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@Good Knight posted:

But to be completely safe there will be no crowds, no coaches, play will be via zoom with no ball!

Fans will be allowed, although they are encouraged not to sit on bleachers, but to bring chairs or stand. No sitting in dugouts during practice, but okay during games, no spitting sunflower seeds and coaches must sanitize equipment. And a piece of brilliance — now state dictated that parents are not allowed at practice.

Big questions now are whether concession stands or restrooms will open.

Last edited by Iowamom23
@James G posted:

After this news they should immediately retract some of the restrictions we have heard about with equipments, wiping down surfaces, water cooler/cups, etc changing balls

Why? My gym asked us to wipe down equipment before the pandemic. Now some actually do. And just because it doesn't spread easily doesn't mean it doesn't spread. This is the time you decide to believe what the CDC says??

No I believed about 10 percent of what they have said all along. Following this closely from other medical publications showed this was true awhile ago. But because the CDC has it in writing now, these organizations can "safely" follow that too. 

Just like your gym scenario- before it was recommended as good hygiene overall to wipe down. But it wasn't a rule and absolute to follow. Same should apply to this. It can be suggested and recommended, but not a requirement to change a sport or how a business must operate. People and kids can be encouraged to make proper decisions, but then allow them to make the decision. Not force it. 

@James G posted:

No I believed about 10 percent of what they have said all along. Following this closely from other medical publications showed this was true awhile ago. But because the CDC has it in writing now, these organizations can "safely" follow that too. 

Just like your gym scenario- before it was recommended as good hygiene overall to wipe down. But it wasn't a rule and absolute to follow. Same should apply to this. It can be suggested and recommended, but not a requirement to change a sport or how a business must operate. People and kids can be encouraged to make proper decisions, but then allow them to make the decision. Not force it. 

See, I saw it as a rule before — someone asked me to do something that didn't cost me much, so I did it. And would continue to do it if I were still going to a gym right now. At the very least it was common courtesy then and even more so now. It seems like a silly thing to raise a stink about. 

@James G posted:

After this news they should immediately retract some of the restrictions we have heard about with equipments, wiping down surfaces, water cooler/cups, etc changing balls

Why? Just because asbestos “is not thought to be the main way” that you get lung cancer doesn’t mean that you should start insulating your house with it. 

The science behind the ability of the virus to live for days on surfaces hasn’t changed at all. The original study (from NIH, look it up), states that viruses could remain active/infectious on surfaces for up to 3 days, depending on the surface. That is still the case. But even when the study came out, you could read the data and see that it wasn’t like 500k virus remained viable on a cardboard box for 3 days. It was more like 5-10 still had active RNA. 

What has changed is that researchers are growing in their understanding what the infectious dose is. It isn’t 5-10.  It’s perhaps as low as 1,000, but likely higher  Hence the revisions here. It isn’t like the CDC/NIH/WHO are just throwing random theories at a wall.

An abundance of caution where possible and feasible is still something that makes sense, especially if it contributes to an atmosphere of awareness. I’m happy to learn that it’s unlikely that my catcher son is going to receive an infection because he tossed the bat away from the plate in anticipation of a play at home.

But if the coach on the bucket (who hopefully has a mask on, keeping him from touching his mucous membranes quite as often) can grab the leftover bat out of the on-deck circle instead of a player, I’m happy to see that happen instead. 

Like Dr Angelou said: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

I personally don’t want to live that way. I don’t want to look around and see everyone in masks and sweating in 100 degree heat playing baseball. I don’t want to see everyone 6 feet apart forever.  We don’t do that for strep throat or the flu, or mono...all could be passed by the things we do daily, but that isn’t how I want to live.  Seeing your son slide across the plate and then walk into a group of his teammates all jumping and high giving him, the emotion...those are the moments that give you chills.  Those are the types of moments you love to watch on tv.  Living in a fear of touching other people or things they may have touched is no way to live.

How did this thread become infected?  To bring it back to baseball:

My son thought his senior year high school team could have beaten his travel team - we are not in a hotbed state, his travel team was not the top team in the state, although it had several D1-committed players.  Of course, unlike a travel team, the high school varsity team had players from all years, with many of the starters going on to play in college at some level.  And yet, baseball being baseball, that travel team was able to hang with some of the top national teams at the WWBA, and it was pretty exciting when that happened.

My son's team finished 3rd in state two years ago and my son said his travel team would destroy his HS team.  But I think the difference is son's travel team drew from 15 states and every player was P5 commit.  That is the difference between national travel teams and local travel teams.  The national teams would destroy any high school team 9/10 times if you played consecutive games.  I'm giving the one because one pitcher can change a baseball game.  National travel teams are stacked with all D1 or maybe even all P5 guys.  They have 20 pitchers like the best on the high school team.  Their right fielders could probably play SS better than the high school SS in most cases.  There is such a huge difference in travel ball when you move from somewhat local to the national powerhouses.

I would love to hear how (recent) high school seniors are doing, and their mental status, heading into their freshman year of college (baseball). I am a few years too many removed now but recall that transition was hard enough when we knew there would be a college semester and fall ball season coming. It must be challenging to keep working so hard and to stay in shape (especially after losing the spring season) with 2020/2021 so largely unknown still. Stay up and stay strong! 

My boy had surgery in February so he missed the HS non-season and school was online.  This worked out for him as he as able to be fully dedicated to rehab.  He was cleared for all activities in mid-June and got in a few games and has been working out 6 days per week.  Mental status is fine since the current plan is to be on campus albeit under less than ideal conditions.  You can only work with what you know.

If for some reason the collegiate baseball season is canceled, he will then look forward to summer ball (presumably).  Just no reason to let up or be down and I hope it stays that way.  


Last edited by Texas1836

My 2020 is playing in a local men's league this summer and enjoying it as much as he can only play once a week. We just got word yesterday that only the first years are going on campus on August 20th.  Everyone gets a single room. Classes online. We are waiting to determine if baseball will have any practice or training. Otherwise, he may not go on campus. We were expecting it, but still disappointing. A few of his other D1 friends have had the same. He did test positive a month ago and did his quarantining. Was not symptomatic at all.  We were happy to not have to worry about him getting it when he went to school.

Praying the Spring will pan out. Missing the grind of summer travel ball and like the other thread going here "update", I am starting to feel the road narrowing and the end coming over the horizon.  I may be a little dramatic at this point as he hopefully has 4 more seasons, but the pandemic has surely made many of us feel the mortality of many things we took for granted. 

So, we will relish the little things. Hope for the best and accept whatever comes.

Stay safe and positive!

Mine needs to go.  He worked really hard March to early June to prepare for redraft stuff.  Then he took a month off.  The college coach didn't really want him pitching this summer, so no summer team. He has started training again, but with nothing specific to work towards, I think it is affecting him.  He has always been very goal oriented in  preparing for a showcase, event, game.  He reports next week and I think it will be really good to get back on a regimented training schedule.  I think he is excited for life to feel normal.  I hope it does.  He has played since he was 4, and this has been a long stretch of no baseball.

@JFinPVE posted:

July has come and gone.  The warm weather didn't kill the damn thing

Come on man.  We are going to give the test to the entire country and then report anyone who has ever had it, even if it was someone who had it 3 months ago with zero symptoms, as a new case.   The only thing that’s changed is that statistically it was way less dangerous than the experts said.  So much so that they have downgraded their fatality estimates 5 times already.  Their maps you see of FL, NY, CA and TX are ridiculous.  For example they color in the entire state of TX showing it a high-case State.  Wrong.  Color in Dallas and Houston.  The rest is the state is basically case-free.  It’s no difference for FL or NY.  I’m sure the people in upstate NY are ready to give NYC the boot right about now.  In baseball terms the umpires blew the call, everyone watching at home can see they blew the call, but there was no instant replay available to overturn it.  Thankfully my 2020 reports in less than 3 weeks as scheduled and his conference is playing football this fall as planned (conference games only) with only a slight delay.  Some of his friends that went JUCO had their whole fall cancelled and all classes pushed to online.  

@DBAT-DFW posted:

Come on man.  We are going to give the test to the entire country and then report anyone who has ever had it, even if it was someone who had it 3 months ago with zero symptoms, as a new case.   The only thing that’s changed is that statistically it was way less dangerous than the experts said.  So much so that they have downgraded their fatality estimates 5 times already.  Their maps you see of FL, NY, CA and TX are ridiculous.  For example they color in the entire state of TX showing it a high-case State.  Wrong.  Color in Dallas and Houston.  The rest is the state is basically case-free.  It’s no difference for FL or NY.  I’m sure the people in upstate NY are ready to give NYC the boot right about now.  In baseball terms the umpires blew the call, everyone watching at home can see they blew the call, but there was no instant replay available to overturn it.  Thankfully my 2020 reports in less than 3 weeks as scheduled and his conference is playing football this fall as planned (conference games only) with only a slight delay.  Some of his friends that went JUCO had their whole fall cancelled and all classes pushed to online.  


@old_school posted:

relax it will be over as soon as the polls close on election night. 

Yep. Once we elect someone who will actually create a real plan to address the virus, instead of burying his head in the sand while thousands die and our economy tanks, we will get it taken care of. Let's have the election tomorrow!

Note to self: Another topic I won't be visiting again.

@Iowamom23 posted:

Yep. Once we elect someone who will actually create a real plan to address the virus, instead of burying his head in the sand while thousands die and our economy tanks, we will get it taken care of. Let's have the election tomorrow!

Note to self: Another topic I won't be visiting again.

Ah yes, like the plan to nationalize testing, build massive makeshift hospitals in multiple cities, send boats, increase PPE, vents, give everything needed to each state...then watch as it all wasn't really needed and it can be handled just fine with local health departments (as it has been now for months)...that plan? Sounds pretty awesome to me. Like Birx said this weekend- it is extraordinarly spread now. No stopping it, never could stop it. Virus is going to virus. Only could mitigate to levels that hospitals could control, and then try to isolate/trace. Which is what every state is doing. Massive jump on vaccine testing, multiple treatments already working, death rates skyrocketing down from April even with more tests. An absolute gem of a plan from the national level. 

But...we freak out over hearing of a "positive" case still. And the fate of young children education hanging in the balance for the fall now too. 

The plan was perfect. The hysteria and overreaction has derailed it. 

I am glad to hear how successful Iowa HS sports were this summer though. One more step to waking up the country of how we can be normal, not the abnormal. 

@Iowamom23 posted:

Yep. Once we elect someone who will actually create a real plan to address the virus, instead of burying his head in the sand while thousands die and our economy tanks, we will get it taken care of. Let's have the election tomorrow!

Note to self: Another topic I won't be visiting again.

Is Uncle joe your savior?

Talk about 'head in the sand' lefties sure are a hoot.

I've brought this up to several people on the left who are critical of every move made by a R elected official. How is it that travel ball and collegiate summer teams have been able to operate the past 6 weeks with no reports of mass outbreaks, coaches getting sick, umpires getting sick, kids getting sick, and fans getting sick? There are tens of thousands of teams travelling all over the place to play travel tournaments with nothing more than a "must wear your mask entering the facility" policies. 

It's funny that MLB can't go more than a couple of weeks without threatening to shut down and travel and collegiate summer teams can go this long with no major issues. 

Guessing you never received a coherent answer/response?

I've brought this up to several people on the left who are critical of every move made by a R elected official. How is it that travel ball and collegiate summer teams have been able to operate the past 6 weeks with no reports of mass outbreaks, coaches getting sick, umpires getting sick, kids getting sick, and fans getting sick? There are tens of thousands of teams travelling all over the place to play travel tournaments with nothing more than a "must wear your mask entering the facility" policies. 

It's funny that MLB can't go more than a couple of weeks without threatening to shut down and travel and collegiate summer teams can go this long with no major issues. 

Travel ball and HS players don’t go to strip clubs and casinos as frequently as MLB players do. 

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