

I don't post much any more, but I do love to read every day. I will try to post more often so the site doesn't look like it is going downhill. Eek I am perfectly capable of posting 40 times a day and be very controversial. The whole time I can follow FO around and bother my old friend by editing his posts to make him sound crazy. Big Grin
I myself check the forum for good questions asked and advice given.That gives me a chance to get the info that I need without opening my mouth. I have to agree with Midwest Pop on the "jumping" thing. Parents and players have real concerns about topics and are not as knowlegble as some of the ole'coaches that roam this forum...the problems are very real to us as we watch our sons go through it on a daily basis ---not every player is given a charmed career ...some struggle... have a little compassion for those on the other side of the fence.
I didn't notice TR logged on yesterday.
I hope he feels his question was answered sufficiently.

As far as I can tell, the HSBBW is doing great, fine form, ( some in rare form- Big Grin ), and doing better than ever. I came to that conclusion using both statistics and by simple, yet pure good ol' fashioned observation! Smile

TR, not sure we can ever change your mind, or should change it,.....but I do hope that you will take another look around again, perhaps from a different angle. Maybe its just a matter of perspective.

This is a G-R-E-A-T baseball website.
One of a kind and I know my son and I feel very fortunate to have stumbled upon it. It was a baseball lifeline for us when he was going through the recruiting process,...and still is.
Last edited by shortstopmom

Originally posted by shortstopmom:
...but I do hope that you will take another look around again, perhaps from a different angle. Maybe its just a matter of perspective.

Beautiful Manchester,CT...quite a view from up there huh TR?

Can you see the HSBBW?

You may have to turn around to your right...the HSBBW this morning is a little southeast of Mt. Nebo Park.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

That being said, this is a message board and there will always be differing opinions on everything.

Hey, I've noticed that! Wink One thing I have definitely learned since taking over the site 3-1/2 years ago, is that moderators cannot please everyone, and will not even always agree with each other! The debate and differing opinions have a lot of value, as long as they are constructive.

Originally posted by shortstopmom:
I didn't notice TR logged on yesterday.
I hope he feels his question was answered sufficiently.

TR, not sure we can ever change your mind, or should change it,.....but I do hope that you will take another look around again, perhaps from a different angle. Maybe its just a matter of perspective.

In the last month or so I've detected a small posse out for TR's head. The man has provided a wealth of information to prospects over the years and while his method of delivery may raise the hair on the backs of a few, I personally see no harm done. He's told me I was wrong a number of times and while I may have disagreed, I've respected his opinion. We all have our own way of saying things, some direct, some in a PC mode. While I do not always agree with TR's message, I usually see where he's coming from. It's funny because some esteemed members are givin a "walk" if they rip a poster in a PC way, or behind their backs, but if you come out and have an honest opinion you can be condemned. This site should not be a group that determines a level morality on a case by case basis. Rather, we should make sure things do not get out of hand, if you don't like it, don't read it. If some of the posters stepped out of their box and into their sons locker room they would hear the same tone, it's the athletic competitive nature, and we deal with those athletes daily . We learn and teach our young from the messages of others. It seems to me that the only message allowed to be heard here, is that of our HSBBW morality checkers. I find it funny that a man with almost 20,000 posts is only now being called out

As rz1 waits the incoming barrage
Weighting in at this time, it is apparent to me that I've missed some posts or points of emphasis.

This site will always be what we want it to be. I want a non flaming board which is high on quality. Quantity doesn't guarantee quality. Heck, I've proven that by being outlandish at times. I also want this site to be one of resource for those trying to figure out the "process" of baseball.

We're all going to disagree at times. That's why they make vanilla and chocolate ice cream. The rub is when one decides to take it personal or develop their agenda contray to the membership of this site. Then, that's a problem.

Finally, per membership, activity etc. That will never be a constant. Members come and go as their children grow. Some, thank goodness, stick around and help lead the rest of us along the path. Others decide that this isn't for them. I think this site is healthy and second all of the comments about MN-Mom and how well she has taken over for Bob. Bob did a great deed for all of us. Julie has continued that tradition. I appreciate the efforts. THANKS!
TR asked a question.
Many of us tried to help answer it.

Since my words are the only words you chose to quote above in your last post, I will assume you have some issue with them.

Let me clarify.
I interpretted TR's question to mean that he was concerned that the numbers of members were dropping on the HSBBW. He asked why.

After many posts and reasons given, I came to the conclusion that perhaps if TR looked at things from a different angle, he might see what I see,....and that is that the HSBBW is doing just fine.
That is not calling someone out.
Thats is not forming a posse who goes after ones head.
That was simply an attempt to perhaps show someone something positive.
Sue me.
Like I said, it was simply an attempt.

This is not the first time some posters have raised issue about some of TR's posts, and it probably wont be the last. Wink

There are manners which are to be obided by on this website and there are moderators who are asked to watch to see that those manners are enforced. It has nothing to do with being a morality checker. Moderators are not perfect and I doubt if any claim to be.
Last edited by shortstopmom
I asked the same question in the Ladies forum a little over a month ago and here is a few responses I got -
Originally posted by shortstopmom:Just a little low on words, I guess.

Fall is here, winter & the holidays are approaching. Lots of changes in people's lifestyles with their jobs & the economy, etc.

Originally posted by MN-Mom To be honest, I think a lot of the moms including myself are still a little quieter than usual, missing our friend Mary Ann.

And a lot of the players, parents and coaches are getting ready for the big event of the Fall/Winter...Jupiter!.

Originally posted by mom of 2 catchers - I haven't posted much lately either, a little overwhelmed still and getting over the shock of Mary Ann, and also have been working a lot of overtime (the joy of having 6 kids with two in college)..

I think its the time of the year coupled with the elections and the economy.
Last edited by Lefty34

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