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My son as well is in College (JUCO) and loving every minute of it! We do not hear all the negativity that we heard in high school. JT is a great ball player as well as many other kids. Just let the boys play ball this year see where they go. Before you know it they are out of the house and then you wish they were back. Enjoy the memories of your kids everyday! I agree Life is to short and I have learned to not sweat the small stuff! I have had the pleasure of getting to know many of these kids that are mentioned on here. My son has played with many of them in the years past. All these kids are great players. I have a son that has had to have brain surgery! He wishes he was able to play sports, go to school Drive etc.... However, that is not what god had planned for him. Be thankful everyday that God has given your sons the opportunity to excel in life! Talent is a gift from God. I think we all should be grateful for this! May you all enjoy this rest of your son's Senior Year! Cherish every game and every moment!!
Rained out I am not laughing at JT at all. I am laughing at the Coach for posting this about their own kid. I do not think they need to get on here and post things on their own players. If you read the DMN (Like for instance) today's paper a great article on JT! I just think it is a little over the top for coaches to get on here. They should be concentrating on tonights game if they have one or the game after that. Here let me say this I thought my son was Great in high school as well (in my mind I still do) However, when they go to College there are a lot of Good, Very Good, Great, Fair Poor players then he is! And every kid that I have talked to will tell you what a difference it is then high school ball! Many, Many of these kids in high school will get Drafted, D1, and JUCO. It does not have to be a dog fight to get the kids there. Just let the kids get there!!

Originally posted by Ballmom7
Best player in the district, not even close. Olson handled him with ease last night in an great win for JJ Pierce against a shockingly bad McKinney High team. Never been impressed with McKinney's coach, and now that he doesn't have a "Miller, Lee, Lipka"..well, he's exposed. Go Mustangs!

Wow, what kind of mom kicks a dog when he's down?
I believe they finished 3rd last year without Miller, Lee or Lipka.
Originally posted by michelle33:
And this is coming from the Varsity Fall baseball Heath Coach! LMAO!!

Michelle33 - I don't know who you are but I have always posted anything that I put on this web site with my name. I never bash a kid, school or person on this site. I feel it is important to put my name to anything that I post that way I will be accountable for anything I say. I said that Jake Thompson is fun to watch, and yes he is. Am I a bad person for saying that?

Yes I do coach the Fall Varsity BB team at Heath, big deal. I'm only a dad that was asked to do this. I'm not special nor do I feel like I'm special. I enjoy every minute that I have spent with all of the boys in the program past and present.

If I offened you or anyone for saying that JT was fun to watch - well I am here to say ..............sorry.........but if you have ever seen the kid on the mound welllll. Enough said, hope you have a good day and I only wish the best to you & your son who plays BB whomever you are.

No one bashes your son for playing JUCO, no one bashes your other son for having brain surgery, you talk about GOD.

I say "AWESOME KID TO WATCH" and you bash me by saying:

"And this is coming from the Varsity Fall baseball Heath Coach! LMAO!!"

"He is a coach on the team of course he is going to say this. I have said JT is a good ball player and many more out there as well. Don't get all bent out of shape!!"

"I am laughing at the Coach for posting this about their own kid. I do not think they need to get on here and post things on their own players"

"you people over there at Heath really get offended easily huh"

"This is really ridiculous!!!! Get over it!!"

"Not always positive though when he is trashing the batters when he strikes them out! A scout would not call that a good quality!!"

Sorry that you have have so many troubles and continue to bash anything and everything you can. I sure hope that what issues you have with me and or anyone else get resolved. Its easy to cast stones when you don't attach your name and hide behind some alias name, that statement is not only for you its for anyone on here that continues to be ugly and hide behind some alias. I only hope the best for you and your family. I will continue to post nice things on here and I hope you and anyone else on here can follow my lead.
Michelle... I sent a private message to you and you alone... I hate that anyone says anything negative about anyone on this site. It just isn't right for anyone to hide who they are and to say anything they want knowing no one will know who they are. My attempt was to ask nicely to stop commenting on Jake (good or bad)... My apology if the private message was not taken as it was intended... as well, I wished your family and your sons the best. It is terrible that your child had brain surgery and I sincerely hope that he is doing better and continues to get better.

(*please refrain from posting or commenting in regard to Jake... it just makes it worse... fuels too many arguements. Nothing but mudslinging ensues.
I got the point you were trying to make. BUT things don't always come across the way I am sure you intend.)

Good luck to all of the 10 4A teams... tons of great talent in this district!!!
Last edited by Lisa Thompson
Let me know when it is your kid and your family being castigated on a public forum by anonymous "know nothings" and perhaps your opinion may change. I know Beast personally. He just watched Jake pitch a beautiful game against Rockwall last week. Ask him if saw any "trashing" of the opposition. We are tired of it. Go ahead, Beast. Tell them what you witnessed.
Last edited by Big Train

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