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Rachel has the legs - but I got the real recipe.

A new beauty:



Get some Moose patties - pound them to about 1/2 inch.

In a seperate pan - you mix butter - some olive oil - and a bunch of sliced mushrooms. A pinch of thyme and some garlic powder.

Cook until mushrooms brown - and add some Marsala wine. Preferably Sweet Marsala.

Let simmer until most of the wine burns off.

Meanwhile - You fry the moose - again in a small amount of butter and olive oil.

When Moose is done - Pour the mushrooms over the moose - and serve with your favorite side dishes.

Very simple - but very tasty - Mangia!!!
Last edited by itsinthegame
THAT is definitely an argument for keeping the little lady in the kitchen! Her and I would baste that turkey real good together. Maybe stick that thermometer in and see what's cooking. Then again, any astrologist would know the mecury is rising.

Great idea, Krak. Innuendos not intended.
Last edited by Bum
Originally posted by MN-Mom:

"Krak, if you're successful and enjoy some longevity, perhaps MN-Mom can get YOUR PICTURE on a box of Wheaties!"

Did you know that I actually CAN do that?

Hang on Krak...she ain't fibbin'. She's no Corn Flake. She knows her way around computers...especially the General Mills variety.

She has access into General Mills inner sanctum of computerology and all of that other essential electrical stuff...a cut here and a splice there and presto!, Krak, are flashing your smiling face at us from your lofty perch on grocer's shelves all the way from Fargo, ND to Moorhead, MN and everywhere in between.

Actually that area encompasses about 30 or 40 grocery and convenience stores...the test marketing results showed that out of the total potential market area for Wheaties worldwide your face was only marginally accepted in a narrow band along the Red River valley in the Greater Fargo, ND/Moorhead, MN Area. That's disappointing I know, but we're trying Krak...we really's rough sledding. These plains folks are a tough crowd...clinging to their heritage...especially the northern ones.

Convenience stores such as Sun Mart, Stop N' Go, Holiday StationStore, and Kum & Go all gave a thumbs down. Not nearly as convenient as other cereal brands they claimed. Of course the ethnic stores...Almaeli Abbas Grocery, African Foods, Balkan Foods, Mosaic Foods, and Old Dutch Foods...just couldn't accept your face on their shelves once they discovered your Korean connection.

Honestly I think it really has something to do with that dreaded International Dateline that we can never manage to shake. It's a real Axel of Evil! Someone should get an old oil tanker and put a big Greenpeace sticker on the side and then fill it with White Out or Liquid Paper and sail along that dratted line with the caps off and the pumps running in the red. Be done with it once and for all! Good riddance!

Sorry for the outburst Krak...where was I? Oh and the Wheaties box. A real blow to our Stak the Krak effort came when the handful of Hornbacher's Foods, a venerable and well respected Fargo, ND/Moorhead, MN institution for over 50 years, pulled the Wheaties boxes with your visage...something about "not nearly Nordic enough". Nitwits! "Nattering nabobs of negativity"...a nod to William Safire for that gem he penned for Spiro. As Johnny Cochran might have said if things had turned out a tad differently..."It fits! We mustn't quit!"

After all of our actual rigorous jumping through hoops and stern talk of arm twisting this leaves you on the shelves of Cheep Foods on 45th St., Little Dukes on 33rd, and the Loaf N' Jug on University Dr. We're still trying to get you on the shelves at West Acres All Stop Repair Center and Grocery on 13th Ave. ...the new night manager's eyesight isn't too good and that, along with his hearing being poor, gives us hope that he won't notice your mug and won't hear the inevitable customer complaints.

The tie-in with Wheaties and your podcast is tenuous at best...our only hope really is to pull off some good ratings in the Greater Fargo, ND/Moorhead, MN market...we have to breathe deep and hold our breath that Cheep Foods, Little Dukes, and the Loaf N' Go have a banner September as we try to launch your podcast.

Here's Mom...working her Minnesota magic...finding the wires to snip and splice...

She really does have quite the resume. Take a look at her accomplishment from the past...I can just picture her modest Minnesotan face blushing now. Don't think for a minute that this guy got his start without some pretty savvy inside help!

Wheaties and Baseball

Wheaties began sponsoring radio baseball broadcasts in 1933, nine years after the cereal was first introduced. The first sponsorship was on just one station -- WCCO -- but eventually sponsorship encompassed 95 stations with teams and cities throughout the country.

One of those stations was WHO in Des Moines, Iowa, where a young broadcaster named Ronald "Old Dutch Foods" Reagan delivered play-by-play re-creations of Chicago Cubs games from telegraph reports. "The Gipper" often had one batter foul off dozens of imaginary pitches while the telegraph was down.

In 1937, Reagan was voted the most popular Wheaties announcer in the country and was rewarded with a trip to the Cubs' training camp in California, all expenses paid, courtesy of Wheaties. There he took a Warner Brothers screen test ... the rest, as they say, is history thanks in large part to the tireless effort and technological wizardry of Mom.

Here's "Old Dutch Foods" at the mike broadcasting for WHO.

If we can't get any traction with Wheaties perhaps we should give this a try?

Build a base of listeners in the Far East. Being in Korea you're loco...sorry...I meant local...and it's a product that, some how or other, has much appeal. Hey! It might even boost the ratings in the Seattle market...that'd be huge! I'll give Mom a call...maybe she has a few tricks up her sleeve and could help out with this...I'll E-mail her a new pair of these...


May the bortsch, or any other product that may help, be with you!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by Rob Kremer:
I'd listen, Krak .... and don't forget the podcast option.

Hi Rob - yes, definitely. We're already set up to offer the recorded shows as podcasts - will be great to build an archive with specific subheadings delineating what's on each show.

PIAA-ump -- I think it would be great to have an umpire's perspective on the recruiting process. I'm sure you've been witness to many player behaviors (good and bad) on the field which would impact how a player looks to coaches/scouts who are watching. How they react to certain calls, composure, etc etc.....thanks!!
Last edited by Krakatoa
I dunno'? It just started to ring as I was walking by. It's some lady from Korea. Who? You're an overseas long distance operator? Collect what? Collect call? What's a collect call? that's what it is. Will I accept the charges? What charges? For this guy stubbed his toe to talk with Beezer? That's not his name? It's what? Crack a toe what? Sure...I'll accept the charges...hold on...I hafta' dig the quarter outta' my pocket.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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