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The 2010 season of the DFW Metro Scout League is right around the corner. The 18U and 16U league consist of 8 teams that play wood bat baseball at the 4plex at The Ballfields at Craig Ranch in McKinney, Texas from September 12th to October 17th. Over the last 3 years, we have had over 200 coaches or scouts attend our 18U league games, which is the most in Texas fall baseball.

For the 18U group, we will have an estimated 176 Seniors and Juniors from around the metroplex play in our league. The only way to get in is by invitation or pro scout recommendation. The second route is to attend the tryout at the Craig Ranch 4plex on August 28 and 29 at 2pm.

For the 16U group, we will have an estimated 120 sophomores and incoming freshman play in the same type of format as the 18U's. We will have a college coach scout each player and offer a "grade" so you can review how you stack up against other players in the league. The tryout dates and times are the same for the 16U's.

Teams are mixed with personnel from all types of teams from around the metroplex. Our teams represent 8 clubs from MLB: Pirates, Rockies, A's, Blue Jays, Royals, Reds, Marlins, and Orioles. This league is about the kids and showcasing their skills. Kids are allowed to steal bases on their own, to show their speed. Kids are allowed to drag bunt, swing on 3-0, basically do what they need to do to show their skills.

The cost to play is $675 per player for the 18U league and $575 for the 16U league.

If you have a question, please contact us via email:
Cade Griffis (
Sam Carpenter (
Shayne Currin (
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When is "enough is enough" for the mighty dbat baseball cartel. Your fall season doesn't start for another 9-10 weeks but yet you feel a need to advertise here on a baseball web site. This isn't a free advertising space for dbat...why not do what all the other teams do and post your try outs above in the try out section. That would be following the rules of this web site. We have four to five more weeks of summer tournaments left but you have to get in that dbat has a fall "league" that starts in appx. ten weeks!! Do you think you jumped the gun a bit? Do you really need to advertise your fall league when you have 23 high school teams playing for you this summer? 6-15s, 6-16s, 4-17s, and 7-18s. Is that enough teams or do you want more? How about doing what every othopedic surgeon says to do for our kids and thats to shut them down for two to three months. Period. I challenge your organization to do that. Wouldn't that be in the best interest of each of these ball players? It would not hurt their chances of a scholarship in the least. It would help them physically and maybe they could concentrate on football guilt free and at the very least rest their bodies from baseball overuse. Why does your organization have to play baseball 12 months of the year. It makes no sense. I have seen every one of your 15 and 16 year old teams. You have 2 out six 15's that are good (Sharp and Noss), the other four are average. You have 2 out of six 16's that are good (McCabe and Phillips), the other four are average. I can't speak to the other eleven 17s and 18s teams but yes I know Guthries team qualified for Farmington. Not just with metroplex kids though. Its just my opinion but my kid's club team competes just fine against the dbat teams. Four weeks ago at the 16u tourney at Craig Ranch, there was anywhere from 4-6 dbat teams playing all day long. It was a joke, dressed in their red, white, and blue jerseys and their clownish striped pants, you would think you were only playing against dbat teams. In my opinion its out of control. The quality of high level baseball skills is there only for several teams in each age bracket. Every kid on every dbat team is a number according to their skill level whether you like that or not. I never quite figured out the rationale several years ago of combining dbat and the mustangs ( while at the same time effectively killing the Marshal organization)to create super teams. Like I said you have had success at the 14u and under teams, but for the 15-18's, I'm not sure. Guthries team has two of their best pitchers from the Tulsa area. My complaints with your club are many, but year round baseball is not good for any kid of any age. Even though you guys are the big brother of baseball clubs you still find that you have to advertise shamelessly on this web site. Trust me, I am not jealous in the least, I just don't know where this is headed. This is just one mans opinion but I doubt I am alone in my assessment of your club.
luvtxball - many organizations provide the opportunity for those who wish to play baseball in the fall. As far as I know no one is forced to play and many choose not to. For those who choose to play DBAT provides an excellent choice. If you do not want to play fall ball then don't.

On another note don't get hung up on the name on the uniform, it makes no difference. Be more concerned with the coaches name and how hard he is willing to work and teach your son baseball.

Just my two bead necklaces.
Originally posted by luvtxball:
This isn't a free advertising space for dbat...

At the top of this page, there's a DBAT banner that I'm pretty sure wasn't free. Yet there are people who come out on this site and peddle instructional videos, private lessons, training camps, leagues, showcases, and there's even one guy who pitches some kind of "Mental Skills" training without ever spending a dime on honest advertizing.

I think your comment is a little misplaced where it concerns DBAT.
Last edited by wraggArm
wraggarm, no my thoughts are not misplaced. Many people misuse this site to further their own personal agendas. dbats was totally inappropriate. twelve weeks before the fall season. give me a break. I don't care that they have a fall league. It gives all their coaches that don't have real jobs something to do. Can we not just put down the gloves for a day! My point is dbat pushes for the parents money 12 months 365 days a year. Lastly, I don't know how old your kids are but the trend now for 14 and under teams is starting official practices in November for the spring/summer season. You can argue with me but its only for the coaches and organization to make more money. Coaching fees are usually around 150 per month per parent, so the lazy coach gets his 1500 to 1800 monthly fee for having two indoor practices a week for nov, dec, jan, and feb. It doesn't make sense to me. jmho. Thanks for your response, I respect your posts on this website
Originally posted by luvtxball:
wraggarm, no my thoughts are not misplaced. Many people misuse this site to further their own personal agendas. dbats was totally inappropriate. twelve weeks before the fall season. give me a break. I don't care that they have a fall league. It gives all their coaches that don't have real jobs something to do. Can we not just put down the gloves for a day! My point is dbat pushes for the parents money 12 months 365 days a year. Lastly, I don't know how old your kids are but the trend now for 14 and under teams is starting official practices in November for the spring/summer season. You can argue with me but its only for the coaches and organization to make more money. Coaching fees are usually around 150 per month per parent, so the lazy coach gets his 1500 to 1800 monthly fee for having two indoor practices a week for nov, dec, jan, and feb. It doesn't make sense to me. jmho. Thanks for your response, I respect your posts on this website

In another life I'd take the time to inform you on facts, but I've since learned it's basically a waste of time.

But I will give you one fact to chew on while you spouting off...

This coach has a "real" job and a real family. I sure hope they both remember me once this summer is over.
why don't you contact Cade, Sam, or Shayne with DBAT to discuss your concerns ypou have outlined?
they have the email information listed above,
and with minor effort I am sure you can find the phone #'s to contact them directly to discuss your concerns as well.

I have always found them open and willing to discuss things in an open/respectful manner...

In closing ...let's focus on positive topics and items, and information sharing on this site ...and keep the mud slinging private
txbuck, there's no mud slinging here. Its just my opinion on year round baseball for kids and dbat's big brother attitude. Its nothing personal. And Guthrie, I could school you too on the facts of dbat coaches who do not have a real job but will gladly take my money 12 months a year. That's great you have a real job, congrats. Now how about your opinion on having kids playing baseball year round. Back it up also with medical statistics. I'll show you the countless articles I have read on telling parents to have their kids put down their gloves in the fall. Justify that
Originally posted by luvtxball:
txbuck, there's no mud slinging here. Its just my opinion on year round baseball for kids and dbat's big brother attitude. Its nothing personal. And Guthrie, I could school you too on the facts of dbat coaches who do not have a real job but will gladly take my money 12 months a year. That's great you have a real job, congrats. Now how about your opinion on having kids playing baseball year round. Back it up also with medical statistics. I'll show you the countless articles I have read on telling parents to have their kids put down their gloves in the fall. Justify that

I don't care about what you may know about other coaches, I don't care about your medical statistic articles, and I don't care about your opinions on Dbat or similar programs.

All I care about is my family, my job, and the 19 kids on my roster. As long as those 3 are taken care of I could care less if you think DBAT is satan itself.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
hmmm... no mud slinging?? sure seems to come across that way.."big brother" attitiude..."big brother" of baseball clubs..."clownish" striped pants ..."lazy coaches"...etc ....
Oh well enough for that.
perhaps I mis-interpreted these comments?

as in regards to the year round player... I agree with you in that some caution and common sense should be applied. I have discussed this very thing with one of the top ortho specialists in N. Texas in the past.
So, I understand where you come form on that point.

The decision as to playing year round is an individual one. my son has played year round in the past. that decision has been, and is made by me the parent, not DBAT, A's, Tigers, FR... or any others.
As we all know several organizations/teams offer year round baseball. No need to single out any one organization. they make the is up to us to decide whether our kids participate or not.

If you have concerns with year round baseball in your situation... then,sit your son down for a few months in the Fall and leave it at that.
Originally posted by iluvgoodbaseball:

What is it about youth baseball that makes people think its corrupt or evil to run a reasonably profitable business in that market? Most people have absolutely no problem with Apple making >50% margins off of our kids on mindless electronics, or shoe companies charging $200 for sneakers. $399 bat? problem.

But when these DBAT guys took a run at an improved business model by adding some stores, consolidating teams, and putting on a few more leagues...all the sudden you think its time to call in 60 Minutes.

They're trying to make money offering a better product at a fair price. Yes, genius, they're trying to make money selling uniforms, and bats, and cage time, and league dues. And they're competing for it, just like anyone else. If the resulting product isn't good enough for you, they won't last (just like the Marshals) and you can move on to b1cthing about the next thing.

I don't personally know any of them, but I'm willing to bet that Cade Griffis and his pals aren't sitting up in the top floor of the Comerica Bank Building smoking cigars and laughing it up from all the money they're making.

Regarding year-round play: Come on. You're really not going to take responsbility for that yourself?
Last edited by wraggArm
I am not sure where in my 2 words posted that had to do with anything corrupt or evil or b1tching.
Just stating an opinion about something posted.

DBAT is not the only one doing it. Also didn't say anything was wrong with it. Just hard to convince me that when you have multiple organizations trotting out numerous "select" teams from 7 years on up touting the exposure, experience, yada yada yada that all kids will get that money is not a driving factor.

No need to call 60 minutes.
To ALL who dont have an Axe to grind !!
This is an appropriate time to start thinking about...sending invites out..... for the Metro Scout League (MSL). MY son participated in last years league and I found the experience for him OUTSTANDING. The MSL was is professionally run under less than ideal conditions (Lots of Rain). If your son is honored with an invite you should consider it.....personal feelings aside its about getting seen by the scouts and the format provides just that. JMHO
luvtxball, not sure what your beef is, but one of your complaints is that the organization posts information about an event that is "9-10 weeks out." First of all, the advertised tryout for the fall league is at the end of next month, and I don't think it's too soon for parents and players to be planning ahead. Perhaps you like to fly by the seat of your pants, but many others prefer not to operate that way.

Since he was not from the Metroplex, my son didn't have a chance to play for the MSL, but I have heard fabulous things from multiple participants, and I know that dozens of college coaches and pro scouts come to MSL games looking for talent. In the past, my son's college team has sent 2-3 coaches each weekend to scout games, and I'm sure many other schools operate in a similar fashion.

Compared to the fees for many select programs, and considering the exposure MSL gives its players, $675 sounds pretty reasonable to me.
I try never to chime in about too many things but this slamming of the DBAT Mustangs organization is out of line.

1) MSL is the best exposure your son could ever get....period! If you want your son to have the opportunity to play in front of college and pro scouts, the $675 is nothing in comparison to having to travel and spend big $$$ to chase scouts all over the country..

2) If it wasn't for those DBAT Mustang coaches, my son would not have a D1 college scholarship! Every coach is very good and will go out of their way to help kids! But to play on a good team it is going to cost $$$$.

3) A lot of guys would be a lot better off if they would simply keep their opinions to themselves! "If you don't have anything good to say......then don't say anything at all"

Select baseball is a journey that costs money, time and commitment from everyone involved.

Good luck to all......regardless of your organization.......because it truly is all about the kids!
Last edited by Southpawtexan
Originally posted by baseball10143:
I am sure you have to be with a DBAT team to receive the first invites.....

Nope, my son never played for a DBat team. He is 2 years in to his college ball and I have no dog in this fight. BUT, I find it insane how many people bash DBat for making money! How many of you don't try and make all the money you can in your job??? If the guy who takes your team photos charges you, do you complain? of course DBat makes money off what they do, this IS America isn't it? I guess DBat are the NY Yankees or Cowboys of select ball, everyone hates the most successful. The MSL has more non-DBat players than DBat players, I would guess. Cade, keep up the good work, I know your heart so you have nothing to explain.
The Metro Scout league is THE best thing going right now when it comes to Fall baseball in DFW. And its not even close.

Spend some time talking with college scouts and kids and parents that have done it in years past.

We hope that more of our kids get a chance to participate this Fall. NOTE: Our kids are not DBAT kids, but yet they still got to participate last Fall.

Nothing wrong with getting the word out early.
Beast JR played in the second season of the MSL and that was a great experience for him. He got a lot of positive feedback from it.
He was invited back for the next fall also and he was going to do it, but I did something that I had never done before in all these years of him playing select baseball. And that was I let another coach convince me that it would be better to travel around in the fall to different college campuses and play in front of the coaches at those colleges. Man was that the wrong thing to do.
So if your son gets the chance to play in the MSL. Don't pass it up. In my opinion its the best way to be seen in the fall.
Also if your son gets a chance to go to Phoenix and play in the Fall Senior Showcase don't pass it up. Even as a junior.
One thing I wish I had discovered when JR was about 14 or 15 though.....Albuquerque Baseball Academy and Ryan Brewer. If I had, that's where he would of spent the last 4 summer's playing baseball.
I'd like to echo the positive sentiments about Metro Scout League. It is the best thing out there in the fall to put kids in front of college coaches and pro scouts.

Isn't that supposed to be the idea here, what is best for the kids? This is America isn't it? We are a capitalist economy so businesses like DBAT can run their business how they want. The rest of us "baseball consumers" can spend our money how and where we want...right?

The way I see it is that DBAT is successfully running a business that meets (and probably exceeds) the demands of their target market here in North Texas.

As for any type of advertisement on here, we all have the choice not to click on the thread to read it. Goodness knows I've exercised that right on the message board lately!!!

Good luck to all!!!
Originally posted by Chief Nocahoma:
On another note don't get hung up on the name on the uniform, it makes no difference. Be more concerned with the coaches name and how hard he is willing to work and teach your son baseball.

Just my two bead necklaces.

While I have not had a high schooler yet I will agree with this. My son has played for 2 of the 3 "big organizations" and some smaller "boutique" clubs. While all where successful the coach made a huge difference in development and team chemistry. Actually the best coaching we have encountered thus far in his baseball career has been with one of the smaller clubs.

We are interested in the MSL since he will be an incoming freshman. I guess the only thing to do is show up at tryouts since he was not part of the MSL organizations.
Originally posted by txbball14:
While I think DBAT is "watering down" their own summer organization, there fall league is special.

The only concern I have with this thought are the kids. There are approximately 250 high schools in the greater DFW area. Assuming each team has about 18 players that is 4500 kids looking for somewhere to play. Obviously not all 4500 are top notch D1 prospects or even little non-name JUCO prospects but all kids deserve a chance to play somewhere if they want for summer ball. And that is just varsity. Throw in JV teams and the numbers probably triple.

So some "watered down" teams will exist to give all kids the opportunity to play. But I understand club noteriety comes from having the best players and the best teams possible.

Having the watered down teams can be viewed from two sides. The club just wanting to make money by having more teams or the club wanting to give kids a chance to play. I hope the decision has some of the latter.
Every organization gets 5 spots? No true… How does your 15 year old get in. Come to the tryout. Between the college coaches and pro scouts we sent out over 100 invites today. All over the state plus OK, and La. From our partners in the league we sent out another 70 or so yesterday. This year the request has been overwhelming, and we are expecting about 200 at the tryout.

(The only concern I have with this thought are the kids. There are approximately 250 high schools in the greater DFW area. Assuming each team has about 18 players that is 4500 kids looking for somewhere to play.)

We play the MSL on Sundays even though year after year with request from the scouts to play Saturday because usually Sunday’s are the only day they have with their family. We play on Sundays so all the kids can play for their HS Fall teams with no conflict. So the 4500 kids plus the MSL kids will all have a place to play with the HS team.

Thanks CG
Played in MSL. Probably one of the best baseball experiences in my life. Parents, no lie, that league is an elite level league. The founders of league set out to create the best fall league in Texas. The best players will get in. I was a frozen ropes ball player and got in. The coach of my MSL team ran a big time tournament that my frozen ropes team left and demanded their money back the summer before (long story). Point is Cade wants the best players on the field regardless of what organization they come from.
My son played in the MSL going into his Jr and Sr yrs. It was a great experience for us that I recommend for others. Regardless of scouts, schools, and money, it led us to some great father-son memories that we keep with us. Son now plays at a D1 school.

It's no question to me the value for incoming So and Jr. At Sr - depends on your signing status. If you don't have a school picked at that point then you should be there.

Something worth mentioning is that in the past the MSL has put together teams from players in the league to play in the WWBA and WWBA Underclass Championships in Jupiter and Fort Myers in October. Both great experiences.

I'm interested in others opinions on the value to incoming Fr. That's my decision for this year so wondering what others think. Appreciate any real opinions on the league's value to the Fr class. Not interested in opinions associated with DBat this or that.

luvtxbaseball - Walgreens called and said your medicine refill is ready to be picked up. I think the pharmacist said the medicine was to treat that dreaded disease "dbat hateremia". The pharmacist said you are not contagious because most people have built up an immunity and the disease is congenital. The pharmacist told me to tell you to make sure you take the entire prescription as prescribed, even if you start feeling better after the first few days on the medicine. The pharmacist said if you stop the medicine early, you will have a recurrence of dbat hateremia, which might ultimatly require you to be quarantined at a DBAT facility where you will be put in isolation in a DBAT uniform.
Fielder's Choice, please whatever you do, don't make me wear the dbat uniform, the top is okay but please not the pants. I don't want to work in the circus. Regarding the 22 dbat hs teams, 6 15's and 6 16's, seriously. I play for dbat's 6th best team and I am the 82 or 90th best kid in this class. My team went 6 and 26 or something like that. Yea, I want my kid to play for that team. 4 teams going to the AABC, that is great, that was expected with the merger. Is the DFW metroplex baseball arena better served since the dbat/mustang merger? I believe it is not better off. Not a dbat hater, just believe they are to big. Liked the old days better. Just my opinion. Nothing else.
Thanks for bringing me up, Wragg...

For those who don't know me, evidently including you, my business mission is to "over-deliver value on goods and services designed to help you win the mental side of the game." I'm enormously successful (meaning that I've earned the peace of mind that comes from knowing I'm giving my best effort).

My free Mental Skills Tips e-newsletter includes some of my best material and has helped many to get more out of their experiences on the diamond, including an edge on their competition. You can get it FREE in about 14 seconds by signing up near the top left of my home page. You'll get an issue every 2-3 weeks. Today's was "Patience and Faith."

Have a wonderful day.

P.S. What's wrong with the DBAT Mustangs making money while they provide excellent training and exposure opportunities? Nothing, if you ask me. But if you don't like it or just don't feel it's worth the money, no problem... just don't particpate.
Last edited by CoachTraub
I have fielded several hundred questions about our league and I wanted to spread the word through the forum as I hope to capture a wider audience:

1. Are the MSL tryouts and DBAT Mustangs tryouts related? NO. Our DBAT Mustangs tryouts for Summer 2011 is in November. You can visit our website at for tryout details. The MSL tryout is for kids that want to play 18u and 16u league play in September and August.

2. Do college coaches attend the 16U games. YES. We pay a college coach to man each field (4 total) and "scout" each game. The coach rates each player and we give a 5 week score at the end of the season, so you see where you stack up in the eyes of a college coach. We have also had a few college guys come in and watch before the 18u games, so they can get a peek at future players.

3. Do you supply water? No.

4. Do you have umpires? Yes.

5. If a 16U kid is tearing up the 16U league, do you move him up? Yes. We have had 16U guys fill in on the 18U games when we can. We want to help our Juniors and Seniors first, then the younger guys.

6. If I dont play for the DBAT Mustangs, can I still play. YES! This is not a DBAT Mustang league. We have kids from other teams, other organizations, kids from other states play. This is a league for EVERYONE to show their skills.

7. Is this a wood bat league? Yes.

8. How many innings does my son pitch each Sunday? For 18U, each pitcher is on a 2 inning or 40 pitch max limit. Coaches and Scouts tell us that is what they want to see, so we do it. For 16U 2-4 innings depeneding on the circumstances.

9. Do you chart the velocities for the 18U pitchers? Yes. We have a velo chart for each field. Kids and coaches frequently review the sheets. Moms and Dads are NOT invited to review the sheets.

10. Do you have a post season for the kids? Yes. We send 3 teams to Phoenix, One to the Premier Baseball event in Austin, and our Seniors to Jupiter, FL. All chosen by our coaching and scout attendees.

If you have any more questions, please contact me at, or call me at 214 551 1979.
Originally posted by Chief Nocahoma:
luvtxball - many organizations provide the opportunity for those who wish to play baseball in the fall. As far as I know no one is forced to play and many choose not to. For those who choose to play DBAT provides an excellent choice. If you do not want to play fall ball then don't.

On another note don't get hung up on the name on the uniform, it makes no difference. Be more concerned with the coaches name and how hard he is willing to work and teach your son baseball.

Just my two bead necklaces.

Chose not to contribute to the DBAT machine this time. My son received our 16U invite a week or two ago, but we'll pass on paying $575 to play 5 games on an 18 man roster, thank you. That's just way too much coin for that amount of play. Rainouts would make it just that much more expensive per game.

It may be different for the older bunch who are trying to attract attention, but at this age it should be about developement. I'd much rather put that money into more games playing in a varsity fall league elsewhere, and/or more cage/lesson time.

Could not agree more about the coach's name matters more than the organization/uniform name. Good coaches exist in bad organizations and vice-versa. Bottom line is you have to find a best-fit with your individual situation. We are all on different paths/agendas.
Last edited by Some call me the space doctor, some call

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