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I know most of you probably won't read this, but I just wanted to say something.

I know most of the people on this site are coaches, and parents of kids that love the game of baseball. I myself am only a seventeen year old kid, and have been following this site since I was fourteen. I've hardly made any posts,actually I just registered in November, because I don't need to. There's so many people on here that know an incredible amount about this game. And you all are the reason I will be playing college baseball next year.

But what I really wanted to say is that this website should be a place where people come to talk about and share information about baseball. The game we all love. It seems too many people on here are acting like kids, and being too quick to speak. Starting arguments that don't need to be started. 99 percent of you on here know more about this game than I do, but maybe if everyone listens more and speaks(types) less,the harsh arguments will decrease.

This will be the last post I make, and I'll continue following this incredible site that has taught me so much about baseball.

Thank you.
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Great post kid and very well stated. You make some great points and I know in the past few months I'm guilty of everything you just said. I like to think I realized that and tried to back down back to more reasonable posts. State my opinion and move on.

Best of luck to you this season and in college. Please drop back by and let us know how it goes.
You're wrong --- MOST of us will read this! Smile
Thanks for your opinion ---- much needed. First of all, the reason you will be playing college baseball is because of YOU and NOT the HSBBW.
There are a million different OPINIONS in this world and you, like most of us (myself included), don't agree with all of them. We have to be selective in what we agree with. That's what makes us an INDIVIDUAL. I don't like the arguments started here on the HSBBW either but at the same time we can learn something from them. If nothing else we can learn how NOT to act on a message board.
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
Coloradokid , your'e going to college because you put the work in to achieve your goal . The folks on this website are knowledgeable but you got there on ability and hard work . True we are sometimes childish but hey , we earned that right from all the work and sacrifices we made with our kids so we get to act dumb at times . Good luck on your future and keep us up to date on your progress . What college will you be attending and if your'e going on an athletic or academic scholarship ?
Kid: Glad you had the guts to post! I've been wondering how many newcomers we have scared away with the recent tone. If you've been following this site for some time, you know it's a great place ith valuable advice and experience sharing. But someone discovering the site for the first time during this winter season might read a few of the most recent posts and get a totally different picture of what it's all about.
Originally posted by dblinkh1:
Coloradokid don't discount what you can add to this discussion board. Most of us are well beyond our playing years and you are right in the middle of it. You bring the perspective of playing the game now and as evidence from the responses you have gotten from this post, people will listen.

Great point. Most of us are adults and far removed from the HS baseball field. A perspective from those actually playing right now may be a breath of fresh air. It may also give us some perspective of what the kids are actually thinking and feeling, not just our speculation on what's going on.

Keep your posts coming kid!
IMHO there are many reasons why its great that this site goes off the beaten baseball path at times.

1. On this site people do not become friends because of a single topic, we become friends when we begin to understand each others make-up and that's where GREAT information is fleshed out.

2. It's a natural evolution for a successful site to evolve into more than a "baseball only" site because of personal interactions.

3. If there where not friendships on this board it would be complete choas instead of adults "letting our hair down" (if you have any) once in a while Big Grin

4. Most of the people on this board are parents and I think it is refreshing and therapeutic that us adults remove ourselves from our kids "dream" and share conversations with people that have the same baseball passion.

5. This site is about the make-up of a baseball families lives and while I understand and respect the view of a player, they do not understand the complexities of being a parent or an "older adult".

6. I for one would find this site boring and would probably find another "friend site" if it was "baseball only".

7. The downside of being involved with a successful forum is that as the number of members increase, so does the number of "numskulls". The evolution continues. The dilemma is whether or not to lower yourself that level when they go off or ignore it and let them slowly fade away.

8. Message boards are like conversation and many times include spontaneous responses. I doubt many would reply to these issues if it was purely a "one-n-done" message board. COkid sit back and listen to the conversations within your group of friends and I'll bet you will find the same inter-relationships there as we have hear. A Utopian baseball site with the perfect answer and no arguments will never happen because of the "passion" for which we speak.

Coloradokid, you seem like a great kid, communicate well, have passion for the game, and I sincerely ask that you put your fingers on the keyboard and share your thoughts with us on all topics.
Last edited by rz1

Great post! I sincerely hope this is not true:
"This will be the last post I make,"

I believe this part IS true:

"It seems too many people on here are acting like kids, and being too quick to speak. Starting arguments that don't need to be started."

As you'll read in a few other recent discussions, over the winter we often seem to suffer from "cabin fever" here, or at least baseball withdrawal. Shorter fuses than usual.

We'll get back to a more positive attitude soon, though there will always be disagreements, some of which escalate into fights. That is pretty much inevitable with Internet discussion boards.

But you know what? It's mature 17-yr olds like you (plus the rest of us who are a bit older than 17) Wink who can help to turn the problem around each time, by posting reminders like you did, or posting calmly and kindly in a problem thread. That's a good example of what makes this a special community, still going strong after more than a decade (actually about 12 years now).

Keep posting, coloradokid!

Last edited by MN-Mom

Don't assume too much when reading off-topic posts or those of people having a disgreement. The internet, for all it's modern marvels, has some severe limitations for personal communication.

First, the inability to see one another, read faces and body language contributes to misunderstandings not only of what is written, but also tone and intent.

Also, disagreements that last days on the internet likely would be over and dismissed in ten minutes if the participants were having the discussion over a cold one in a neighborhood pub. Instead, due to work and other real life obligations, a back and forth of even just three or four posts per participant can take days on the internet and give the impression of an ever lasting argument.

Honorable people can disagree, sometimes severely. But the internet is poor place to judge those people, especially if you are trying to make generalizations.

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