DD2024 ...
Make a business plan. In the heart of recruiting it would be a “how good am I” target plan. In your son’s case it would be a “how good can I become/potential” plan. But it has to be realistic as opposed to a dream. Talk to his travel coaches. Ask how good is he? How good can be become? My son and I did this while he was having an all conference season soph year of high school and was already joining a 17u travel team. His was a how good am I combined with how much bigger, faster, stronger and better player can I become. At 6’ 160 he had more potential.
Then select target conferences. Decide which teams in the conference are academic, baseball, financial, social and cultural fits. The list can be 50+. Some won’t be interested. Some your son will lose interest as he learns about them.
A good travel coach will be able to presell a player. But when the showcase or tournament occurs the player better produce to the expectation sold by the coach. This is why it’s important to ask yourself, “Is my kid ready to show what he has?” He doesn’t have to look like a D1 pitcher now. He has to look like he’s going to develop into one.
A travel coach making a phone call is the best way to be introduced to a program. Otherwise send emails expressing interest in the college and the program what showcases and tournaments they attend.
Keep in mind the higher up the food chain you go the more the program chooses the player than vice versa. The absolute studs get lots of options.
At a (large classification) high school game a dad asked if my son dominates travel games. The dad was shocked when I told him on a given day he may be the star. But there’s a field full of players just like him. There are a lot of really good players out there. This is before considering the studs. My son was a position player. After metrics a lot is subjective. The one advantage a pitcher has is the reading on the radar gun is not subjective. It’s real. Spin rate is real.
When it nets out is anyone telling the kid he’s a pro prospect and not just a potential pro prospect? If not a top ten round prospect (84% of American MLBers come from the top ten rounds) a kid should be looking for the best education combined with the best baseball experience regardless of level. It’s called the forty year plan. College is setting the kid up for life.