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Maybe I am a little biased being a Yankee fan and playing against Porcello in some tournaments in the summers in high school, but in my opinion it's a little ridiculous that Porcello gets the same suspension as Youkilis for the fight last night.

Just to recap what happened for those who didn't see:

Porcello hit Youkilis with a fastball in the 2nd inning of the game. This was after Miguel Cabrera was hit, and after Porcello had thrown tight inside to Victor Martinez the inning before. After getting hit with the pitch, Youkilis proceeded to charge the mound without hesitation, running full speed at Porcello. Porcello, who initially acted as if he didn't do it on purpose and looked away in disgust (whether it was intentional or not is too hard to say in my opinion), reacted by sort of running away for a few seconds. Youkilis threw his helmet at Porcello and then proceeded to attack, when he was thrown to the ground by Porcello and then the benches cleared as they wrestled on the ground.

Now here's my logic...Yes, Porcello absolutely 100% should have been ejected and serve a suspension. Although it seemed to be self defense, he did hit Youkilis with the pitch and throw him to the ground and wrestle with him. You can't do that. But the punishment for each of the players is five games. Wouldn't you think Youkilis deserves a greater suspension? He attacked the mound with aggression, throwing a helmet at the pitcher (that in itself is incredibly dangerous) and attempting to drive him to the ground. His post-game reasoning was "protecting himself" ( Protecting yourself doesn't constitute throwing a hard piece of plastic at someone, TRYING to hurt them.

Does anyone share my thoughts on this? I'm not saying neither player deserved punishment. I'm just saying under the circumstances, I don't believe Porcello deserves the same five game suspension as Youkilis. I think Youkilis's should be worse because of the way he reacted.
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I deleted my topic, LOL.

My feeling is that Cabrera got in the way of the pitch (but we don't know if it was an intentional hit) and Youkilis was out of line, he intentially charged the pitcher. I do feel Porcello was protecting himself and had a right too.

I don't know the suspension punishment for each, but I suppose MLB had to be fair in handing both out.

Ahhh retaliation in the game of baseball, don't you just love it?
Porcello getting suspended is a joke. Yuklis charged the mound and threw his helmet. Porcello has to defend himself.

Did Porcello get a warning before before hitting Yuklis? Pitching inside doesn't warrant a warning.

If a warning was issued on an inside pitch, shame on the umpire but the warning was issued.

If he got no warning, then the ejection was a joke.

One good thing for the Tigers is they can extend Porcello longer this season since they got some pitch limitation on him. Looks like those 15 pitches he threw will give him a longer yearBig Grin
Last edited by zombywoof
I watched both games. My opinion only; Cabrera got in the way of an inside FB. Penny isn't that good to control his inside pitches. Youkilis got plunked twice, the second time by Porcello, who acted on his own.

Porcello is a rook. If a rookie plunks an All-Star, he better get ready to rumble.
Last edited by Dad04
I don't know why Porcello was even ejected. From what I saw I can't say he threw at him intentionally. You know, sometimes balls do just get away from you, especially someone young and inexperienced. His body language when the ball hit Youkilis indicated to me he was upset with himself, not glad he got the job done.

I suspect the suspension was the Commissioner's office's way of saying, we have to do something, but it doesn't really justify much.

Youkilis, on the other hand, charged the mound and threw his helmet. That can't go on.

I do give props to Porcello for the takedown. Youkilis is a lot bigger than him but he looked like maybe he had some wrestling experience in his background!
Why does a position player get the same 5 days as a pitcher ?----the pitcher may not even miss a start---if the position player is to miss 5 games why can't the pitcher miss 5 starts?

Because nothing's stopping a manager from using a pitcher as an everyday player in some capacity or use a pitcher in consecutive games. The league could never get away with it. It would never fly with the union.
Make a pitcher miss 5 starts?

Sounds good at first, but how do you handle relief pitchers? There are starters, spot starters, long relievers, setup men, and closers. Or sometimes the closer is a committee.

So the elapsed time between outings varies from perhaps a week down to 1 day. I'm not able to think of a rule construct that would be more fair than the way it is done now.
Hey, Youk went to my HS and alma mater...I'm taking his side! Big Grin

OK, seriously, I didn't see the thing. I don't see how MLB (or any league for that matter) can dissect percentage of fault and dish out suspensions accordingly. That requires measuring (spell that g-u-e-s-s-i-n-g) intent of each player accurately.

All the league cares about is that they don't have too many high-and-tight pitches followed by mound-charges. So they need to suspend both players, the same usually, so that the next guy thinks twice.

Its really that simple.

Reading body language? I wouldn't put too much stock into that at all.
Last edited by justbaseball
As you can tell by my name on here I can be unbiased and objectively comment on this whole situation!! Razz

In all seriousness they got the exact suspensions I thought they would get. Porcello gets an extra day of rest (5 games = 1 start) while Youk gets a week off (5 days) and makes Francona's line up choices much easier for those 5 games. Big Grin

Anyone who thinks Porcello did not hit Youk on purpose is really kidding themselves, if you watched the whole game unfold it would be obvious to you! The kid had hit ONE batter all season. It all started the night before when Cabrera got hit by Penny (He does hang over the plate) and the Tigers then hit Youk (he too hangs over the plate). In the game on Tuesday Cabrera got hit in the hand..a hand that was OVER THE was a high fastball that clipped his hand, now that pitch was most likely unintentional..ball was over the plate even. In the bottom of the first Porcello (to his credit) stood up for a teammate and threw very inside (2 outs nobody on..hmm) to Martinez but he was able to get out of the way of the pitch. Message sent or so everyone thought. Next inning Cabrera comes up again and takes a swing but his hand is hurting and he has to leave the game. Apparently at this point Porcello figured since Cabrera had to leave the game justice hadn't been served, so he threw the first pitch of the bottom of the second SQUARE in Youk's back, watch it again it splits the 2 and the 0 on his jersey!! THERE IS NO WAY that it wasn't intentional. Youk charged the mound because it was the second time he had been drilled by the tigers in 11 innings and was sick of being the one to get retribution so he did something about it. Porcello was probably shocked as it was the first time he had been charged before!! Youk should NOT HAVE THROWN his helmet at him and Porcello did a nice job on the take down.

So please don't sit there and think for ONE SECOND it was an unintentional pitch that hit Youk or buzzed Martinez for that matter. I watched the whole game as well as the one the night before. Right or wrong it was a typical plunk fest and as is the norm it ended with a batter charging the mound.

Porcello got 5 because MLB isn't stupid and could tell it was an intentional pitch that started it all. Youk got 5 because he charged the mound and threw the helmet. Probably would have only got 3 games without the helmet toss.
Last edited by redsox8191
Originally posted by Lefty's Dad:
I don't have any data to back this up, but it just seems to me that this stuff happens more often in the American League where the pitchers never have to go to the plate themselves. It may not be the case, but it seems that way to me.

Seems that way to me too, but FWIW, I think that there is an unwritten rule that you don't retaliate on pitchers other than charging the mound. Eek

If a pitcher had to miss 5 games (that's like weeks), makes no sense to me, that could ruin a pitcher for the rest of the season. I think MLB did the right thing, they both get the same punishment, no pay for five days. Razz
Last edited by TPM
As far as I know the rules are whenever a player is suspended for misconduct, failed drug test, etc., he gets no pay.
I would think they intend to hit them where it might hurt them the most, in the pocketbook.
5 game supension with pay, sounds like a VACATION to me!
Last edited by TPM
The league needs to be more consistent on their rulings. Wasn't there a pitcher from the White Sox that spoke openly about hitting a batter on purpose to "protect his guys" yet there was no disciplinary action taken?

Who knows what Porcello's intent was but someone better teach him to get rid of his glove and be better prepared to take a hit in those situations. He recovered nicely with the take down but the first few steps away from the mound were not his finest moments. Wink Rick's only a year older than my son and I can't imagine how Jerseyson would have reacted if Youk was coming at him head on.

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