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Originally posted by saipanwarrior:
And what college will he be representing? ACC school like 1/3 of the line-up? He is not by far the best catcher in the district! I'm not saying he was not the right pick, because his numbers are probably at the top, but would they be at the top if he played for another team...where the whole line up is not going to college.

He was by far the best hitting catcher in the district this year and had to be among the best hitters in the district overall. I'm sure that carried significant weight in the voting.
Originally posted by saipanwarrior:
And what college will he be representing? ACC school like 1/3 of the line-up? He is not by far the best catcher in the district! I'm not saying he was not the right pick, because his numbers are probably at the top, but would they be at the top if he played for another team...where the whole line up is not going to college.

I'm curious as to who you think is better? I suspect I know who you are referring to, and again...not close. If I'm right, I wish the young man all the best, playing for an excellent coach, who I consider a friend. He will also enjoy the surroundings in the New River Valley.

Otherwise, Vann was not only the leading hitter on that team, but is easily one of the top few bats in the entire district, much less at his position.

Your view is that "his numbers are probably at the top" of the district, hitting fourth "where the whole line up is going to college". Having re-read that, your argument is lost on me. I'm sure we'll agree to disagree, and that's ok! But, I have to assume that you didn't see many games this year.

Regarding college, let's just say that there are plenty of D1 schools that would love to have a Zach Vann on their roster.
Last edited by GoHeels
Originally posted by saipanwarrior:
Like I said, I'm not questioning his numbers, or his selection. I'm just saying he is not by far the "best." 1st team and 2nd team selections are only worth about 5 cents in college and maybe a little bragging rights.

There are plenty of kids, every year, who bypass college to play professional baseball. There are also tons of kids that choose, for reasons of their own, to go JUCO! Suggesting that he is not the best, because he has not signed a D1 letter of intent, suggests a complete lack of understanding.
Last edited by GoHeels
Originally posted by saipanwarrior:
Like I said, I'm not questioning his numbers, or his selection. I'm just saying he is not by far the "best." 1st team and 2nd team selections are only worth about 5 cents in college and maybe a little bragging rights.

Originally you said "the best catcher in the district is not even mentioned", therefore reasonable people can infer that you were questioning his selection before you started backtracking.
We can go back and forth all night. You have your opinion of who you think is the best and I have mine. But in the end that's all it is, an opinion.

If numbers really mean anything, then why is Troy Jones not listed on either list? Who else had 8 wins in the District? And really could have been 9-0 if not for two unearned runs in the game he lost 2-1.
There is no doubt who the 1st team catcher should be....Zach Vann, guess no one saw him go 4 for 4 on Tues night with 2 RBI's and one run scored. He always and I mean always steps up in the big games.Anyone remember the 3 run homer and grand slam at state last year.
Originally posted by Go Dawgs:
Originally posted by saipanwarrior:
I'm not back tracking at all! And just because you are voted on first team, doesn't mean you are the best!

Well then please educate us on your criteria for why your unnamed player was the best catcher in the district this year.
Originally posted by CARDS FAN:
what up dog, good talking 2 you the other night.How about this situation if you looked at stats led the district in wins, led the district in k;s and led the district in era and only walked 11 guys in 52 innings but got penalized by who he pitched against only to make honorable mention.

I think he was overlooked and as I said before the voting took place, I feared he would be penalized for not getting a start against the best teams in the district. Unfortunately that was out of his control. But that is very different than the catcher selection though. The best catcher was voted 1st team.
Because his fastball barely reaches 80mph on a good day. Just the facts man.
Originally posted by saipanwarrior:
We can go back and forth all night. You have your opinion of who you think is the best and I have mine. But in the end that's all it is, an opinion.

If numbers really mean anything, then why is Troy Jones not listed on either list? Who else had 8 wins in the District? And really could have been 9-0 if not for two unearned runs in the game he lost 2-1.
Originally posted by saipanwarrior:
We can go back and forth all night. You have your opinion of who you think is the best and I have mine. But in the end that's all it is, an opinion.

Actually we can't go back and forth because you haven't offered up a) the name of the catcher you think was the best in the SED and b) anything to support your claim. Instead you evade and move on to another topic. I think that speaks volumes.
Last edited by Go Dawgs

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