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I would rank, worst to best, this type of umpire.

1.  Inconsistent, nobody likes it.

2.  Calls balls strikes but is consistent.

3.  Calls strikes balls but is consistent.

4. Calls strikes, strikes and balls, balls and is consistent.

I do not know why they can't find umpires who are consistent and know where the strike zone is. It is the CWS!!

Did anybody notice that ESPN didn't give Texas any love for their TRIPLE PLAY?  What is up with that?  My son and I were looking at each did that just happen.  They never showed a replay.


Hitter tries to suicide bunt with 2 strikes (misses...out one).   Runner on third is caught between third and home. He is forced back to third where another runner that came from 2nd base is standing.  The catcher tags both runners on third base for good measure.  The umpire calls the lead runner out, and the trailing runner steps off the bag as he thought he was out too.  He is also called out.  They cut to commercial and don't bring it up again.   Are you kidding me? 


I know I predicted Vanderbilt t win at the beginning of this CWS, and I was cheering for UVA.  Well, I'm getting behind the local team.  Let's go Wahoos!  UVA has found that extra gear we all knew they had.

Originally Posted by cabbagedad:

Fenway, I could be wrong but I think there was one out and it was a double play.  I was watching off and on and was surprised they didn't talk more about the strategic decision more.

Thanks cabbagedad.  That makes more sense.  To your point, I was surprised they didn't talk about it whether it was a double-play suicide squeeze with runners at 3rd and 2nd and one out or no outs.  That was a very sloppy game on the field and I think a little sloppy in the dugout.  If Vandy plays like that in the next round, it will be a quick round.

2014 College World Series...Who ya got?

I was sitting in the Hilton in Omaha having a drink with my wife & waiting for our son to come down stairs so that we could go have dinner together.  A gentleman who attends the CWS on an annual basis struck up a conversation with us and said that he'd be cheering for the Anteaters.  He also noted that he'd stayed at the same hotel that the past two CWS champs were at and that was a good omen for the team.  Well,  we were knocked out after a great run, but the other team that was in the hotel with UCI is still in it.  So, if that gentleman's record is going to remain intact, I'd say that Virginia is likely going to take this thing.  Besides, our very own "golfball" has a son that plays for the Cav's (Hoos or Wahoos), and is a huge part of their lineup.  Either way, I thought that UVA and Vandy were the two best teams at the CWS...both teams are loaded with solid pitching.  It should be a very competitive series.

If I'm Virginia I'm thinking we gave one away. We self destructed. We played well except one inning where we handed them the game. If we just play our game we'll be fine. 


If I'm Vanderbilt it's great to be up 1-0 in a best of three. But I'm aware we were handed a game in one inning and need to play better to close it out.

A few things were going through my mind as I watched:

1.) Ankiel kept pounding in my head with each ball and walk in the 3rd with the hope that does not happen;

2.) UVA is really good.  Their position players are athletic, explosive and really good hitters;

3.) The game was played at a very high intensity which seemed to elevate each inning from 4-9;

4.) The UVA comeback and unwillingness to give in was so impressive;

5.) Tyler Campbell has such a short and compact swing with quick hands direct to the ball. He shows how tough it can be to crack the line up at the very top programs;

5.) How many average baseball fans are still watching because the games leading to the truly exciting one last night involved so much small ball with so little offense?


Originally Posted by infielddad:


5.) How many average baseball fans are still watching because the games leading to the truly exciting one last night involved so much small ball with so little offense?


I know that for many of my friends who are not true baseball fans they could never watch a game involving a pitchers dual, or small ball. Most think that the game is all about hitting a HR.


I do admit that at first its slow going, but I think that also, as I have said, there are adjustments that have to be made for everyone so you can actually see that as the guys get deeper into games. Plus, I know from experience the pitching staff on both teams is tired,  as well as everyone else, 70+ games for these guys is really a long season.


I haven't watched much college baseball this year, but IMO,  the best championship venue  in college sports is the CWS.

Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:

Vandy had it's best shot last night to close it, but unfortunately their first-rounder, didn't perform like one...

Wait....what? How do first rounders perform, flawlessly for the rest of their careers? It was a baseball game. Baseball happens and Virginia could be very good.

Last edited by Dad04
Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by Dad04:

Do I need to explain that good pitchers have bad games, bad months, bad seasons?

No...You don't but what does it have to do with last night?


Do I need to ask my question again?


Do you think Beede performed well last night?

IP: 6.2
H: 10
ER: 6
BB: 3
K: 4


I guess my point is that any pitcher, first rounder or not, can have one bad game, which he did. I think we agree on that.

Originally Posted by Dad04:
Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by Dad04:

Do I need to explain that good pitchers have bad games, bad months, bad seasons?

No...You don't but what does it have to do with last night?


Do I need to ask my question again?


Do you think Beede performed well last night?

IP: 6.2
H: 10
ER: 6
BB: 3
K: 4


I guess my point is that any pitcher, first rounder or not, can have one bad game, which he did. I think we agree on that.

Bolts ... Be careful about criticizing college players performances by name. Until he signs he's a student-athlete. In a couple of years it could be your kid being criticized online. It happens. You won't like it. 

Last edited by RJM
Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Dad04:
Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by Dad04:

Do I need to explain that good pitchers have bad games, bad months, bad seasons?

No...You don't but what does it have to do with last night?


Do I need to ask my question again?


Do you think Beede performed well last night?

IP: 6.2
H: 10
ER: 6
BB: 3
K: 4


I guess my point is that any pitcher, first rounder or not, can have one bad game, which he did. I think we agree on that.

Bolts ... Be careful about criticizing college players performances by name. Until he signs he's a student-athlete. In a couple of years it could be your kid being criticized online. It happens. You won't like it. 

Point taken... 

Last edited by Bolts-Coach-PR
Originally Posted by Dad04:

My point, apparently inartfully put forth, is that a college pitcher, any pitcher, 1st round, no round, hall of famer, is allowed a bad game. Every HOF player has played a bad game.


The comment that he didn't resemble a first round pick, didn't ring true to me at the very least. ALL pitchers can and do have bad games. One of the reasons we watch is to perhaps see the unexpected. The good and bad games players have make the watching interesting. 


Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Dad04:
Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by Dad04:

Do I need to explain that good pitchers have bad games, bad months, bad seasons?

No...You don't but what does it have to do with last night?


Do I need to ask my question again?


Do you think Beede performed well last night?

IP: 6.2
H: 10
ER: 6
BB: 3
K: 4


I guess my point is that any pitcher, first rounder or not, can have one bad game, which he did. I think we agree on that.

Bolts ... Be careful about criticizing college players performances by name. Until he signs he's a student-athlete. In a couple of years it could be your kid being criticized online. It happens. You won't like it. 

I totally dis-agree RJM... Beede is a fair game , he knows the rules, he knows full well where he's at..... he had a bad game for him, but Virginia is pretty good too...

Last edited by bacdorslider

He has struggled down the stretch for Vandy. But you can see why he was a first round pick. Mid 90s stuff. Outstanding change up. And he is put together. Im not sure how many innings he threw this year. Maybe he is a little worn down. Maybe he has some mechanics issues working against him right now. I am sure he would be the first to say he didn't have his best performance last night. But no matter how good and talented and player is they all have off nights.

I thought his "stuff" was pretty good. I can definitely see the 1st round appeal. His off speed was pretty sharp overall and his FB had good movement. I just thought he left too many pitches up. Small adjustment to make. Doesn't take away from his talent.

Lesson to be learned though. 1 - Virginia has some darned good hitters and 2 - no matter how hard you throw, leave it up and get too much of the plate and hitters will get it. Command is SO important whether you are throwing 85 or 95.

As for tonight's game...I'm torn between the two teams.  I really like Brian O'Connor, he has to be one of the top five coaches in the NCAA.  In addition, Virginia shared the same hotel as my son's school.  With that said, I like the fact that the ACC hasn't won since 1955 ( as I type this, Kenny Townes of UVA just made a great play down the 3B line).

As for Vandy, they were in the same bracket with UCI, so I wouldn't mind them winning except for the fact they're in the SEC.

Let's just hope it's a great game...something tells me that it will be. 

Originally Posted by bacdorslider:
Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Dad04:
Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by Dad04:

Do I need to explain that good pitchers have bad games, bad months, bad seasons?

No...You don't but what does it have to do with last night?


Do I need to ask my question again?


Do you think Beede performed well last night?

IP: 6.2
H: 10
ER: 6
BB: 3
K: 4


I guess my point is that any pitcher, first rounder or not, can have one bad game, which he did. I think we agree on that.

Bolts ... Be careful about criticizing college players performances by name. Until he signs he's a student-athlete. In a couple of years it could be your kid being criticized online. It happens. You won't like it. 

I totally dis-agree RJM... Beede is a fair game , he knows the rules, he knows full well where he's at..... he had a bad game for him, but Virginia is pretty good too...

RJM is correct.  We don't bad mouth amateur players, we don't even do that to young professional players.

I know how badly you wanted your player (s) to go to Vandy and kind of bummed that they were ignored.   So I see your comments towards the program, the coach and the player mentioned as pure jealously.


Be careful Dave, what you say and do most likely has or is going to hurt your boys.  You just have no idea what you are doing.


As far as the comment he had a bad game, tell me that your pitchers have preformed well at every outing. Even the best struggle, that is the nature of the beast.


I am sure that  he is definitely worn down.

Originally Posted by bacdorslider:

Beede had a bad doubt..... Where's Derek Johnson when you need him?


Who's the new pitching coach for Vandy?  Scott Brown from St.John's ?   what a tool


You've done a really nice job trolling this thread, I'll give credit where credit is due. This is a ridiculous comment.


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