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Originally posted by GatorGuyDallas:
Hey funnell,

The bracket on the UIL site has Marcus matched up with Keller and Flower Mound with Fossil Ridge.

I'm guessing you know who you are playing so the bracket got entered incorrectly.

Just an fyi . . .

Yeah, I saw that. We talked about that last night at our district meeting. Don't know what happened, but I know we are supposed to play fossil ridge because we lost our tiebreaker and they won their's.
Well, I was at the Coppell Grapevine game to scount 2 players. I posted earlier in the season that Coppell shouldn't be so caught up in their press clippings. They just didn't look that good and the coach seemed pretty cocky from all accounts and some things I witnessed at that time kind of confirmed it.

5-0 Gravine.

I can't believe they only played them a one game series. Arrogance can become your death.
He is an excellent coach. I didn't ask about the flip. Nice job by Grapevine, but it doesn't change the post I wrote on here back in February.

The Coppell team was reading and believing the clippings. Just my opinion, but the original post was right on. I will see if I can locate it. My observations told me something like this was inevitable. Plus there is some rivalary there, I don't know when it started (seasons past maybe). Bu I do know it perpetuated itself in the preseason Baylor tournament.
Top shelf, you bring up something very interesting. I noticed last night that the Grapevine kids were very "spirited" last night throughout the game. Nothing bad or anything, they just seemed really upbeat, in to the game, and loud.

They were fun to watch.

I feel for Coppell. I have been in those shoes as a coach, and as a player. It was tough to watch them after the game.
Top Shelf and others. The Media gave the hype on these guys at Coppell. We would often say as a team how we wished it weren't so, all the hype and stuff. We do have great players at Coppell and none of them are cocky even with all their accomplishments over the years, but they are all capable of not putting it together in any given night. The neat thing about this Coppell team watching it and knowing these guys personally is to see their humility. People speak from afar thinking things that are just not true. kettler, Walsh, Morris, etc.. are the most soft spoken, humble guys of the bunch. They didn't read their press clippings or rest on their laurels, they worked hard to achieve. It didn't go their way lastnight , Grapevine had a great game, caught every line drive, took pitches to get walks, and had a darn good lefty and seemed to be a good team all around. That was where the win came from, not from guys sitting on the other side cocky arrogant or whatever else you have impuned Coppell with. Give grace it could have been your son, your nephew, etc.. on the Coppell side lastnight. Try not to be so negative, these are just 18 year olds for crying out loud. I think for the most part all of these guys will have future success, and if not in baseball, in life because of the caliber of kids they are and families they have come from. Wish you could be a fly on the shoulder of one of these guys at their weekly bible studies and see what they are really like.
That was a great post Catscradle. I know a couple of these young men on this team. Been watching them play since they were 9 or 10 years old. Beast JR. has hung out with them a few times over the years.And I can say for certain the times I spent around them they were always most respectful kids around. I don't believe they were reading there press clippings. And when I would see them out somewhere they would always ask about Junior and not brag about anything they had done. I always had to pry it out of them. Good luck to the righty and the lefty at the next level. I have enjoed watching you play over the years.
i ditto the Beast. My son is a senior at Grapevine and while I was thrilled for them, I understand how the Coppell boys must feel.

My son has played with, and/or knows many of the Coppell players and they are great kids. Hermans, Kettler, Walsh, Elkins, and Morris are off to bright new futures and we wish them all the best.
Here is what was said:
Top Shelf
Posted April 01, 2009 03:40 PM Hide Post
Coppell's 11-6?

Just 2 cents from the scouting road.

Yes some decent teams beat them but you can't lose 6 games in the first month and be what they read about themselves. I have had to scout 2 games thus far and have an opinion of them. They seem to be at little out of sync. I don't know why but something is off. I think it hurts them in the long run, of course you can always get it together. Their coach is acting pretty cocky according (a rumbling I am hearing from other coaches).
Posts: 38 | Location: Dallas, Texas | Registered: December 23, 2008

Ignored post by Top Shelf posted April 01, 2009 03:40 PM Show Post

Posted April 02, 2009 12:01 AM Hide Post
Originally posted by Top Shelf:
Coppell's 11-6?

Just 2 cents from the scouting road.

Yes some decent teams beat them but you can't lose 6 games in the first month and be what they read about themselves. I have had to scout 2 games thus far and have an opinion of them. They seem to be at little out of sync. I don't know why but something is off. I think it hurts them in the long run, of course you can always get it together. Their coach is acting pretty cocky according (a rumbling I am hearing from other coaches).

Top Shelf,

I agree with you. They just seem a little off and there is no real stick that stirs....yet. But don't let the 6 L's fool you, they are "better than that".

There is still time to right the ship and a first place finish in 6-5A should give them a good path in the playoffs.

As for the coach, he should take responisiblity for at least 3 of the L's and he is not coaching the same way he has in the past which some would say is a good thing but I disagree.

The Cowboys still look better than most that I have seen.
Posts: 478 | Location: Coppell | Registered: May 08, 2006

Ignored post by ACowboyFan posted April 02, 2009 12:01 AM Show Post

Top Shelf
Posted April 02, 2009 03:20 PM Hide Post
We are in agreement for the most part. They look better on paper than most but thats why the games are played.

It's the coaches job to manage this thing and he seems to be caught up in the moment. I don't know him well, I have met him. Many I know say he is acting like a different guy. So for Coppell to get right the players will have to overcome that or he will have to change which seems unlikely. You would think he would be humbled by the record and have taken steps on his part to right the ship already.

It's just rare that talent wins over comparable talent that has some chemistry.
Originally posted by funneldrill:
Had nothing to do with arrogance. Coppell wanted a 2 out of 3, Grapevine wanted 1 game. Coppell lost the flip.

This has probably been discussed but what's the point of providing the 1 game vs 2 out of 3 option? Seems the playoffs should be about identifying the better team to move on and that's best done in a series, not one game.
Originally posted by Rock Dad:
Originally posted by funneldrill:
Had nothing to do with arrogance. Coppell wanted a 2 out of 3, Grapevine wanted 1 game. Coppell lost the flip.

This has probably been discussed but what's the point of providing the 1 game vs 2 out of 3 option? Seems the playoffs should be about identifying the better team to move on and that's best done in a series, not one game.

I wonder if the UIL might have this whole idea of the coin-flip wrong???? I wonder if it should be changed. Water under the bridge, but to paraphrase what funneldrill said in a different tread... (Doesn't seem like winning the district means a whole heck of a lot when a coin flip can take all advantages away from the team that fought like crazy to win their district).
Originally posted by Catscradle:
The Media gave the hype on these guys at Coppell. We would often say as a team how we wished it weren't so, all the hype and stuff.

I'm wondering about this. If they (coach, parents, players) wished it wasn't so all they had to do was turn the media away. Stop posing for cover shots, stop interviewing, and so on. But who would do that? Likely not any of us. Many have tried for years to be in a position to get that attention. All the attention can't help but make one's head swell (players, coach, parents). Not a criticism. Just seems to be how us humans work. We're all susceptible. Maybe not cocky but sure would boost your swag. Sure would mine. And then, maybe, just maybe, you let your guard down just a bit....I was already looking to a Coppell vs Houston Bellaire showdown.

Coppell had a good run through district but the team will be remembered by outsiders for under delivering. A life lesson. Someday they'll be better for it, I imagine, but they'll forever wonder how it happened. I'll be watchin for them in the college ranks.
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Rounds 2 and 4 are mandated as 1-game series -- this year's champions may be surprises.

I agree PD... I wish that there was somehow to have rules set in concrete. Whether its manditory 1 game or a 3 game series. Do away with the coin flips unless it is absolutely necessary.

This has to be an old subject but I just wish it was all uniform... just me
I don't necessarily agree that the playoffs, in any sport, is designed to determine the best team. The best teams are determined by the regular season.

The eventual champion is who handles the playoff grind the best.

Did anyone think the NY Giants of a couple of years ago was the best team in the NFL? No, but they won the Super Bowl.

I doubt anyone thinks the Colorado Rockies of a few years ago was the best team in the National League, but there they were in the World Series.

To me, the playoffs take the best teams during the regular season, then see who can navigate their way to the top...and that is what makes it great.

What fun would it have been to just hand Coppell a berth in the state tournament? Those Grapevine kids may lose next week, but they will always have that memory.

I, for one, wish my kid could have had a memory like that.
Top Shelf,
As someone who doesn't have a dog in this fight, I for the life of me, can't figure out your point here. I had a son who graduated last year, on a team with very high expectations and ended up in a one and done situation. The last thing I would have wanted, is some wanna be showing off about how he "called it". To be very honest with you, you are lucky that one of the Coppell dad's doesn't just bop you on the old schnozola. Why don't you give it a rest.
Last edited by Robert S.
Marcus vs Keller Fossil Ridge

F.R 3 - Marcus 0

Marcus gets 9 hits and scores no runs. Runners 1st and 2nd with no outs. No bunt. Picked off at 2nd on inside move on what looked like a double steal after no bunt. Runner thrown out at the plate with ball in shallow left.

Fossil Ridge played well with a lot of emotion. Got timely hits. Should be a good series.
Originally posted by FunToWatch:
I would not say stunning when they had only 2 hits through the first 5 innings, some easy dropped balls went FM's way and Keller had to pull their starter.

Hmmm...3 homeruns, two of which were grand slams in a single inning and that's not stunning? Not sure what your used to but its not something I see every game. I know that Keller is a way better team then what I saw last night and I personally was stunned by the 10 run inning by Flower Mound after being down 3-0. I thought the thing that hurt Keller the most were the 4 hbp and numerous walks. All put on by hbp scored. The two dropped balls allowed one run and the inning to extend, of course. The two dropped balls were never seen by the Keller players due to the poor lighting at dusk. You can blame the Keller players if you want, but I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that they could not see the "easy dropped fly balls" as you called them.
Last edited by HRKB

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