adbono posted:Zia2021 posted:ADBONO, thanks for the input. Some of us on this thread already know each other personally, and are well aware of the things you said and agree with them. So we started from a point where all that was assumed and moved forward into some specifics. But you did a good job of summarizing a lot of valid points from many other threads for new people who stumble upon this thread.
Gotcha. If that’s the case have you thought about a group PM?
I decided to start it here to allow as many 2021s to participate as possible thinking we could take it to a PM if needed at some point. Plus, these public forums are searchable, but PMs are not. It’s nice to be able to search back on posts when needed. I also thought all the old timers could add info if they wanted to help us out, but could also ignore us if they wanted as well. :-)